土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 小院闲窗 重帘未卷|香港置地壹江郡天湖屿

小院闲窗 重帘未卷|香港置地壹江郡天湖屿

发布于:2024-06-17 11:04:17 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]



Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom
In the meantime, be a happy person

△ 中庭水苑  ?麦微景观


Chongqing, by the Jialing River
Back to the big city, facing the river
Yijiang County, the first line of riverside resources
Facing the beautiful riverside glow, the tianhuyu villa group is performing the extreme riverside yearning of Chongqing people, and the villa garden has private gardens
Monopolize the courtyard of heaven and earth, and secretly hide the territory of the river bank in the heart of the city

△ 项目区位    ?麦微景观

大 与 小
Big & small

△ 空间分析  ?麦微景观


After receiving the task, the design team made an in-depth analysisof the project, and became accustomed to the construction method of largespace. How to excavate the life value of small space villa garden has becomethe main difficulty of our exploration

△ 方案推演  ?麦微景观


After many rounds of brainstorming and exploration in variousdirections, we tried modern style, minimalist style, Chinese style and othercommon styles in the market, but still failed to achieve our ideal effect.Finally, the design team overturned the previous more than a dozen versions ofthe plan, and re conducted in-depth research, starting from the customer group,to explore what the customer group buying this kind of villa is like? What arethe characteristics of the customer group? What are their functionalrequirements?


Through the analysis of traditional Chinese gardensin Suzhou, the design team refined the design skills and classic scenes ofWangshi garden, Humble Administrator garden and Lingering Garden. Afterintegrating these excellent designs, the design team had new ideas for thescheme. Combined with the living chara cteristics of modern people and the characteristicsof customers, we restarted a new round of design. Of course, during the designprocess, the team kept running in and carried out rounds of exploration. Everydetail was in pursuit of excellence. Each space was deliberated for more thanthree times before it was finally finalized.

△ 总平面图  ?麦微景观


Integrate scattered space and use space scaling to see the big fromthe small


La yout as many functions as possible in the site toprovide more possible life scenes for the owner. Every space has hidden thedesign of "careful thinking" to achieve the effect of differentscenery. Thinking all th e time all seaso n makes this courtyard have differentviewing effects in different seasons and at different times. Every space is aperfect integration of ornamental and functional, so that the owner can achievethe vision of a better life in the world of art.

△ 空间解析  ?麦微景观

中国古典园林是五千年的历史的沉淀, 是我们中华民族的艺术瑰宝, 从设计的角度来研究古典园林。



Chinese classical gardens are the precipitation of 5000 years ofhistory,It is the artistic treasure of our Chinese nation.Study classical gardens from the perspective of design.

Rational harvest --- summarize the characteristics for your own use
Perceptual cognition --- innovation and divergence, which meets theaesthetic needs of modern people.

虚 与 实 
Empty & Real





Reality is the actual existing entities in space, such as plants andbuildings; Virtual is the existence other than entity in space, such as light,shadow, fragrance and so on

The technique of creating reality is to integrate these richmeanings into the current physical environment and arouse people's emotionalexperience of these contents

Let the design have rich levels, let the visitors have theexperience of the space to play.

一方涟漪 一方礼序

Aripple a rite


The slanting trees are set off against the water, and the greenleaves of the trees are rustling in the breeze, surrounded by the sound of theripples. Walking and gossiping create a ritual and warm life scene. When thegreen is thick, about three or five friends, in this full of poetic life.



Between thesquare inch, has seen the landscape



The transformation of space is the expression of emotion. Theafterglow is projected on the wall through scattered branches and leaves, justlike a natural space full of artistic style.

Time slowly, watching the clouds, home ceremony, spontaneously.

自由如歌 幻彩光影
Freedom is like a song oflight

Create an unconstrained children's space, a natural multidimensionalspace for adults and children to play happily and interact here, play, learnand grow in parent-child interaction.

梦境中 烟花人间

C Dream of fireworks in the world


The br eeze blows, the shade wh ispers, looks like a group of lightgreen smoke, close to give a person with fresh, tranquil feeling. People drinktea, listen to the wind, gather and take a walk under the trees, enjoying thequiet time in the garden and feeling the natural temperature of leisurely life.

藏 与 显

hide & apparent



率直盘托而出,不著一字 尽得风流

含蓄隐晦,意贵乎远 境贵乎深


Frank dish to hold out, not a word as romantic

Implicit obscure, meaning expensive far expensive deep

The landscape of nature as the blueprint, by the twists and turns ofthe water, scattered mountains, circuitous path, uneven stone, secluded caveformed by the architectural environment of the nature of the scenery together,in order to borrow the scene of love, to express ambition.

人间四月 岁月流淌

Theworld April years flowing



The landscape uses the form of connecting corridors to connect indoorand outdoor natural landscapes, and the architecture and landscape penetrateeach other, creating a relaxing feeling of vacation.

The corridor space extends the dimension of space infinitely. Theindoor function is transferred to the outdoor space with the landscapecorridor, and the outdoor space extends to the indoor space. In the limitedspace, people can provide infinite possibilities and imagination.

穿连入廊 踏桥步林

Walk through the corridor bridge into the forest


Smart tree shadows and turbulent water scene outline a warm anddelicate holiday atmosphere.

疏 与 密
thin & dense





Sparse can go horse, airtight, white when black
There are sparse and dense spatial layout, through the carving ofspace, let the picture produce a sense of fluency
The simple concept of less is more, creating the artistic conceptionof painting, the white space is the extension of the physical scene space, eventhe static picture can also trigger the dynamic imagination of the audience, sothat the picture produced elegant spirit dynamic.

△ 空间剖面  ?麦微景观

一方一院一楼阁 一目一树一烟雨
One courtyard one pavilion one eye one tree one mistyrain


In the sunken space, the spiral staircase is used as the frame.Although the picture is filled, the visual progression from near to far canmake the picture produce a flowing sense of connection and realize the sense ofspace of linear perspective.

一堂伏羲琴 一曲广陵散
A Fu Xizhi a piece of Guangling scattered


The immersive life experience space creates a relaxed andcomfortable mood and an elegant artistic life

树影婆沙 婷婷婀娜

Treeshadow Posha Ting Ting graceful


With modern simple way, restore the truth of life, to create anatural and comfortable, leisurely living, interactive holiday slow life


No longer confined to the traditional design, it gives the spaceimmersive experience. In the new consumption era today, floating, relaxed,comfortable, free to come and go, is the new experience given by the site.




From the sc heme to the construction landing, thedesigner has come to the site for many times to provide on-site guidance, andeach space site is carefully carved and controlled to ensure that the finalpresentation effect can restore the design. When selecting seedlings, the keyplants are photographed on site, and then put into the model to observe whetherit is appropriate to ensure that the effect of the plants meets theexpectations, and then the seedlings are implanted into the site. Suchmeticulous work can ensure the final presentation effect of the projectproject.


项目名称 | 重庆香港置地壹江郡天湖屿样板花园

项目地点 | 重庆市,渝北区      

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