土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑方案设计 \ 文化新地标!巨大的“石块”,转化成不同的展览空间 —— 成都自然历史博物馆

文化新地标!巨大的“石块”,转化成不同的展览空间 —— 成都自然历史博物馆

发布于:2024-05-30 23:21:30 来自:建筑设计/建筑方案设计 [复制转发]


 Pelli Clarke & Partners、中国建筑西南设计研究院


The Chengdu Natural History Museum is a preeminent institution for science and culture, welcoming visitors from around the world with expansive exhibits, public spaces, shops, a café, a cinema, state-of-the-art educational facilities, and a verdant landscape that invites gathering and connection. 


这座占地 540,000 平方英尺(50,000 平方米)的建筑最近于 2022 年竣工,是成都的重要文化地标,成都正处于经济繁荣之中,成为新兴的高科技和创业中心。 成都自然博物馆(成都理工大学博物馆)致敬了成都深厚的历史底蕴与现代化特质,将城市天际线成功转变为成都活力与创新精神的象征。

Recently completed in 2022, the 540,000 sq. ft. (50,000 sq. m.) building is a significant cultural landmark for the city of Chengdu, which is in the midst of an economic boom as a new high-tech and entrepreneurial hub. The museum’s design presents a celebration of Chengdu’s historical legacy and modern ethos, transforming the city’s skyline and symbolizing its energy and innovative spirit. 



The project successfully synthesizes the historical culture and context of Chengdu as it delves into the soul of the local elements “Shu Mountain, Shu Road, Shu Water”.

Form / Tectonics / Shu Mountains

The building massing was inspired by the Sichuan mountain forms created by the shifting of ancient tectonic plates of the Chengdu region. The volumes reflect the rock breaking apart and shifting with the horizontal and vertical forces. 


The building forms lift from the ground at certain moments to reveal the public spaces within, at the same time maintaining firm anchor to the earth. The individual mountains, or rock volumes, are realized as distinct exhibit spaces, separated and held together by light-filled public spaces. The narrative of tectonic plates also influenced the selection of materials, in particular the local granite of the exterior facade. 


The organically shaped and composed perforations in the stone were devised to create the impression of snow-covered mountains during the day, with LED backlighting reflecting the stars lit at night.


Experience / Shu Road

第二个重要灵感源自于川蜀地区建在悬崖边的木栈道,以延续“蜀道”的当地特色文脉。 在成都自然博物馆的设计中,蜀道通过恐龙盒子的形式呈现,以相似的方式悬挂于“石块”一侧,连接起建筑的二层和三层。 它被设计成一种冒险体验——一个连接第二层和第三层的倾斜的互动空间,游客可以在沿着路径放置并悬挂在天花板上的恐龙之间行走。

The second most significant inspiration was the mountain roads, the Shu Roads, a system of wood plank roads supported from the sides of cliffs. The Shu Road emerges as the Dino Box, connecting the second level to the third and similarly suspended from the sides of the stone volumes. It was designed to be experienced as an adventure—a sloping, interactive space connecting the second level to the third where visitors can walk amongst the dinosaurs positioned along the path and suspended from the ceiling.



The clefts between the rock forms are transparent and glassy, designed to encourage reflection, observation, and interaction. 



These in-between spaces are visual and physical connections between the exhibits, and likewise to the city, street, landscape, and the canal.


水 / 景观 / 蜀水

Water / Landscape/ Shu Water


The existing Dongfeng Canal on the eastern edge of the site is mirrored by a network of waterways and reflecting pools. 


Plant form, texture and color are woven together to create terraced gradients that graphically recall the geometries of the historical agricultural landscape and create unique experiences- Wetland Garden, Bamboo Garden, Water Lily Garden, and a Seasonal Plant Garden.


The interactive water drape at the north building volume is visible from the street. Building forms are reflected in the shallow pools at the north of the site.


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