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一个可持续几个世纪的节能住宅 | 印度·Narsighar别墅

发布于:2024-06-19 13:18:19 来自:园林景观/园林景观实景 [复制转发]

房屋位于印度拉贾斯坦邦 Nokha 的干旱沙漠地区,吸收了拉贾斯坦邦几个世纪以来流行的区域建筑的传统规划原则。

Situated in the arid desert region of Nokha in Rajasthan, India, the Narsighar house imbibes the traditional planning principles of the regional architecture prevalent for centuries in Rajasthan.


Most of the houses & palaces built in this region for centuries had courtyards for passive cooling, thick stone walls to combat the excessive heat and stone ‘jali’ screens to mitigate heat gain.


Narsighar 房屋点缀着一系列庭院,建在附近的当地砂岩中。每个起居空间都通向有穿孔石板屏蔽的有遮蔽的户外空间。这些屏幕除了减少热量增加外,还可以保护内部空间免受该地区普遍存在的沙尘暴的影响。
The Narsighar house is punctuated with a series of courtyards and is built in the local sandstone available in the immediate vicinity. Each of the living spaces opens into sheltered outdoor spaces screened with perforated stone panels. These screens, in addition to reducing heat gain, also protect the inner spaces from the sandstorms prevalent in the region.


The home based on the client's needs to accommodate 4 generations has 9 bedrooms with multifunctional living spaces, sheltered courtyards, and patios all around.

In addition to the traditional planning principles, elements of traditional Rajasthan architecture, including multifoil arched windows, patterned stone screens, stone pergolas, inlay work, and carving work, accentuate the spaces. In India, Rajasthan is home to many craftsmen with specialties in stone carving, marble inlay, carpentry work, mirror work inlay, lime plastering, and more. The entire house was executed and worked upon by these local craftsmen, reviving many traditional techniques.


Although the house appears large, over 40% of the area is in the form of open courtyards, circulation spaces, and sheltered outdoor patios. Each volume is articulated individually, with the home being perceived as a composition of varying volumes.
An entry car porch opens into a sunlit courtyard that leads to a sheltered stone arcade, flanked by water troughs and gardens for passive cooling before one enters the house. The skylit entrance lobby within the house, flanked by a living room and an open seating area, leads one into a large central courtyard.


贯穿房屋的主庭院通过透明的多层窗户自然通风,流通环绕其周边。从部分上讲,内部有不同体积的流动。房间高4M,主客厅高6.5M,中央院高12M,南北院高8M,室外庭院高3.6M。房   子里的每个生活空间和卧室都通向有遮蔽的室外空间,在内部和外部之间形成过渡空间,以减少热量的增加。间接的阳光渗透到所有空间中,通过拱门或石屏风过滤,在一天中创造出不同的阴影图案。
The main courtyard punctuating the house is naturally ventilated through clear storey windows with the circulation skirting its perimeter. Sectionally, there is a flow of different volumes within. Most of the rooms are 4M high, with the main living room at 6.5M high, the central
courtyard to 12M high, the north and south courtyards 8M high, and the outdoor patios 3.6M high. Every living space and bedroom in the house opens into sheltered outdoor spaces, creating transitional volumes between the inside and the outside to mitigate heat gain. Indirect sunlight permeates all the spaces, filtered through arches or stone screens that create different shadow patterns throughout the day.

This house was designed with traditional principles and materials for passive cooling, with contract labor from the nearby villages, stone obtained from the vicinity, craftsmen from the region, and all materials sourced locally. The marble, stone, wood, lime plaster, and furniture were all procured from Rajasthan.

Narsighar 的设计与该地区的气候、位置和遗产相适应,复兴了印度的传统规划原则并复兴了传统工艺,创造了一个可持续几个世纪的节能住宅,并为子孙后代建造。
Designed contextual to the climate, location, and heritage of the region, Narsighar revives Indian traditional planning principles and revives traditional crafts, creating an energy-efficient home built to last for centuries, and for future generations.

▽一层平面图,fist floor
▽基层平面图,ground floor



客户名称:Mr Narsi Kularia




建筑师:Sanjay Puri Architects

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