土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑方案设计 \ 土耳其商业综合体:办公室、住宅和购物中心


发布于:2024-05-30 23:37:30 来自:建筑设计/建筑方案设计 [复制转发]


The axis of the Eskisehir-Konya roads transforms this area of Ankara into the city's most rapidly developing and valuable part. This north-south & west-east intersection point on the main transportation arteries has at the same time developed into an urban space where not only the business world and social life meet at this center, but also attracts people as a new and trendy residential area.


Next Level被设计为土耳其首都的第一个混合房地产项目,包括办公室、住宅和购物中心。Next Level的设计灵感来自于它的战略位置,在总体布局和建筑外立面上反映了该地区的蓬勃发展和活跃的生活。

Next Level has been designed as the Turkish Capital's first mixed property project and comprises offices, residences, and a shopping mall. The design of the Next Level is inspired by its strategic location and reflects the region's vigorous development and active life in the general layout and the facade of its buildings.

凭借其当代和创新的建筑设计,Next Level将为安卡拉的现代主义做出贡献,并为该市的城市生活注入活力。通过其标志性的结构和作为一个整体的气势,办公大楼反映了Next Level的经济潜力,其30层位于购物中心的顶部。

With its contemporary and innovative architectural design, Next Level will contribute to Ankara’s modernism and invigorate the city’s urban life. Through its iconic structure and imposing form as a monolithic mass, the Office Tower reflects the economic potential of Next Level and is located with its 30 floors on top of the Shopping Mall.

Next Level办公大楼最独特的特点之一是它在所有楼层创造性地构思了公共区域的部分,以满足日常的便利。

One of the most distinctive features of the Next Level Office Tower is its creatively conceived section of common areas on all floors accommodating daily conveniences. 



Suites designed on all floors create waiting areas that are open to common usage and provide solutions for daily needs. This feature also delivers extra workspace for office owners.

The Residence Tower, on the other hand, reflects the human element in its design through its meticulously designed glass facade and the distinguishing 20 floors of individual living spaces.



Thanks to its 4-meter ceiling heights, floor-to-ceiling glass panels and distinct terraces the space allows its residents to fully benefit from daylight. The lounge area of the Residence Tower also offers recreational amenities such as café/bars, a library, and a terrace.



These two towers, designed as a social venue of attraction sheltered from the surrounding world, are located on top of a podium with an attractive open-air concept. The Shopping Mall consisting of 150 stores is situated within this part of the complex, which also serves as a communal garden.

这个区域还包括一个2500平方米的电影院,并与透明的装饰池和绿色区域相连接,由人行道分隔。构成Next Level中心的透明装饰池通过水面折射的日光照亮购物中心,为游客提供了一个宁静的氛围。

This area also contains a 2.500 sqm movie theater and is aligned with transparent decorative pools and green areas separated by walkways. The transparent decorative pools constituting the heart of Next Level offer a serene atmosphere to visitors by illuminating the shopping mall with the reflection of daylight refracted through water.


The common and private life, enclosed within a 7.500 sqm landscape area, together transform into an urban zone that offers cultural, entertainment, commercial and socializing opportunities. 

Next Level在建筑上有别于其他项目,所有这些独特的功能将为安卡拉的社会生活增添活力和新意。

Next Level architecturally distinguishes itself from other projects with all those unique features which will add dynamism and novelty to Ankara’s social life.



建筑师:Brigitte Weber Architects
面积:196000 m2
摄影:Cemal Emden, Engin Aydeniz

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经验值 +10