土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 多维立体TOD | 沈阳旭辉铂辰时代

多维立体TOD | 沈阳旭辉铂辰时代

发布于:2024-06-12 16:54:12 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]


  • 泊车区的精神堡垒及水景通过白与金的配色让驶入旭辉铂辰时代及经过的人们一种平静奢华的气息扑面而来,层层递进的景观视野,打破空间的界限,呈现城市度假般的轻松明快氛围,也高度契合旭辉对住宅的景观追求,让业主仿佛身于高端度假酒店

    The spiritual fortress and waterscape of the parking area bring a calm and luxurious atmosphere to the people who drive into and pass through the era of Xuhui platinum Chen through the color matching of white and gold. The progressive landscape vision layer by layer breaks the boundaries of space, presenting a relaxed and lively atmosphere like urban vacation, which is also highly in line with Xuhui's pursuit of residential landscape, making the owner seem to be in a high-end resort hotel.  


The shady garden connecting the square with a wooden platform, with flexible lawns, shrubs and trees, carries multiple functions such as rest, reception, social networking and entertainment, making the landscape a carrier of coordinated and set off life feelings.

Ritual Preface

  • 门口两只鎏金镇宅狮,威严伫立,流光溢彩,熠熠生辉,和风拂过,树语嫣然,跌水自怜,缓缓而下,悠然山谷间,古韵入画来,似一幅“纳天地之葳蕤,容百泉之娟秀”的艺术画卷

    At the door, two gilded Town Lions stand majestically, glittering and shining, with the wind blowing, the tree whispering sweetly, falling water self pity, slowly descending, leisurely in the valley, the ancient charm into the painting, like an art scroll of "containing the luxuriance of heaven and earth, containing the beauty of all Springs".  



The welcome springs on both sides and the etiquette tree array with double rows of lanes are the first to start the journey home. The waterfall falls slowly down along the black water ripples, and the gurgling sound of running water comes face to face, giving people a pleasant and cheerful auditory feast. Under the light, the space is infinitely extended, giving people a feeling of progressive layers



  • 中轴秩序归家,以软硬景观的碰撞,细心的精致打磨,完美结合功能与形式

    The central axis returns home in order, with the collision of soft and hard landscapes, careful and exquisite polishing, and the perfect combination of function and form.  


The gentle stone and elegant waterscape dialogue, rigid and soft, the front space is as open as the wind and clouds, and the back space is as gentle and exquisite as the wave cutting jade. With "the jade explores the natural environment, and the nature explores the soul of the jade", return to the origin, and create an artistic living space of immersive slow life



Set up tables and chairs for rest and conversation to give users a comfortable outdoor home experience. Take a short rest, meditate and understand the changes of the sun and the moon and the natural sequence, so that the body can be empty and immersed in the space. The delicate and moist texture makes every moment of life have different meanings.


  • 组合的长廊与景墙将空间切割成一幅画,既相互独立又彼此关联,在各个空间通过玻璃材质的分割,纯粹而不加矫饰。在光影的穿透下,既丰富了空间层次,又使在会客时自成高雅悠然的生活空间。同时面朝着亲水平台,令人的心境温润而平静,渗透着东方的禅意

    The combined corridor and scenic wall cut the space into a painting, which is independent and interrelated. In each space, it is pure and unadorned through the segmentation of glass. Under the penetration of light and shadow, it not only enriches the spatial level, but also makes itself an elegant and leisurely living space when receiving guests. At the same time, facing the hydrophilic platform, people's mood is warm and calm, permeated with Oriental Z  


  • 序列层次的植被围合出一个静谧的林下空间,无水不成园,涌泉的形态满足居者亲水、近水的精神需求,营造大隐于市的舒适与静谧,界定空间的尺寸度,有限的场地最大化的利用了空间、墙体的形成空间的“藏”,鼓励了空间探索中不时出现的惊喜与互动

    The sequential level of vegetation encloses a quiet undergrowth space. There is no garden without water. The form of springs meets the spiritual needs of residents who are hydrophilic and close to water, creates comfort and tranquility hidden in the city, defines the size of the space, maximizes the use of space and the formation of walls, and encourages surprises and interactions in space exploration  


The combination of waterscape and leisure area has formed a sense of spatial hierarchy, allowing residents to slow down and transition their mood. In the fragrance of flowers and birds, shade and waterscape, it creates a shady leisure space for enjoying the cool, reading, talking and private enjoyment.


  • 木平台围合起林荫下的交流空间,坐在这感受林荫之下的负氧离子与穿过枝叶的光斑,会客交流小空间氛围拉满!

    The wooden platform encloses the communication space under the shade. Sitting here, you can feel the negative oxygen ions under the shade and the light spots passing through the branches and leaves, and the atmosphere of the small space for reception and communication is full!  


The double spaces of tree array and landscape wall are progressive layer by layer, focusing on the compound landscape space of "space function environment" in the future community.  


The three-level road meets the needs of returning home, gardening, rest and so on. Whether it is the efficient connection of returning home garden road or the straight and tortuous garden route, you can choose the route of returning home.


  • 大跨度的廊架形成嵌在星空里的光就像迷了路的星球掉进了一片绚丽的星海溅起的光晕总能给寻光而来的人带来无限的憧憬

    The light embedded in the starry sky formed by the long-span gallery is like a lost planet falling into a gorgeous sea of stars. The halo splashed can always bring infinite longing to those who come to find light  


Make full use of the space of the building to build the roof garden into a national interactive entertainment and rest place, so that householders can experience the feeling of star vacation here. The edge greening and the addition of plant clusters enrich the sense of hierarchy of the space.


  • 廊架与水景使整个空间的视觉焦点。在廊下坐凳闲坐独处,感受清风佛面,与邻里好友相约下午茶、纵情畅谈,携宠物相伴而行,享受惬意时光,不论是独处还是欢聚,不同人群的社交需求都可以在这里得到满足,这里既是适宜独处、安放自我的空间,也是与周遭事物产生亲密连接的场域

    The gallery and waterscape make the visual focus of the whole space. Sit on the bench in the corridor and be alone, feel the breeze and Buddha's face, meet with friends in the neighborhood for afternoon tea, talk freely, walk with pets, and enjoy a pleasant time. Whether alone or gathering, the social needs of different groups can be met here. This is not only a space suitable for being alone and placing yourself, but also a field that has a close connection with the surrounding things.  



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  • 未来生活的主旨不只是把空间作为一种华丽的展示,更需要匹配用户生活品质的气质,我们通过对空间场景的营造,细节的把控,诚意献礼沈阳人群

    The theme of future life is not only to regard space as a gorgeous display, but also to match the temperament of users' quality of life. We sincerely present Shenyang people through the creation of space scenes and the control of details


  • 施工组现场驻场,精准掌握设计意愿与施工技术要点,于材料质量、施工工艺、植物选型、细节工作等各方面严格把控,力求景观设计效果完美落地

    The construction team is stationed on the site, accurately grasp the design intention and key points of construction technology, and strictly control the material quality, construction technology, plant selection, detail work and other aspects, so as to strive for the perfect landing of the landscape design effect.


  • 要有个大点的院子,有树,最好是果树或花树。开花那几天在树下支张桌子,看繁花在风里、幕色里、月光中,还要有景,背山面海,每天看不一样的云,亦或瘫在椅子里看书,被书困倒,被夕阳晒醒


    There should be a larger yard with trees, preferably fruit trees or flowering trees. Set up a table under the tree in the days when it blooms. See the flowers in the wind, the curtain color, the moonlight in the Middle East, and have a view. Back to the mountain and face the sea, see different clouds every day, or collapse in a chair to read a book, get trapped by the book, and wake up by the sunset

    ——Feng Tang's "the ideal house in my mind" 

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