土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑方案设计 \ 烟波涟漪:金昌烟波飞鹭类独栋住宅


发布于:2024-05-26 23:49:26 来自:建筑设计/建筑方案设计 [复制转发]

▲明朗优雅的现代曲线Bright and elegant modern curves?吴清山 

In recent days, a semi-detached residential project called “Ripples on the Shore” has been officially completed. Designed by LYCS Architecture, this project has a total floor area of 1, 260 square meters, including a 900 square meter courtyard. With the remarkable help of the green lawn, sunlight and elegant white curves, a kind of bright and natural modern living atmosphere is subtly created. 

The Ripples on the Shore Project is part of the KINCANG Egrets Waves Residential Project which is also designed by LYCS Architecture. Continuing the approaches of the KINCANG Egrets Waves to the full integration of the reflections on the urban historical heritage and natural ecology, the design sets up the general principle of natural infiltration and flowing softness, pushing the design concept to its extreme from two dimensions of modernity and ecology respectively.

▲流动柔美的立面 flowing and soft facade?吴清山 

The project is located on the bank of the Grand Canal, a World Heritage Site in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, China, just opposite to the famous Taiping Bridge, which has been listed by great British historian Joseph Needham in Science and Civilization in China, and the ancient Daiyue Building on the other bank.

▲周边环境Surrounding environment?杨逸辰 

Designed with nature as the boundary, the courtyard wraps around the building, contributing to a private and tranquil world of its own in the modern loud “concrete jungle”.

▲环绕式庭院courtyard wraps around the building?吴清山
▲绿意盎然的景观庭院_green landscaped courtyard?吴清山
▲景观与建筑的和谐构图_Harmonious composition of landscape and architecture?吴清山 

With the modeling language inspired by the egrets flying through the canal, the design deliberately outlines the building with white curves and cascading eaves. Seen from the air, this project looks like a kind of white ripple, spreading from the land and integrating with the ripples in the water.

▲鸟瞰Ariel view?吴清山 

The continuous eaves shield the wind, rain and hot sun, creating a space under the eaves similar to the traditional Chinese architecture, blurring the boundary between the interior and exterior of the building.

▲建筑正立面Architecture facade?吴清山
▲连续的挑檐continuous eaves?吴清山 

Project layout plan unfolds itself around the private south-facing green space, different family spaces for living, dining, cooking continues with each other, creating a wonderful flowing spatial unity.

▲一致的家居色调_Consistent color scheme?上海本兮视觉 

With the green scenery of the outdoor courtyard brought inside in virtue of the continuous floor-to-ceiling glass wall, nature completely infiltrates the indoor living space, and all spaces can fully enjoy the natural light and the fresh circulating air.

▲在亲近自然的环境中就餐_Having meals in a natural setting?上海本兮视觉
▲客餐厅Living&dinning room?上海本兮视觉
▲客餐厅Living&dinning room?上海本兮视觉
▲西厨Western-style kitchen?上海本兮视觉 

The project makes it possible for the children to run freely and delightfully in the nature, the owner is able to chat with the elders cooking in the kitchen while enjoying the beautiful scenery, while kids are playing within sight at the same time. This kind of living experience in the nature is especially rare and precious under the epidemic period.

▲客厅living room?上海本兮视觉
▲精致的软装选品Exquisite furniture selection?上海本兮视觉
▲精致的软装选品Exquisite furniture selection?上海本兮视觉 

On the second and third floors, there are private spaces such as children’s rooms, master room and bedrooms. These rooms are arranged around the void space of the living room, space between the private and public areas flows, connected while separated, contributing to the rhymed integration of unity and privacy.

▲流动的室内布局flowing interior layout?吴清山
▲精致的软装选品_Exquisite furniture selection?上海本兮视觉 

The building opens itself up to the outside world, brings in the natural landscape and connects itself to the Grand Canal and the Taiping Bridge Park. A spiritual dialogue starts while people stand at the terrace and corridor.

▲主卧Master bedroom?上海本兮视觉
▲模糊的内外边界The boundary between interior and exterior is blurred?吴清山
▲与自然展开对话A spiritual dialogue with nature?吴清山
▲儿童房Children’s room?上海本兮视觉
▲儿童房Children’s room?上海本兮视觉
▲二层起居室Second floor living room?上海本兮视觉
▲步入式衣帽间Walk-in closet?上海本兮视觉

The basement space accommodates the owner’s collection and more private activities such as meetings and entertainment, including lounge、gallery、 gym、video room、sauna room and other entertainment spaces.

▲地下入户门厅Basement entrance hall?上海本兮视觉
▲地下入户门厅Basement entrance hall?上海本兮视觉
▲地下艺术长廊Basement Art Gallery?上海本兮视觉

▲地下艺术长廊Basement Art Gallery?上海本兮视觉
▲地下艺术长廊Basement Art Gallery?上海本兮视觉
▲地下艺术长廊Basement Art Gallery?上海本兮视觉
▲地下艺术长廊Basement Art Gallery?上海本兮视觉
▲地下艺术长廊Basement Art Gallery?上海本兮视觉
▲地下艺术长廊Basement Art Gallery?上海本兮视觉

▲电梯旁休闲空间Leisure space by elevator?上海本兮视觉
▲从大厅望向酒廊View from lobby to lounge?上海本兮视觉
▲桑拿房sauna room?上海本兮视觉
▲私人酒窖personal wine cellar?上海本兮视觉

The principle of flowing softness is efficiently applied in the creation of architectural forms and spaces, and also subtly practiced in the interior and landscape design, where the element of ripples is reused in an interesting way.

▲与涟漪相呼应的墙面设计The wall design echoes the ripples?上海本兮视觉

Softness and tactile impression also become the principles of furniture selection and color scheme, with furniture shades of beige gray as the base color and orange-brown as the accent. The furniture selection has its own strict requirements for original texture, natural softness, warmth and tactile impression, etc. The custom-made sofas and chairs are all made of top leather, creating a highly textured and dignified sense of space.

▲精致的软装选品Exquisite furniture selection?上海本兮视觉 

Ripples on the Shore combines the culture, nature of historic city Shaoxing with style of modern simplicity, revealing an ecological, light and comfortable lifestyle that breaks the influential stereotype of “luxurious” and “heavy” villa products, exploring new living experience.

▲温馨舒适的居住体验_Warm and comfortable living experience?吴清山
▲建筑的漂浮感_Architecture is floating in the air?吴清山
▲建筑浸润在自然景观中Architecture is immersed in the natural lanscape?吴清山 

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