横亘在成都平原与川西高原之间的龙门山脉造就了两个迥然不同的世界。成都向北50公里的彭州,有着巍峨的龙门山脉、奔流不止的湔江等优越的山水自然。2020年3月彭州启动《彭州市立体山水公园城市示范区建设总体规划》编制工作,力图塑造“城在山水畔、人在公园间”的立体山水画卷公园城市意境。 The Longmen Mountain Range, which straddles between the Chengdu Plain and the Western Sichuan Plateau, creates two very different worlds. Pengzhou, 50 kilometers north of Chengdu, is blessed with superior landscape nature such as the majestic Longmen Mountain Range and the flowing Jianjiang River, etc. In March 2020, Pengzhou government started the preparation of the Master Plan for the Construction of Pengzhou City, in an attempt to shape a three-dimensional landscape painting park city scenario of "city in the landscape, people in the park".
“卧云台”位于龙门山镇小鱼洞大桥桥头,是进出龙门山镇的必经之地,也是龙门山镇践行乡村振兴的重要节点。我们希望卧云台以独特而轻盈的方式置入龙门山镇,在这里生根发芽,带给龙门山镇生机与活力。 Located at the bridgehead of Xiaoyudong Bridge in Longmenshan Town, "Woyun Platform" is a must-see place for entering and leaving Longmenshan Town, and an important node for the revitalization of the countryside in Longmenshan Town. We hope that "Woyun Platform" will be placed in town in a unique and light architectural form, take root here, and bring vitality and vigor to the town.
卧云台是集文化展示、科普教育、文创体验、情景体验为一体的公共建筑。建筑共三层,底层整体架空形成一个完全开放的多功能公共场所,中部及顶部为文化展示和休闲体验空间,这里有云上的山水,也有云下的烟火。 "Woyun Platform" is a public building integrating cultural display, science education, cultural creation experience and scene experience. The building has three floors, the ground floor is suspended to form a completely open multi-functional public space, the middle and top are cultural display and leisure experience space, where there are mountains and water above the clouds, and passion for life under the clouds.
生根Take root 建筑是自然的,是生活的,是历史的,也是未来的。融入自然环境,见证生活点滴,承载历史文化,思索未来发展,建筑才能在所处的土地生根发芽。 Architecture is natural, living, historical and future. Only by integrating into the natural environment, witnessing life, bearing history and culture, and thinking about future development, can architecture take root and sprout on the land it is located in.
社会学家费孝通曾提出“人是有根的,个人不过是根上长出的枝条,他的茂盛来自这个根,他的使命也在加强这个根。这个根就是供给他生长资料,供给他教育文化的社会:小之一家一村,大之一乡一国。” The sociologist Fei Xiaotong once suggested that "man has a root, and the individual is just a branch growing from the root. This root is the society that supplies him with the materials for growth and education and culture: a small family and a village, a large village and a country."
回到小隐的设计理念,我们希望建筑能在所处的土地生根发芽,而这需要建筑参与当地人的生活中,与当地社会发生更多的联系。 Back to the design concept of Archermit, we hope that the architecture can take root in the land where it is located, and this requires the architecture to participate in the life of the local people and have more connections with the local community. 在设计初期走访过程中,我们关注到“卧云台”基地附近1.5公里范围内大湾村、太子村、鱼洞村、董坪村四个村子所共有的问题,这个问题也是目前中国乃至全世界城市化发展所面临的重要难题——乡村传统社会秩序的衰退和消逝。 During the initial design visits, we were concerned about a problem shared by four villages within 1.5 kilometers of the site: Dawan, Taizi, Yudong, and Dongping, which is also an important problem facing urbanization in China and around the world-The decline and disappearance of the traditional social order in the villages.
回顾历史,城乡关系并非二元对立,而是相互依存。城乡共融并非意味着乡村对城市的单向流动趋同,而是城乡平等的交流对话和互通。我们希望卧云台在满足基本的功用和需求的基础上,能回馈周边村民,给他们一个聚集、闲聊、嬉戏的场地,更多的传递公共建筑的意义,承载更多的社会价值,成为村与村、城与乡对话交流的场所,从而让卧云台在龙门山镇生根发芽,带来更多的生机与活力。在这样的思考下,我们融合了“乡村会客厅”的理念。 In retrospect, the relationship between urban and rural areas is not dichotomous, but interdependent. Urban-rural integration does not mean a one-way flow convergence of the countryside to the city, but an equal exchange dialogue and interchange between urban and rural areas. We hope that on the basis of meeting the basic functions and needs, "Woyun Platform" can give back to the surrounding villagers, give them a venue to gather, gossip and play, convey the meaning of public buildings more, carry more social values, and become a place of dialogue and communication between village and village, city and countryside, so that "Woyun Platform" can take root in Longmenshan Town and bring more vitality and vigor. With such thinking, we put forward the concept of "Village Parlor".
建筑底层整体架空,白色的“竹林”由地面生长至穹顶,规整的结构柱网消隐在“竹林”中,形成一个开放包容的多功能场所。它像湔江水蒸发形成的云朵,炎炎夏日里带来一片阴凉,云下的人们,闲坐纳凉。它像是乡土记忆中“村口的大树”,树下的人们缓摇蒲扇,漫说故事。它像飞往未知星际的太空飞碟,苍穹下的人们仰望星空,憧憬未来。 The white "bamboo forest" grows from the ground to the dome, and the regular structural column network is hidden in the "bamboo forest", forming an open and inclusive multifunctional place. It is like the clouds formed by the evaporation of the water of the Jianjiang River, bringing a shade in the hot summer, and the people under the clouds, sitting and cooling off. It is like the "gathering place under the big banyan tree" in local memory, where people under the tree slowly shake the fan and tell stories. It is like a space saucer flying to the unknown stars, where people under the dome look up to the stars and long for the future.
我们希望白色的“竹林”变成“根”基,而让聚集于此的人们成为建筑的“根”本,注入最当地的烟火气息,形成社区文化共享的小天地,达到传统生活形式现代演绎的理想情境。他们于此的互动连接着过去、现在、未来。 We hope that the white "bamboo forest" will become the "root" of the building, and the people gathered here will become the "root" of the building, injecting the most local flavor of life, and forming a small world of shared community culture, achieving the ideal situation of modern interpretation of traditional life forms. Their interaction here connects the past, present and future.
发芽 Germination 当周边村民有了闲谈消遣的好去处,又该如何满足人的视觉及精神需求?对此,我们进行了一次探索性创新实践。 When the surrounding villagers have a good place for gossip and recreation, how to meet the visual and spiritual needs of people? In this regard, we have conducted an exploratory and innovative practice. 夜晚,架空底部巨大的穹顶通过灯光设计变成一个诗意的星辰宇宙。我们将巨大的穹顶通过参数化设计拆分为了2600多块单曲面铝板,方便安装并有效控制穹顶造价。板面上大小不一的孔洞由直径12mm、25mm、40mm三种规格通过参数化控制随机分布,每一块板面的孔洞排列都不同,确保整个穹顶的孔洞呈现自然而随机的分布方式。 At night, the huge dome at the bottom of the overhead turns into a poetic star universe through lighting design. We split the huge dome into more than 2,600 single curved aluminum panels through parametric design, which facilitates installation and effectively controls the cost of the dome. The holes of different sizes on the panels are randomly distributed by three specifications of 12mm, 25mm and 40mm in diameter through parametric control, and the holes of each panel are arranged differently to ensure that the holes of the whole dome show a natural and random distribution.
穹顶空腔内置灯光,我们摒弃造价昂贵、且施工工艺复杂的LED定制灯泡吊装方式,选择在关键节点设置LED投光灯侧洗,控制光束角,使光线在冲孔板孔洞侧壁形成光反射,最终在铝板外侧形成逼真的浩瀚星空意象。并通过主入口的动态流星、下沉广场的恒星与星空之间形成显与隐、内与外的对比关系,强化整个底部空间夜晚如梦如幻的空间意境。 For the built-in lighting of the dome cavity, we abandoned the costly and complicated construction process of LED custom bulb hanging method and chose to set LED spotlight side wash at key nodes to control the beam angle, so that the light forms light reflection on the side wall of the perforated plate hole and finally forms a realistic and vast starry sky imagery on the outside of the aluminum plate. And through the dynamic meteor at the main entrance, the contrast between the stars and the starry sky at the sunken square, the contrast between visible and hidden, inside and outside, strengthens the dreamlike spatial mood of the whole bottom space at night.
无论是晴天还是阴天,我们都为龙门山镇保留了一片“星空”。在这片舒朗的“星空”下,卧云台成为了另一种生活的剧场。不同类型的展览和活动(艺术展、户外音乐会、集市等),可以在这里举行。或许会有附近村民避暑纳凉,有途经的游客拍照打卡,有情侣浪漫约会,有小朋友数“星星”,有满怀心事的人发呆思考……期待更多的人在这里自得其乐,期待”美美与共,天下大同”的理想在此发芽生长。 Whether it is a sunny or cloudy day, we have preserved a "starry sky" for Longmenshan Town. Under this soothing "starry sky", "Woyun Platform" becomes a theater of another kind of life. Different kinds of exhibitions and events (art exhibitions, outdoor concerts, fairs, etc.) can be held here. Perhaps there will be villagers nearby to cool off, tourists passing by to take photos, couples on romantic dates, children counting "stars", and people with a lot on their mind to dwell and think ...... expecting more people to enjoy themselves here. The ideal of "beauty and beauty together, the world is one" is sprouting and growing here.
于山水间 In the landscape 卧云台坐落于龙门山壮阔优美的山水之间,我们以龙门山的山水自然为设计灵感,提出了“卧云”的建筑意象。“卧云”指高卧云雾缭绕之中,亦指“归隐”之意,“卧云台”表达了小隐建筑对“当下人们回归自然、回归天性、回归传统的内心向往”的一些思考与探索。 The site is located between the magnificent landscape of Longmen Mountain, we took the nature of Longmen Mountain as the inspiration for the design and came up with the architectural image of "Reclining Cloud". "Reclining clouds" means lying high in the cloud and mist, and means "returning to seclusion". "Woyun Platform" expresses Archermit thoughts and explorations on "people's inner longing to return to nature, nature and tradition".
“卧云台”的设计提取了龙门山国家地质公园“冰川漂砾”的地质遗迹特点、熊猫喜欢在树上玩耍的天性、熊猫形体的局部形态、熊猫栖居的竹林作为建筑元素,共同营造一个魔幻、开放、趣味的体验场所,构筑一个“隐士探秘”的玄幻意境。 The design of "Woyun Platform" extracts the geological relics of Longmen Mountain National Geopark, the nature of panda to play in the trees, the local form of panda and the bamboo forest where panda live as architectural elements to create a magical, open and interesting experience place, and construct a mysterious environment of "hermits exploring".
我们移植了石头、高山竹等自然元素直接融入空间之中,以湔江河谷的山水系统为原型设计了水循环景观,屋顶的水面像山里的湖,沿着山谷形成瀑布跌落下来,蜿蜒穿梭在底部的竹林秘境之中。 We transplanted natural elements such as stones and alpine bamboos directly into the space, and designed a water circulation landscape based on the mountain-water system in the valley of the Jianjiang River. The water surface on the roof resembles a lake in the mountains, forming a waterfall that falls down along the valley and winds through the secret bamboo forest at the bottom.
底层白色的柱子似竹林般向上生长,中部建筑取熊猫悬卧于竹林之巅的意象,构建悬浮的半球之形。屋顶的浅水之上散落着两块大小不一的“浮石”, “浮石”之意源于龙门山 “冰川漂砾”地质活动所形成的飞来峰巨石和湔江河谷中的江河浮石。熊猫的局部形态及黑白色彩,成为室内空间、家具、软装等的熊猫主题元素。 The white pillars on the ground floor grow upward like a bamboo forest, and the central building takes the image of a panda hanging on the top of the bamboo forest to build a suspended hemisphere. The shallow water on the roof is scattered with two "floating stones" of different sizes, the meaning of "floating stones" is derived from the boulders of Feilai Peak formed by the geological activity of "glacial drifting gravel" in Longmen Mountain and the river floating stones in the valley of the Jianjiang River. The panda's partial form and black and white colors become the panda-themed elements of the interior space, furniture.
在画卷中In the picture 顺着长长的天梯走向云端的星际,山水秘境游览的画卷于此展开。接待厅迎面的竖向灯管是底层竹林的延续,顶部蜿蜒的灯膜、地面流淌的水墨艺术地坪漆、房间里荡漾的水纹灯光,亦是对底部水景的呼应。 Following the long staircase towards the star in the clouds, the picture scroll of the mountain and water secret tour unfolds here. The vertical light pipe facing the reception hall is a continuation of the bamboo forest at the bottom, and the winding light film at the top, the ink art floor paint flowing on the ground, and the water rippling lights in the room are also echoes of the water scene at the bottom.
一条幽深静谧的巷子与接待厅相连,黑色的肌理展示墙依次展示着湔江河谷从地底到天空多样的自然元素:岩层、土壤、苔藓、灌木、乔木、花卉、果实、动物……阳光穿过天窗将屋面的水波光影洒在巷子里。 A deep and quiet alley is connected to the reception hall, and the black texture display wall sequentially shows the diverse natural elements from the ground to the sky of the Jianjiang river valley: rock formations, soil, moss, shrubs, trees, flowers, fruits, animals ...... Sunlight passes through the skylight to spill the watery light and shadow of the roof in the alley.
继续往深处走是第二个光影世界。细细的金属管和金属圆盘构建了神秘的竹林秘境,湔江河谷五彩的自然光影投射在秘境里,又被水波纹不锈钢板包裹的空间倒映在走廊的每个角落,让走廊更加神秘梦幻。漫步其间,河谷中的光怪陆离、虫鸣鸟啼萦绕身旁。 Continuing deeper is the second world of light and shadow. Fine metal tubes and metal discs build a mysterious bamboo forest secret world, the colorful natural light and shadow of the river valley is projected in the secret world, and the space wrapped by the water ripple stainless steel plate is reflected in every corner of the corridor, making the corridor more mysterious and fantastic. Strolling in between, the river valley in the light of the strange, insects and birds linger around.
熊猫野化科普厅观影结束后,穿过水墨长廊,跨过水面拾级而上到达三面环水的熊猫生态展厅,从屋顶跌落的水幕给凝固的空间带来流动的视觉和听觉体验。休息区稀疏有致的“竹丛”,构建起心理上的私密空间,同时也是熊猫栖居的“竹林”意象在空间中的叙事表达。 After viewing the film in the Panda Wildlife Science Hall, we walk through the ink corridor and cross the water to reach the panda ecology exhibition hall, which is surrounded by water on three sides. The water curtain falling from the roof brings a flowing visual and auditory experience to the frozen space. The sparse "bamboo bushes" in the rest area create a psychologically intimate space, and are also a narrative expression of the "bamboo forest" imagery in which pandas live.
从旋转楼梯缓步登上三楼,全落地玻璃带来良好的采光和通透的视野。贯穿空间的“竹丛”,蜿蜒的灯膜和晶莹剔透的玻璃砖墙再次出现在视野中,保证建筑叙事连贯性的同时,巧妙划分功能空间。 From the revolving staircase to the third floor, the full floor-to-ceiling glass brings good light and a transparent view. The "bamboo clump" running through the space, the winding light film and the crystal clear glass brick wall reappear in the view, ensuring a coherent architectural narrative while subtly dividing the functional space.
屋顶水面包裹着大面积的檐下灰空间,环形的大屋檐与列柱形成一个个画框,近处的水面将远处的龙门山倒映压缩到同一个画面中,如同横在眼前的一幅幅山水长卷。 The water surface of the roof wraps around a large area of gray space under the eaves, and the large ring eaves and columns form a picture frame, with the water surface in the near distance reflecting and compressing the distant Longmen Mountain into the same picture, just like a long scroll of landscape across the eyes.
中国文化里的”山水”并不仅仅是“风景”,而是万物赖以生存的自然,是文人雅士笔下的精神家园。如何让建筑与周边山水融合对话,我们认为并非誊写山水之形态,而是究其根本,给“靠山吃山靠水吃水”的当地人一方承载情感的场所,构筑同本土山水一致的场所精神。除了维护好当地既有的自然山水,我们更希望通过这次建筑实践为当地输入一些新的“文化”,营造一个更具诗意的精神场所,让这一片土地更加富饶,让这里的生活被更多的人向往。 The "landscape" in Chinese culture is not just a "landscape", but the nature on which all things live, and the spiritual home of the literati. How to make the architecture and the surrounding landscape integrate and dialogue, we believe that it is not to transcribe the form of the landscape, but to give the local people, who "live by the mountain and eat by the water", a place to carry their emotions, and to build the spirit of place consistent with the local landscape. In addition to maintaining the natural landscape of the area, we hope that through this architectural practice, we can bring in some new "culture" to the area, create a more poetic spiritual place, make the land more fertile, and make the life here more desirable to more people.
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