The idea behind the House of the Flying Trees (HOFT) is based around three central pillars:
-respect for the history of Riga and its unique built environment,
-an appreciation for contemporary architecture,
-bringing nature back into the city.
HOFT是位于里加历史中心的一座公寓大楼,是一栋具有19世纪新艺术风格的建筑,由建筑师卡尔·约翰·费尔斯科(Karl JohannFelsko)设计,七层高的石灰华表面的新建筑,另有两层附加层。在这里,42间公寓(面积从76平方米到232平方米不等)的每位住户都拥有独立的阳台,俯瞰中央庭院。
An apartment complex in the historical centre of Riga, HOFT comprises there maining 19th century Art Nouveau facade building (by architect Karl JohannFelsko) with two additional floors, and a seven-storey travertine-clad new volume. Everyone of the 42 apartments (ranging in size from76 m2 to 232 m2) has its own balcony overlooking a central courtyard.
While today it’s not uncommon for courtyards to function as car parks, at HOFT the architects directed traffic into a freshly constructed underground parking lot. The outdoor haven is therefore reserved for residents to enjoy and connect with each other. The lobbies and common rooms reflect this idea and provide space to meet and mingle on shared ground.
The ‘flying’ bonsai trees are both an homage to Art Nouveau with its nature-inspired motifs and an innovative way to enhance the presence of greenery in the city. They ‘fly’ at many levels in specially designed boxes to be visible at all times, and provide comfort and inspiration to residents and their guests. The trees are at the heart of the building’s identity and are reflected in the logo, graphic design, and the entrance gates into the courtyard.
由于其地理位置,HOFT幸运地能够接触到里加最引人注目的新艺术风格,建筑师们欣然接受了这一点。所有朝前的客房都设有落地窗,因此街对面的外墙成为烘托空间氛围的重要元素,成为室内不可或缺的一部分。在室内公共区域,新艺术运动在形状,材料和空间整体流动中得到诠释。并最大限度地保持内外风格一致,室内装饰由当地艺术家克拉夫斯·洛里斯(Klavs Loris)创作。
Thanks to its location, HOFT is lucky to face some of Riga’s most striking examples of Art Nouveau, and the architects made sure to embrace this. All front-facing rooms benefit from large windows, so the facades across the street contribute to the atmosphere, becoming an integral part of the interior. In the indoor communal areas, Art Nouveau is interpreted in the choice of shapes, materials, and the overall flow of the space. Where possible, interior features were kept intact. Interiors are completed with original artwork by local artist Klavs Loris.
HOFT illustrates that city centers can still be very liveable in the 21st century and that living in an urban apartment can be combined with having access to the outdoors and community.
Gross built area: 1212 m2
Lead architects: Zane Tetere – Sulce, Kristaps Sulcs (Open AD), Dita Lapina (KROKS architecture studio)
Architects: Dins Vecans, Undine Linde, Zane Legzdina (Open AD), Edmunds Slavinskis, IlzeRudzate, RitvarsKrastins (KROKS architecture studio)
Developer: R.Evolution City
Construction supervisor: P.M.G.
Tree installation: Labie Koki
Engineering: In?enierubirojsBūve un forma
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