土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 水鉴林蔭:南昌 华润·润府首开区 | UMS里表都会

水鉴林蔭:南昌 华润·润府首开区 | UMS里表都会

发布于:2024-06-19 13:22:19 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]




Experience is an abstract and broad concept. But when it is applied in the landscape design in terms of interpretation of the venue’s functions and presentation of details, it can create an atmosphere that inspires resonance in people’s hearts and emotions. We search for design clues on the venue, while combining aesthetics and art and balancing minimalism and nature. We intend to pursue comfortable and enjoyable living experience by using sunlight, rain and dew to dispel the constraints of urban life, and using nature to soothe people's hearts.



The pure and peaceful spatial order can soothe our hearts, helping us to return to the slowly-flowing nature and harmony. Right here, we can taste the true meaning of life, enjoy natural dwelling that touchesour soul, and seek a venue &landscape experience that is imbued with nourishing forest, good quality, and abundant living aesthetics.



We hope that the overall spatial environment is neither glamorous nor simple, but rather exudes an elegant and textured temperament. The rigid and soft lines of geometric blocks interweave the rhythm of the space, presenting a multi-level and elegant temperament of the project. Through the collision of materials and space, we provide an interpretation of modern and classic art of natural living space.



The quiet and ethereal spatial order creates a sense of tranquility of arrival, allowing your mind to slowly calm down and feel peace and tranquility.



Wherever you take a rest, you can enjoy the shade of trees from the leaf tips within reach and the treetops above your head. You can breathe freely in the nature and live a comfortable life right here.



With forest crown above and water flow below, you can walk between the paths and streams to enjoy endless natural aroma and freedom of soul.



Along the intertwined movement paths, people can walk through it to go back home. Every time they wander and turn around, they can have wonderful experience of roaming under the forest and enjoy the harmonious relationship between nature, eternity, and tranquility.



The calm water surface, like a natural water-scenery corridor, reflects the sky and provokes your thoughts like a water mirror. Water and trees complement each other, eliminating the rigidity of surrounding buildings and incorporating more natural elements, making the house you live a part of the nature.



We try to avoid the sense of spatial occlusion caused by the large solid wall enclosure, breaking through the boundaries of space, and creating a more tasteful reception experience with the adoption of lighting, water environment, and plants. Here, the space, vision, sense, and context are more closely connected.



The elevated stacked water flows down in layers like mountain stream, making it more vivid in the vertical directionand bringing a sense of different scales in people’s vision and mind.



With gentle water and comfortable light, you can get relieved and make it a ritual to enjoy fresh, natural, private and tranquil time. The murmuring water scattered in the rationally-designed space appears even more mysterious and dreamy.



Delicate sunlight shines through the Chinese tallow trees and falls into this water courtyard. The swaying light and shadow, floating sculptures, warm sunlight, and rich height differences intertwine to create a flowing and romantic green atmosphere in the space. The design outlines the collision between nature and aesthetics, and the soft color tones make the environment fade away the external hustle and bustle, returning to the tranquility and comfort of the harbor.



Using water as a medium to render greenery, the space removes excess decoration and returns to a pure atmosphere of rest and tranquility. With a few strokes of line language interspersed with delicate natural feelings, it dissolves the coldness of the material and instead gives people a clearer inner feeling.



We attempt to permeate the naturalistic planting style scene and extend the field spirit and aesthetics of the super interface. Under the flowing water landscape foundation, we will shape a garden that goes back and forth, with vertical hierarchical changes and natural growth on floating mirror-like water, providing a participatory experience.



The soft and warm wooden decoration, wrapped in natural materials, you can listen to the sound of flowing water, and add more dynamic social interaction to a dynamic space. The peaceful garden with green coexistence introduces abundant nature and lush vitality, stimulating people to return to physical and emotional experiences.



People are constantly exploring the relationship between cities and nature, art, and life. At this time, we are rethinking the diversity of scenes and the functionality of homes, removing unnecessary landscape decorations and transitional designs, and truly creating living scenes that meet the real needs and value of homeowners. We are expressing the combination of living environment and nature in a more vivid and dimensional way, allowing a good environment to catalyze more neighborhood integration.



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