土木在线论坛 \ 人才招聘 \ 职场问答 \ 北京疏浚公司诚聘--首席工程师


发布于:2008-12-02 22:32:02 来自:人才招聘/职场问答 [复制转发]

有意者请将简历和照片发送至: david@jobsitechina.com
Dredging Company Ltd
Recruitment Criteria – July 2008
Our Company is a Hong Kong based company focused onintroducing new and novel environmental dredging technologies to China and Asia. We are now opening our first office in Beijing to start our commercial operations in mainland China. Primarily our strategy is to operate dredging projects via JV companies together with strong local partners such as
Changjiang Wuhan Waterway Engineering Bureau. In this first stage we are
looking for a strong management team to develop and manage the business
in these first important days of the company’s commercial development. The
Beijing based management team will be consisting of; Chief Engineer, Production Manager and Sales Director. Over time each department director will be responsible for recruiting and buil** separate departmental teams.

CHIEF ENGINEER 首席工程师-疏浚或者水利行业经验,英语良好

1 、疏浚或者水利工程行业至少 3 年的经验

2 28 周岁以上,男女不限

3 、工作地点在北京,经常进行全国范围内的工程洽谈和实施,需要能出差

4 、外企待遇,对于条件好者,待遇开放式面议。

The first task is to develop systems of first class engineering practice and planned maintenance for the company’s proprietary environmental dredging

platforms. Secondly the task is to lead the development of the **** Dredge

Technology and to introduce and incorporate new environmental applications. To assist in the development the Chief Engineer will work in close cooperation with our Chief Technical Director as well as our China based partners. The

applicant needs to have a strong background in technical engineering as well as comprehensive knowledge of the Chinese dredging industry.

[ 本帖最后由 swd3rfv 于 2008-12-3 19:51 编辑 ]

全部回复(6 )

只看楼主 我来说两句
  • douwenbo
    douwenbo 沙发
    2008-12-15 20:31:15

    回复 举报
  • zzb105
    zzb105 板凳
    2008-12-14 12:31:14

    回复 举报



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