响水文化艺术中心坐落于灌河旁的小城响水,是一座集多功能剧院,图书馆,档案馆,妇女儿童活动中心一体的大型文化综合体。各功能单体在一层设有独立入口,在二层可联通便于串联。在微倾远眺的屋檐庇护之下,涟漪宫位于建筑群的西南角,以对望之势与文体公园对面的县体育馆遥相呼应。介景建筑事务所(ATAH)为本案提供一体化设计。 Located in the county of Xiangshui beside the Guan river, the Xiangshui Culture & Arts Center (XACC) is a large cultural complex that integrates a multifunctional theater, a library, an archive, and a women's and children's activity center. Each functional unit has its own entrance on the ground level and can be connected on the second floor courtyard for wander. Under the shelter of the roof, Ripple Palace is located at the southwest corner of the complex, echoing the county gymnasium across from the cultural and sports park. ATAH provided the integrated design for this project. ▲剧院位于街角 ▲剧院外微地形关系 ▲剧院主入口与广场 观众沿西南角的地景折返而上,从夹层标高到达涟漪宫的正入口。这座约5000平方米的多功能剧院,由西侧主入口大堂、次入口等候厅、主观众席和配置主次侧台的舞台空间和其他辅助空间组成。本着集约建设的原则,在平面上将近800人坐席设在单层,并在观众席上方的剖面高度叠加了排练间,培训空间等环绕屋顶花园的辅助功能单元。建筑师希望在立体的维度打破传统剧院平面布局带来的范式感受,为人们提供一个情感强烈,充满地域文化联想的空间。 The audience turns back along the southwest corner of the grounds-cape and reaches the main hall from the mezzanine level. This multifunctional theater of approximately 5,000 square meters consists of a main entrance lobby on the west side, a secondary entrance waiting space, a main auditorium and a stage space with primary and secondary side stages and other auxiliary spaces. Based on the principle of intensive construction, nearly 800 people are seated on a single level in plan, and rehearsal rooms, training spaces and other auxiliary functional units around the roof garden are superimposed on the height of the profile above the auditorium. The architects hope to break the paradigm of traditional theater layout in a three-dimensional dimension and provide a space with strong emotion and full of regional cultural associations. ▲剧院前厅 ▲剧院前庭 ▲剧院次入口 ▲廊下近景 ▲剧院前厅细节 ▲剧院前厅局部 以水为媒,形态、辅道、舞台灯光以及声学被建筑师整合进了动态涟漪的韵律之中。连续动态变化的界面如同立体主义的雕塑牵引着观众不自觉的在如峡谷溪流般的空间中漫步张望。站在城市街道的视角,以大厅为背景,表演活动的看与被看的关系被翻转了,一种公共建筑城市界面的丰富性得以被实现。 Using water as a medium, form, auxiliary paths, stage lighting and acoustics are integrated by the architects into a dynamic ripple rhythm. The continuous dynamic change of the interface is like a cubist sculpture that pulls the audience to unconsciously stroll and look in the space like a canyon stream. Standing in the perspective of the city street, with the hall as the background, the relationship between seeing and being seen of the performance activity is flipped, and the richness of the urban interface of a public building is realized. ▲剧院入口人视细节 ▲剧院入口仰视细节 ▲剧院内景 ▲剧院内景 ▲剧院内景 ▲剧院观众席全景 ▲剧院内侧壁细节 作为中国小戏艺术之乡的响水,即希望本地的文化精品能有更好的展示舞台以走出去;也希望高规格的外地演出能走入小城人民的文化日常之中。自本案建成开放以来的数十场场的文艺演出已将其中曼妙编入了众多观者的回忆之中。本案作为文化艺术中心建筑群最重要的组成部分,在昼夜变化之际化身为活化小城文化生活的场所,真正提供一种向内外双向蔓延的城市活力。 As the hometown of Chinese small opera art, Xiangshui hopes that the local cultural products can have a better stage to go out; it also hopes that high-profile foreign performances can come into the cultural daily life of the people in the small city. Since the opening of this project, dozens of cultural performances have been woven into the memories of many viewers. As the most important part of the Cultural Arts Center complex, this project has become a place to revitalize the cultural life of the small city during the change of day and night, truly providing a kind of urban vitality that spreads both inside and outside. ▲model ▲model ▲model ▲model ▲街角剧院黄昏 ▲剧院融入城市夜景 ▲停摆的工地现场 ▲剧院土建内景 ▲悬挑的网架屋面 ▲剧院大堂GRG挂板施工 技术图纸 DRAWINGS ▲剧院平面 ▲theater section ▲program diagram
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只看楼主 我来说两句 抢板凳学习了盐城新地标:响水文化艺术中心设计方案和结构,多谢了。
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