土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑方案设计 \ 幼儿园设计:椭圆形的平面布局,极简现代的立面


发布于:2024-06-05 10:10:05 来自:建筑设计/建筑方案设计 [复制转发]

新的 GALAXIE eR 幼儿园(eR as JOY)可容纳 50 名儿童,满足了斯卢克诺夫山麓瓦恩斯多夫地区对新学前教育设施日益增长的需求。
The new GALAXIE eR Kindergarten for 50 children (eR as JOY) addresses the increasing demand for new preschool facilities in Varnsdorf in the ?luknov foothills.

该建筑位于 Západní 街和通往 Edisonova 学校道路的拐角处,是一座单层砖结构建筑,平面呈规则的椭圆形,内部为椭圆形中庭。屋顶为绿色平顶,护栏较低,多功能厅上方的屋顶部分较高。建筑外形的设计考虑到了周围的发展、现有的沟通关系、角落位置和地块的朝向,以确保室内空间和中庭有充足的阳光,并能看到周围的景观和邻近的森林公园。建筑的位置在幼儿园前创造了一个高质量的公共空间,并配有椭圆形绿岛,同时也为自然的人行道提供了便利。
Situated at the corner of Západní Street and the road leading to the Edisonova School, the building is a single-story brick structure with a regular elliptical floor plan and an internal elliptical atrium. It is covered by a flat green roof with a low parapet and an elevated roof section above the multifunctional hall. The shape of the building was designed with consideration for the surrounding development, existing communication relationships, corner position, and the plot's orientation to ensure sufficient sunlight in the interior spaces and atrium and to allow views into the surrounding landscape and adjacent forest park. The building’s placement created a high-quality public space in front of the nursery with elliptical green islands, also allowing for natural pedestrian circulation.

幼儿园的有机造型体现了开放、活动自由、和谐与美感,这些都是人类精神的重要 “养料”,也是儿童成长的理想环境。建筑内部是一个绿色的中庭,种植了新栽种的樱花树,为儿童创造了一个放松和玩耍的宁静场所。它象征着伊甸园的理念和儿童纯洁的心灵。中庭与毗邻花园在视觉和物理上的联系,进一步体现了儿童从天堂走向外部世界的理念。
The organic shape of the kindergarten embodies openness, freedom of movement, harmony, and beauty – essential "nourishment" for the human spirit, and desirable for children's development. Inside the building, a green atrium with newly planted sakura trees opens up, creating a peaceful place for children to relax and play. It symbolizes the idea of the Garden of Eden and the child's pure soul. The visual and physical connection of the atrium with the adjacent garden further plays out the idea of children's emergence from paradise into the outside world.

内部布局由两个独立的部分组成,每个部分可容纳 25 名儿童,配备必要的操作和卫生设施、膳食经营以及位于幼儿园假想中心的多功能厅。该大厅既可用于幼儿园内部的儿童聚会和体育活动,也可用于校外的文化活动。大厅与邻近的教室之间用移动滑动板隔开,可根据需要灵活改变整个空间。教室和游戏室(或儿童午睡区)对称设置在幼儿园的侧翼,被设计成开放式空间,从外面看,这些空间的边界是内置的非典型家具,配有玩具架、内置橱柜、移动容器,以及位于儿童视线高度的一体化条形和无框方形窗户,可以看到邻近的花园。
The internal layout consists of two separate sections, each accommodating 25 children, equipped with necessary operational and sanitary facilities, its catering operation, and a multifunctional hall located in the imaginary center of the kindergarten. The hall can be used for children's parties and physical activities within the kindergarten operation, as well as for cultural events and activities outside school hours. The hall is separated from neighboring classrooms by mobile sliding panels, allowing for flexible changes to the entire space as needed. The classrooms and playrooms, or nap areas for children, symmetrically oriented in the side wings of the kindergarten, are designed as open spaces bordered from the outside by built-in atypical furniture with toy shelves, built-in cabinets, mobile containers, and integrated strip and frameless square windows set at children's eye level with views into the adjacent garden.

The interiors are designed as neutral environments combining light gray linoleum flooring, light birch plywood of built-in atypical furniture with integrated frameless windows, white paint, and acoustic perforated ceilings with circular lights, ultimately allowing individual color accents of play elements and standard furniture and the adjacent garden with birch trees and blooming sakura to stand out. Thanks to the floor-to-ceiling glazing facing the courtyard with strip and square windows in the perimeter wall, the garden becomes an omnipresent part of the interiors, completing the uniform and harmonious environment of the entire kindergarten.












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