土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 公装设计 \ 传统的继承与再现:杭州之江文化中心


发布于:2024-06-07 16:49:07 来自:装修设计/公装设计 [复制转发]

对于这样重要的文化建筑,我们思考如何体现“传统”和“ ”。是否可以在具备必要的功能的同时,激发人们对文化的想象力,满足公众对文化参与的需求。

We asked ourselves how to deal with the legacy of 'tradition' and its place in such an important cultural building. Whether it was possible to fulfil its functions while stimulating people's cultural imagination and satisfying their need for community and cultural participation.


Zhijiang, also known as Qiantang River. It has witnessed civilisation from Shangshan culture to Liangzhu culture and nurtured the humanities of Qiantang and Wuyue. Today, it has seen a new  cultural  milestone - the Zhijiang Cultural Centre.


望江鸟瞰 ? RAWVISION studio

之江文化中心,地处杭州市西湖区之江板块 核心 ,用地面积258亩,总建筑面积32.1万平方米,总投资约32.3亿元,由浙江省博物馆之江馆、省图书馆之江馆、省非物质文化遗产馆、省文学馆以及公共服务中心组成。 项目始于2016年,工作室参与了项目的总体规划及城市设计国际竞赛,并与 浙江省建 筑设计研究院合作完成了项目的设计

Zhijiang Culture Centre, located in West Lake District in Hangzhou, with a land area of 258 acres. The construction area is 321,000 square metres and the total investment is about 3.23 billion. The whole project consists of the Zhijiang Branch of the Zhejiang Provincial Museum, the Zhijiang Branch of the Zhejiang Provincial Library, the Zhejiang Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, the Zhejiang Literary Centre and the Public Service Centre. The project began in 2016, with the studio participating in an international competition for the project's master plan and urban design, and working with the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Architectural Design to complete the project.



场地东面临江,西北面遥望群山,四周与城市交界。工作室采用了一种“分散+围合”的合院式布局,四栋建筑沿边均衡布置。 深灰色屋顶错落有致, 沿街一面相对较高,与周边建筑的尺度保持平衡。同时四个边角向城市开放,加强内外自然的联结,每个单体建筑的出入口亦可直达中心区域。中心处设置开放公园与下沉庭院,为地下空间提供足够采光通风,地下与四栋建筑互相连通,产生丰富的参观流线。 这样的布局形式来源于江南地区的传统合院民居,工作室希望通过这样的手法体现对传统的继承与再现。

The site is close to the Qiantang River to the east and the mountains to the north-west. The studio adopts a 'dispersed + enclosed' courtyard layout, with four buildings balanced along the edges. The dark grey roofs are staggered and relatively high along one side of the street, balancing the scale of the surrounding buildings. At the same time, the four corners are open to the city, reinforcing the connection between inner and outer nature, and the entrances and exits of each building also lead directly to the central square. In the central area are the park and the sunken courtyard, with adequate lighting and ventilation for the underground space, which provides sufficient circulation for the four buildings. The layout is derived from the traditional courtyard houses in Jiangnan, the studio would like to reflect the inheritance and reproduction of 'tradition' in the project.


俯瞰之江文化中心 ? RAWVISION studio

浙江省图书馆 之江馆  

Zhijiang Branch of Zhejiang Provincial Library  

图书馆之江馆 总建筑面积为8.5万平方米,共十一层,提供各类主题图书馆、报告厅、展厅及办公区。建筑 位于场地北侧,南立面因此获得大量的采光,北面采光不充分的区域恰好设置藏书库。图书馆整体造型采用采用体量组合和虚实交错的手法,弱化庞大的建筑体量。立面上的竖向切分增加了立面的单一性,并适应内部不同功能空间 需求。

The total building area of the library is 85,000 square metres, with 11 storeys providing themed libraries, lecture theatres, exhibition halls and office space.  As it is on the north side of the site, the south fa?ade could receive a lot of light, while the north side coincides with the stack room. Throughout the library, a block-cutting approach is used to soften the huge volume of the building.  Vertical cuts in the fa?ade enhance the singularity of the fa?ade and accommodate the different functional spaces inside.


图书馆面向广场一侧 ? RAWVISION studio


The fa?ade is designed with concave windows of different sizes according to certain modules, creating a regular fa?ade texture. It also intersperses large floor-to-ceiling windows and retreat areas to meet the specific lighting needs of the indoor reading and activity areas.


图书馆城市界面 ? RAWVISION studio

浙江省博物馆 之江馆  

Zhijiang Branch of   Zhijiang Provincial Museum

博物馆之江馆 是“四大馆”中单体建筑面积最大的一座场馆,建筑面积为 10万平方米,展陈面积约 3.2万平方米,包含15个陈列展览,建筑高度近60米。由于博物馆对 自然光线的需求较弱,因此位于场地南侧。

The museum is the largest among four buildings in terms of floor area, with a floor space of 100,000 square metres, an exhibition area of approximately 32,000 square metres with 15 exhibits and a building height of nearly 60 metres. Due to the low demand for natural light, the museum is located on the south side of the site.


左滑查看更之江馆建筑造型 ? RAWVISION studio

工作室以良渚文化中的的玉琮王为起点,选取天圆地方的元素,  融入主入口的立面设计。屋顶下的竖向格栅源于传统建筑的木构件。立面上的凹窗类似江南 民居高墙上的方窗, 并将山水画中水的形态具象化为几何的参数化设计,组成渐变的排列关系。

Starting from the Jade Cong of Liangzhu culture, the studio chose the concept of ‘Tianyuandifang’, and integrated it into the design of the main entrance fa?ade. The vertical grid under the roof is derived from the wooden elements of traditional architecture. The concave windows on the fa?ade are similar to the square windows on the high walls of Jiangnan houses, and the shape of water in landscape paintings is visualised as a geometric parametric design, forming a gradual arrangement.


之江馆夜景 ? RAWVISION studio


之江馆 中庭 ? RAWVISION studio


Zhejiang Intangible 

Cultural Heritage Museum

非遗馆 总建筑面积3.5万平方米, 位于场地东侧。场馆侧重文物遗存及非遗文化活态传承,空间场景多元化。 面向中心公园一侧设计了层层递进 的室外退台 ,将地面 的景观延续至 屋顶花园 ,同时 将室内空间延展至室外。

The heritage museum has a total area of 35,000 square metres and is located on the east side of the site. It focuses on cultural heritage and the living heritage of non-heritage culture, with a variety of spatial scenarios. A cascading outdoor terrace is designed on the side facing the central park, which continues the ground-level view to the roof garden and extends the indoor space to the outdoors.


非物质文化遗产馆 ? RAWVISION studio

立面上有 多处对外 展示窗口 ,对应 多层挑空展厅 因此整体 建筑高度较高 在面向城市道路一侧的高处直接向公众展示优秀的文化遗产——传统戏台;而在底层朝向内部广场展示的则是传统木船。

There are many external display windows on the facade, corresponding to multi-storey  exhibition halls, so the overall height  of the building is high.  The traditional opera stage, an outstanding cultural heritage, is on display to the public on the high level facing the street, while the traditional wooden boat is on display on the ground level facing the inner square.

城市界面与面对广场一侧 ? RAWVISION studio


Zhejiang Literary Centre

文学馆规模约2万平方米,六层设置9个展厅,是国内仅次于中国现代文学馆的单体文学馆建筑,其功能定位涵盖文献保存、文学产业基地、展览和资料档案存储。 同时建筑在功能设置上也 给予了对 下一代 关怀, 靠近 图书馆 的区域 布置有 儿童文学互动区。

With a scale of about 20,000 square metres and nine exhibition halls on six floors, the Literature Museum is the second largest single-unit literature museum in China after the Modern Literature Museum of China, and its functions cover the preservation of literature, a base for the literature industry, exhibitions and archive storage. At the same time, the building's functional areas also cater for the next generation, with an interactive children's literature area close to the library.


文学馆 ? RAWVISION studio

场馆 位于场地西面, 保持相对的独立性,安静的环境适宜研究和创作。 建筑内部设计了 多处 室外庭院,在中庭形成层层叠落的室外平台,并在面向中心公园一侧形成一个巨大的景观视窗。

It' s located  in  t he west of the site, maintaining relative independence and a quiet environment suitable  for research and creation. There are a series of outdoor courtyards in the building that form a cascading outdoor terrace in the atrium and a large landscaped window on the side facing the central park.


景观视窗 ? RAWVISION studio


Public Service Centre


In addition to the four main buildings, the Public Service Centre underground provides a comprehensive range of ancillary spaces with a total floor area of 80,000 square metres. It is connected to the central park and sunken courtyard upwards, and connected to the underground halls of all the other buildings. In addition to the temporary exhibition halls, a number of spaces have been set up to fully explore the cultural factors of Zhejiang and create new cultural businesses.

中心广场 ? RAWVISION studio  

之江文化中心以建筑承载地域的文化脉络,挖掘场地的地理优势,联结过去与未来,呈现的不仅是作为城市公共建筑的属性,也是展示与延续之江文化的重要场所。四栋建筑 “以墙为底,以窗为 绘”, 外观以不同灰度石材为主,或青灰或浅白,大面积玻璃立面与虚实的小窗的配合,并以棕色木纹铝板点缀。

The  Zhijiang Culture  Centre carries the cultural lineage of the region through its architecture, exploiting the geographical advantages of the site and linking the past and the future, not only presenting the attributes of a public building in the city  but also an important place for displaying and perpetuating the culture of Zhijiang. The four buildings are ' wall as the base, window as the painting ', with different shades of grey stone,  greenish grey or light white, a large glass fa?ade with small windows and brown wood grain aluminium panels as embellishments.  

左滑查看更多立面设计 ? RAWVISION studio

工作室不仅考量建筑美学,同时尊重其政治与文化属性。 之江文化中心作为浙江省内体量最大的复合文化综合体,不仅是浙江省“十三五”文化基础设施建设的领头项目,也是文博强省建设的重要成果。 作为大型都市文化建筑,期待在这里可以融汇出新的文化氛围。

Our design not only considers aesthetics but also respects its political and cultural attributes. As the largest modern cultural complex in the province, Zhijiang Culture Centre is not only the leading project of the 13th Five-Year Plan for the construction of cultural infrastructure in Zhejiang Province but also an outstanding achievement of culture and museum fields. As a metropolitan cultural building, it is expected that a new cultural atmosphere can be fused here.

望山鸟瞰图  ? RAWVISION studio  



项目业主:   浙江省文化厅

项目地点: 中国 杭州

占地面积: 17.2公顷

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纯净的白色 正是极简主义的颜色 Fran Silvestre Arquitectos 是一家总部位于西班牙巴伦西亚的建筑室内工作室,由 Fran Silvestre 创建,业务主要是住宅、文化、公司或公共项目,客户遍布全球。  


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