土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 家装设计 \ 马德里CASA OLIVAR住宅


发布于:2024-05-30 15:50:30 来自:装修设计/家装设计 [复制转发]

设计师Matteo Ferrari为Carlota Gallo夫妇 在马德里市中心,改造了一座名为“Casa Olivar”的小房子,作为他们的家。房屋在过去混乱破败的状态下焕然新生,设计师通过增加布局层次,为空间带来了新的生命力;同时也为重新书写历史,制造新的记忆创造了机会。

In the heart of the city of Madrid a small architecture called by its creators ‘Casa Olivar’ is born. The interior design has been conceived by the couple of designers Matteo Ferrari and Carlota Gallo in order to transform it into their home.Rescued from a ruined state and a turbulent past, the aim is to bring new life to the space; adding layers, rewriting its history and thereby generating new memories.









通过对空间的干预,设计师将此处打造成了一座具有连续性、极简风格的温暖空间;同时,提升自然采光,并大量使用来自当地的工艺材料,让光和物质之间产生密切的对话。Casa Olivar既是一座房子,也是一个地方:一个可以发挥创造力的亲密空间,但最重要的是,一处可供享受与共享的空间。

The intervention is characterized by a spatial continuity and a warm minimalism; it seeks to elevate natural light and encourage the use of local craft materials, generating a close dialogue between light and materiality.Casa Olivar is both a house and a place: an intimate space where the creativity can evolve but above all, a space designed to be enjoyed and shared.




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人文府邸 酒店格调,常州天安别墅样板间

外观于物,内感于心,居所总是在由表及里的渗透中,关照情感,滋养日常。天安别墅样板间坐落于常州西太湖之畔,由方磊领衔壹舍团队担纲设计,依托原有地域、水系等特性,以感知思维切入,融合酒店式的卓越体验,不断探索自然语境下的至臻之居,旨为当代塔尖精英探寻一种全新的宜居范本,让生活与精神全然丰盈。 “天赋谧境,是自然的馈赠;湖光作序,碧水为脉,深研理想人居。我们从项目在地性思考,不囿于某种边界,根植于生活点滴,用现代设计语汇糅合酒店格调之美,从容进退间,品味人文积淀的府邸韵味,于情境调度中激发无限的想象。”方磊如是概述。


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