土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑方案设计 \ 建筑与花园相交,亲近自然—— 日本·AKM幼儿园和托儿所

建筑与花园相交,亲近自然—— 日本·AKM幼儿园和托儿所

发布于:2024-06-26 13:27:26 来自:建筑设计/建筑方案设计 [复制转发]

幼儿园位于熊本县足北郡,这里山峦叠翠,海岸线优美。由于暴雨导致河水泛滥,现有的托儿所建筑被洪水淹没,因此我们规划了一个 "山顶托儿所,保护儿童免受洪水侵袭",在地面上铺设土壤,并将地面高度设定为高出地面 2 米。
The nursery stands in Ashikita-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture, which has lush green mountains and beautiful coastlines. In response to the flooding of the existing nursery building due to a river overflow caused by heavy rains, we planned a "hilltop nursery to protect children from flooding" by placing soil on the ground and setting the floor level at 2 meters above the ground.


Based on the concept of the characteristic landscape where the sea and mountains intersect, we aimed to create a nursery where the building and the garden intersect, and children can easily get close to nature.

The large, undulating garden encourages children to exercise, and the wide variety of plants stimulates children's curiosity, thus providing disaster preparedness as well as solving childcare issues such as children's lack of physical activity and decreased outdoor play.

For the interior, theme colors were chosen from the attractive landscape of the region to give each space its own character. To create a comfortable living environment, a portion of the walls and ceilings were made of wood to improve humidity control. The floor is made of comfortable solid wood flooring to enhance the relaxing effect. Furniture was designed to be integrated with the interior design and age to create a unified space.

U 形、宽阔、朝向室外的平面设计,加上大开口,使自然光和风能够充分进入房间深处,从而创造出一种可持续发展的建筑。连接建筑内外的露台上有一个游泳池,孩子们可以轻松戏水,还可以利用水的汽化热将冷空气引入建筑。地标式的建筑外观向社区开放,将扎根于社区,为儿童提供一个安全的成长场所。

The U-shaped, wide, exterior-facing floor plan with large openings allows natural light and wind to fully reach deep into the rooms to create a sustainable architecture. A swimming pool on the terrace connecting the inside and outside of the building allows children to play in the water easily and also brings cooled air into the building using the vaporization heat of the water. The landmark-like appearance of the building, which is open to the community, will be rooted in the community and provide a safe place for children to grow up.



建筑师:HIBINOSEKKEI, Kids Design Labo, Youji no Shiro
面积:956 m2
摄影:Ryuji Inoue

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经验值 +10