土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 微雨过夏木繁 轻风起薄雾开|武汉城投南山长投 · 领峯

微雨过夏木繁 轻风起薄雾开|武汉城投南山长投 · 领峯

发布于:2024-05-22 14:16:22 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]






At the beginning, we were discussing what kind of space cangive people living on this land an unexpected life scene. After all, this isthe Optics Valley in Wuhan, where a group of the most imaginative people gather.
The big river you like, the big lake youlike, the water and mountains you like, I think I will keep it for you.

见山  “就从底色纯净的白开始,感受此刻的明媚”


On the summer solstice when the sun has reached the Tropic ofCancer, starting from this refreshing white, you can read your life inJiangcheng through the Erfei Mountain across the road.

当那条通往水景中间的路,让你循光溯影前行时,就是暗号—— “有风方起浪,无潮水自平”。

The path imitating mountains and valleys, surrounded bymountains and rivers, is a quiet summer that can be had between floating lightsand shadows, just like this twisted light and shadow sculpture.

Whenthe road leading to the middle of the waterscape allows you to follow the lightand trace the shadows, it is the secret code - "the wind makes waves, andthe water surface is calm without tides".

踏波   “浮光和水色的交错,月色与夏风的吟唱,让人想把这瞬间留下来。”

Whenyou see the water filled with the sky, you will be annoyed. Why do you fall inlove with the whiteness between the light and shadow so easily? It turns outthat what is even more amazing is the river and lake depicted for you. Thegentle water curtain reminds you passing by with a trickle, time flows here.

浮境   “什么样的角度,天和地会翻转,不用炫技的拍照技术,在这里,你的眼睛就可以”
If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't believethat this shimmering water is actually more suitable for viewing from anotherangle. The spectacle of water flowing to a high place is commonplace here.
At the end of the road, the spiral staircase connects thespace beyond the line of sight and the space beyond the space, giving peoplewith imagination all possibilities. For example, in parallel time and space, isit the upper floor or the lower floor?

飞瀑   “像一阵空谷传来的音,又像一场天外洒落的雨”


It'snot that the valley has an echo, but so does the Jianghan Plain. It doesn'train only when the clouds are overcast, it also rains here.

Thelingering of rivers and lakes makes the waters of each layer very flexible, youcan touch and feel. Even, you only have to take a look, or stand here andlisten.


Sit leisurely here to watch the sunset sinking, immersed inthe splendor with the light and shadow.

无界   比起不被定义的景观,我更想成为不被定义的生活


Lingfeng does not mention boundless everywhere, but it isboundless everywhere, just like this arrogant tree, standing between heaven andearth, making the huge Erfei Mountain willing to set off.
归心   风从夏天来,来看树摇风




When the wind blows, you can listen to the sound of the waves swaying by thetrees in Erfei Mountain, or you can watch the fireworks and the animism in theworld here. The green after the new rain in the empty mountains is justright for him, and this harp-like corridor is too suitable for this summer. Maybe the future life field of Leader Peak will have theanswer you want.


Having seen the invisible flowing mirror of the sky inLingfeng, you can only appreciate the natural meaning of the floating world.




项目名称  武汉城投南山长投·领峯

项目地点 | 武汉光谷三路与高新二路交汇处

项目面积 | 8136平方米

完成时间 | 2022.04

业主团队 | 于守华、佘斌、吴峰、孙清

景观设计 | 麦微景观

设计指导 | 甘炜炜、金亮亮

设计团队 | 袁强、唐武鑫、刘宇晴、张兆霆、王耀婵、罗雪梅、彭佑昕、胡皓、刘李军、傅雪梅、何鑫、杨文

室内设计 | 深圳壹方空间设计有限公司

建筑设计 | 汇张思建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司

施工单位 | 武汉广晟荣天市政园林工程有限公司

项目摄影 | 三棱镜建筑景观摄影

市场品牌 | 沈习创

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现代诗意栖居之所 | Kandinsky公寓庭院与露台营造

Kandinsky公寓位于叶卡捷琳堡市中心,是一栋住宅与商业功能一体的公寓楼。公寓坐落在历史悠久的地区,毗邻经过翻新的伊塞特河滨。除了其标志性建筑外,该项目还设有迷人的园景庭院和绿植屋顶。 Located in the centre of Yekaterinburg, Kandinsky is an apartment building sharing residential and business functions. Sited in the historic area, it neighbours the renovated Iset riverfront. In addition to its signature architecture, the project features an attractively landscaped courtyard and a green roof.


经验值 +10