土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 家装设计 \ 小户型改造:斯洛伐克Panelak公寓


发布于:2024-05-30 15:49:30 来自:装修设计/家装设计 [复制转发]


The process of sustainable adaptation. Working with a typified slab block floorplan from the 60′s. Definedness of the relationships in the family and the scale of intimacy change through generations. The original space misses lightness. It is too rigid, too structured, too defined.

The disposition is defined by the skeleton-panel 3D frame, spaced 3,9×3,9m centre to centre, which strictly defines the rooms. Each closed and separated visually and acoustically. We try to grasp the 3D frame as the bearer of the basic boundary of the space, not as an untouchable element strictly defining individual spaces. We are disrupting the scheme with simple openings. We let in light and create overviews and depth where they never were.










Opening up the space created overviews and depth by axially arranging openings (all of them dimensioned so that it is not necessary to use steel lintels and frames), directly connecting the kitchen and the day part, creating full-feature space for socialisation, decreasing number of doors (to wind lobby, kitchen, corridor, bathroom), and allowing daylight into the internal corridor tract via openings in the habitable rooms, whilst removing period decorative elements.





All of these interventions contribute to the creation of full-fledged, airy, inspiring and open space, thus helping to find an affordable housing solution for young people.


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本案是由丰屋 · URO工作室设计完成的四川乐贝亲子民宿乐园。 由“情感设计 ”出发,重点探讨亲子互动关系 。 由狮子、大象、斑马和鹦鹉四种不同的动物分别传达四种不同的个性特质: 交流、探索、勇气和智慧,希望用“ 玩中学习,学习中玩 ”的思维方式构建一个亲子乐园。   动物冒险岛   乐贝亲子民宿乐园由“情感设计 ”出发,重点探讨亲子互动关系 。由狮子、大象、斑马和鹦鹉四种不同的动物分别传达四种不同的个性特质:交流、探索、勇气和智慧,希望用“ 玩中学习,学习中玩 ”的思维方式构建一个亲子乐园。


经验值 +10