土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 公装设计 \ 深圳安信金融大厦


发布于:2024-06-14 10:01:14 来自:装修设计/公装设计






The site is located at the central financial district of Futian, Shenzhen with a stunning view of the Shenzhen Golf Club at the west.


The complex program of the tower includes two different headquarter offices, rental offices and financial trading halls. The design is shaped both externally by the public realm and internally by the complex functional needs: Externally, the building envelope extends the street frontages while the main building bulk is elevated above ground to create a clear passage that connects the entrance plaza and the central green axis of the district, blurring the boundary between inside and outside.


Internally, the simple and efficient layouts reflect the programmatic requirements of the different zones. Different functional zones with unique spatial configurations are stacked vertically and sandwiched with sky gardens and communal facilities to create a vibrant vertical city.


The design adopts a twin side core structure with exoskeleton reinforced by horizontal trusses. This structural system frees the central area of the floor and allows the creation of central communal court for the headquarter offices with a magnificent view of the golf course. Communal facilities such as conference rooms and library are distributed inside the communal court, creating a central hub for interaction. The court also helps to provide natural lighting, ventilation and improves the thermal performance of the building for a more sustainable working environment.


地点: 深圳

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极简则为奢华,奇普菲尔德纽约首作:The Bryant

The Bryant是英国建筑大师大卫·奇普菲尔德(David Chipperfield),在纽约的首个建筑作品。这位英国建筑师以其周密严谨、简约大气的设计风格而享有盛誉,在真正意义上实现“Less Is More”的设计理念。   图片来源于网络 经由David Chipperfield事务所建造而成的伦敦Gridiron办公大楼,法国兰斯美术博物馆,以及中国良渚文化博物馆,都是世界建筑史上具有划时代意义的建筑作品。


经验值 +10