'The Pavilion of Floating Lights' aims to reinvent East Asian timber architecture, especially '-ru', the East Asian equivalence of a pavilion on a bigger scale. Traditional assembling technics and structural systems such as wooden brackets are re-created in six tree-like columns of the project. These tree structures pay homage to the six pillars of the front side of Chokseok-ru built in 1365, the most symbolic building in the city of Jinju, Korea where the project is located.
Also, the project is intended to prevent using nails and adhesives in order to inherit original carpentry. However, for better construction productivity, complex plywood members fabricated by a CNC router were assembled to form tree structures by virtue of Augmented Reality. In this way, 'The Pavilion of Floating Lights' showcases the potentiality that the forgotten craftsmanship in East Asian architecture can be reborn with the technology of our time.
In addition, the project proposes a new type of '-ru' as a civic platform for the city of Jinju, one of the most historical towns in the southern province of Korea. Originally, the definition of '-ru' is an iconic building with elevated floors to have open views for private uses or military observation. However, the project converts the traditional purpose '-ru' to more public sides. The site faces the Namgang River which has been a background for notable historical events in the city. The project aims to be an icon alongside the river, in particular, for the Floating Lights Festival which is a well-known local event.
Furthermore, the project becomes a place where visitors can experience natural and urban environments. Before the city was urbanized, the riverside was surrounded by bamboo forests. Inspired by this lost scene and memory of the city, tree columns generate an interior space like a pathway between forests. Also, the glass walls of three sides blur the boundary between inside and outside to realize the idea of openness. Finally, the tree structure creates the characteristics of the project, firstly its own interior atmosphere, and secondly a symbolic figure from the outside.
面积:110 m2
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高空长悬臂雨篷结构深化设计研究公共建筑在设计过程中,需考虑建筑物的总体环境布局、功能关系、空间组合、造型艺术及经济性等因素,而在艺术造型设计中,现代框剪结构公共建筑屋面雨篷结构设计形式,通常采用单次或多次悬挑的钢筋混凝土长悬臂结构,并在结构表面覆盖装饰性板块材料。 受现浇结构混凝土构件成型工艺及原理的影响,在传统施工过程中,高空长悬臂结构构件通常采用落地式钢管脚手架支撑系统或斜撑型钢梁卸载平台支撑系统进行施工。支撑系统产生的措施费用与建筑物高度及结构、建筑施工周期成正比。
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