土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑资料库 \ 混色区域中的森林-荷兰NIKE EHQ园区

混色区域中的森林-荷兰NIKE EHQ园区

发布于:2024-06-04 10:04:04 来自:建筑设计/建筑资料库 [复制转发]


NIKE EMEA 总部园区位于希尔弗瑟姆商业园的中心,该园区正在变成一个为耐克运动员(员工)和参观者提供工作和体验的园区。这个公共空间在其中起着至关重要的作用。受乌特勒支岭国家公园丰富自然景色的启发,它正在发展成一个充满运动和休闲活动的景观园区。

The NIKE EMEA headquarters campus, located in the heart of thebusiness park in Hilversum, is being transformed into a work and experience campus for NIKE athletes (employees) and visitors alike. The public space plays a crucial role in this. Inspired by the rich nature of the Utrechtse Heuvelrug, the campus is being developed into a landscape campus full of sports and leisure activities.



appearance of the project

耐克正在彻底翻修园区总部,对个别建筑进行升级。这样它将发展成为一个开放、热情的园区,希尔弗瑟姆的居民也可以从中受益。耐克园区拥有来自80多个国家的 3,700 多名员工,它将成为一个充满活力、工作场所,这也体现了耐克的雄心壮志。

NIKE is thoroughly renovating the Campus Headquarters, with individual buildings being upgraded. In this way, the NIKE campus will develop into an open, welcoming campus from which residents of Hilversum can also benefit. With more than 3,700 employees from over 80 countries, the NIKE campus becomes a dynamic, energetic workplace, reflecting NIKEs ambitions.



viewing the project from surrounding environmen

从 2020 年起,B+B 城市规划和景观建筑局正在着手改造 NIKE EMEA 园区。随着附近的体育公园火车站未来将搬迁到 Arena 商业园,该园区将进行重组。未来的林荫大道将连接东西校区以及三个新广场。

From 2020 onwards, Bureau B+B urbanism and landscape architecture are working on the transformation of the NIKE EMEA campus.With the future relocation of the nearby train station called Sports park to the Arena business park, the entire campus will be restructured. The future boulevard which will connect the east and west campus as well as three new squares.



Site plan


a forest in the heather fields


Homecourt is the first square that was completed as part of the new campus. The location originally was a bare and vacant lot on the campus that was characterized by the many backs of buildings and unclear routing. The design for Homecourt focuses on creating a new destination on campus with food and skate as the main activities.



skate area


最重要的是,Homecourt 是社交聚会场所,无论老少,运动与否。广场和园区东侧之间的高度差由一个引人注目的楼梯连接起来,它可以用作座位区、楼梯和溜冰场。

The square is designed as a forest in the heather fields- visible from afar, and sheltered and pleasant from the inside. In the square is a dedicated skate area an abstracted wave being the main eye-catcher. On the square, there is also space for food trucks. Here employees can get their lunch in the afternoon and eat it in the shade of the trees.

Above all, Homecourt is a meeting place for the community, old and young, sporty or not. The difference in height between the square and the east side of campus is bridged by an eye-catching staircase, which can be used as a seating area, stairs and skate spot.




广场上的所有物品和材料都经过精心设计,这样方便滑行。大幅面瓷砖在尺寸和组成上是独一无二的;颜色和鹅卵石使广场看起来像沙质,与该地区的地质相匹配。Homecourt 及其周边地区种植了 90 多棵不同类型、大小的树。这些树被种植的很近,这样它们就可以成群生长。两棵松树和一棵位于滑冰区中心的栎树在广场上充当着引人注目的角色。

All objects and materials on the square are designed in such a way that they can be skated optimally. The large format tiles are unique in size and composition; the colour and pebbles give a sandy look to the square, matching the geology of the area. More than 90 trees have been planted in and around Homecourt in various types and ,sizes. The trees are planted close together so that they can grow as groups. two pine trees and a Quercus palustris located in the heart of the skate area act as eye-catchers on the square.



Hard landscape details


Homecourt 及其周边地区种植树

trees have been planted in and around Homecourt




The biggest challenge of the location was that almost all the surrounding buildings turned with their backs to the site. Creating new borders by means of trees creates shelter and defines the place. The square has been cleared of car traffic. the future boulevard and the square will be car-free. The entrance to the facility area has also been relocated and fully integrated into the square. This gives pedestrians plenty of space on the new square, which has become a high-quality meeting spot for the users of campus as well as for the local community.



appearance of the project

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一座城市的大美往往藏在细微之处,点滴之间的细节嬗变彰显的是城市独特的韵味、品位、气质。 在成都,万物皆可熊猫 ,熊猫文化仿佛已经融入城市肌理,城市设计师、美画师更是精通于挖掘熊猫故事,并使其融入城市生活。 2022年7月,成都设计咨询集团将迎来第一次党代会,公园君以城市美形态为主题,特别推出系列策划专稿。今天,我们把视角落在“熊猫与城市设计”,这一次,我们不走进熊猫的千亩“豪宅”,我们先瞧一瞧通往“豪宅”的“门面”,看一看细微之处的巧思——成都熊猫基地西入口。


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