土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 公装设计 \ 北京儿童医院新院区建筑工程


发布于:2024-06-17 13:48:17 来自:装修设计/公装设计 [复制转发]


The consortium of China IPPR International Engineering Co., Ltd. and von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects (gmp) recently won an international architectural design competition for the new campus of Beijing Children’s Hospital. Located in the Beijing E-town and adjacent to the Xinfeng River, the project, planned with a gross floor area of about 329,800 square meters and 1,200 beds on a 153,100 square meter site, will serve as the main campus of the National Center for Children’s Health, China, upon completion.


The design includes a large-volume building cluster that is centrally located at the site to serve as the clinical center. Additionally, the expansive campus accommodates a science and innovation building for teaching, training, research and administrative functions, an independent infectious disease center as well as designated areas s for the hospital’s long-term development. With plenty of daylight, human-oriented scale, diverse spaces and attractive landscapes, the project aims to create a new paradigm of a “community- and family-oriented, city-integrated” hospital and to build an “amusement park-like” children’s hospital full of fun and energy.

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资料简介   项目位于江西省赣州市章贡区沙河工业区板块,距离赣州河套老城区、张江新区6km,距离蓉江新区8km,属于赣州重点发展区域。 地块紧邻赣州绕城高速,距离赣州火车站1.7km,距离汽车站4.2km,目前没有进入市区的直达通路,但至周边县市交通较为便捷。  


经验值 +10