土木在线论坛 \ 给排水工程 \ 给排水资料库 \ 帮忙翻译下


发布于:2008-04-29 16:22:29 来自:给排水工程/给排水资料库 [复制转发]
In this study two bench scale activated sludge systems were used, a CSTR and an SBR for the treatment of coke – oven wastewater. Both reactors were inoculated with activated sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant. At the first stages of operation, reactors were feed by a mixture of municipal wastewater and synthetic wastewater. Full acclimatization of the microorganisms to synthetic wastewater was achieved in 60 days. The operation of the reactors was divided into three distinct periods. The first period was characterized by the treatment of high organic but non-toxic synthetic wastewater. During this period COD and BOD5 removal efficiencies reached 95 and 98% respectively, in both reactors. Nutrient removal was better in the SBR reactor rather than in the CSTR. In the second period phenol was added in concentrations up to 300 mg/l. Degradation of phenol started about the 20th day after its introduction to the reactors. In this period no effects of phenol to nutrient removal were observed, whereas the removal efficiency of organic matter in both reactors was slightly decreased. During the third period phenol concentrations of the influent were gradually increased to 1000 mg/l, while cyanide and thiocyanite were added to the influent composition to concentrations reaching concentrations of 20 and 250 mg/l respectively. The composition of the influent of this period was a full assimilation of coke oven wastewater. Introduction of increased phenol concentrations along with cyanide compounds initiated irreversible effects on the activated sludge microfauna of the CSTR causing inherent problems to the treatment process, while SBR showed greater capacity to withstand and degrade toxic compounds. The beginning of this period was characterized by decreased settleability of the suspended solids as well as decrease of organic matter and nutrient removal efficiencies. Monitoring of the effluent characteristics during this period reported over 90% for organic load, 85% of nutrient removal and over 90% of phenol and cyanide removal in SBR, while the removal efficiencies for the CSTR were 75, 65 and 80% respectively.
KEYWORDS: SBR, CSTR, phenol, cyanide, coke oven, activated sludge

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  • hillsea
    hillsea 沙发
    翻译的很不错了! !!很好!!!
    2009-11-07 16:34:07

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  • gaoyanfei051525
    2008-08-08 13:27:08

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