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时光里的美学馆 | 西安紫薇越秀馨樾府

发布于:2024-06-07 13:29:07 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]
感受时光的温度 重塑生活的艺术
Feel the temperature of time and reshape theart of life.

A modern city with history,itis rich in ancient capital culture and oriental aesthetics.
In the era of the rise of newcities,
How to continue to add newvalues in the past culture and space?
We continue the context ofculture and integrate culture and space by means of modern minimalist orientalaesthetic language.
Give new cognition to theregional temperament and cultural heritage, and hope to show the modernminimalist oriental aesthetics in the interweaving of time and space.

▼设计主题 Design theme 

时光里的美学馆 - 将东方文脉引入空间,艺术之门打开人文之境的时光对话。

Aesthetics Museum in Time - Time dialogue thatintroduces oriental culture into space and opens the door to art.   

▼场地布局  Site layout 

[ 时光盛礼 ]
宫墙的迎宾盛礼 |    Honorable welcomeceremony
On the way home, green iseverywhere, and the noise and busyness outside stop here.The lights illuminatethe road and slowly approach. The palace walls on both sides stand upright,highlighting the waterscape and sculpture, forming a visual focus.Go up thestairs slowly and feel the warmth of home. There are stars in the sky andlights on the ground. Light is the link between ideal and reality. Enjoy aquiet and warm journey home quietly.

▼夜幕降临,华灯初上  When night falls, the lights are on  
[ 时光水庭 ]  
水中的艺术盛宴 | Art Feast in the Water
Entering along the water, water is thelink between art and taste, and inadvertently forms a space and rhythm.Theelegant sculpture is placed on the water, and the beautiful curve dances inrhythm.There are waterfalls on one side of the road and sculptures on theother. It's really comfortable to watch the waterfall and the moon with friends.

▼场地布局  Site layout 

▼于一方庭院中邂逅一方雅致  Encounter an elegant party in a courtyard   


Here, you can isolate the outside worldand be quiet. When you walk here, you can feel the elegance of architecture andlandscape. When you cross the low wall, a stone stands there. There areexquisite sculptures on the stone, which set off each other with the lights onthe wall. The exquisite greening behind the stone is displayed in front of us,and the landscape inside and outside is extended, bringing people into abeautiful picture.

▼曲折迂回,开合有致  Twisting and circuitous, open and close properly

Look back, the water is in front of you,and the Chinese tallow tree is dotted in front of you. Through the branches andleaves, you can look far away. The light and shadow blur the space. Looking atthe water surface, you can feel the wind blowing and water flow, bringinginfinite natural fun to the space.

[ 时光雅苑 ]

文脉的精神洗礼 | Art Feast in the Water


Go out of painting and come to thespiritual world. Seeing the swaying b ranches and the collision of light andshadow seems to be a dialogue with time. Seeing the ancients standing under thetrees in the garden, dancing with the wind and the moon. Walking here is likewalking in the corridor of time and light. There are stones in front, just likethere are mountains in front. Wake up the long sleeping poetic life with thisstone.

▼在光影虚实间感受独特文化  Feel the unique culture between light and shadow

于林荫下,伫立临水吧台,跌级而下的水面,自然肌理的景石,听水声、赏景石,去欣赏流动与静止、触摸坚硬与柔软,感受自然中的时光流转。 极简的东方美学,亦是高贵的体现。 颜色、质感、肌理的碰撞,亦是生活的本质。

In the shade of a tree, stand next tothe water bar. The water flowed downward. Listen to the sound of water andenjoy the scenery stone. Appreciate the flow and stillness, touch the hardnessand softness, and feel the flow of time in nature. The minimalist orientalaesthetics is also the embodiment of nobility. The collision of color, textureand texture is also the essence of life.

▼质感与色彩碰撞   Collision between texture and color



The sky light falls on the water and theground, passing through the branches. People participate in it, interact withwater, light and shadow, and establish the relationship between man and nature,man and space. The tree shadow softens the hardness of the rack and increasesthe flexibility of the site. The sun moves slowly and the shadows of trees jumpon the water, giving people a comfortable and leisurely feeling.


安坐于此,日光拉长树影。阴翳之下,是这里常见的舒适与安逸, 人们可以在这里交流互动,一杯茶、一本书、一个朋友,便可在这里度过一段午后时光,时间与空间都在此慢慢生长……

Sitting here quietly, the sun lengthenedthe shadow of the tree. Nature and comfort are common here. People cancommunicate and interact here. A cup of tea, a book and a friend can spend anafternoon here. Time and space grow slowly here......

▼被自然包围的下沉空间  Subsidence space surrounded by nature



Walking here is like talking with theancients, talking with art, and integrating with space. When you are tired ofthe trifles in life, you can walk and sit here, quietly feel the sound of wind,the shape of water, the passage of time, and feel the beauty of everything......


项目名称 | 西安紫薇&越秀馨樾府示范区

项目地点 | 西安 秦汉新城


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