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回归到自然中去 | 嘉兴·梦桃文创濮院店

发布于:2024-05-22 13:34:22 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]


"Back to nature." is the central theme of this design. Nature is a symbol of youth and vitality. By "making the tropics", he allows consumers who desire nature and the outdoors to feel life in a limited space.

▼电梯厅/入口/前厅,Elevator lobby/entrance/front lobby


It enhances the space with a third of the total space with greenery, showing the ecological diversity with different kinds of plants and creating a small plant ecosystem with volcanic stones and tree bark.

▼空间概览,Space overview

▼吧台,Bar counter


The carefully constructed landscape type reflects the interdependence of plant communities and creates a sense of space with a "primitive sense of security" with a large number of community plants. At the same time, it creates an immersive experience of "being wrapped in space and wrapped by plants", thus simulating people's free and relaxing moments in nature with scenes.

▼包裹氛围,Wrapped atmosphere


In terms of the overall color scheme, in addition to the green color of the plants themselves, the walls are treated in an old way to complement the elm and pine elements in the space and achieve a perfect transition effect. However, the beige soft furnishings are more straightforward in interpreting the mood of "wrapped by the environment". The light gray terrazzo floor and the plants on both sides of the aisle provide a clearer direction for people.


▼室内包厢,Indoor private rooms


The characteristics of the natural state should not only be ecological, but also have a certain "randomness". The open outdoor space is the harmonizer of the whole design, which allows people in the environmental space to feel the change of climate, the beauty of the layers combined with the diversity of plant species and the change of colors in the seasons. At the same time, the whole space, together with the sunken recreation area, becomes the best viewpoint.

▼户外空间,Outdoor space

▼户外吧台/下沉式休闲区,Outdoor bar counter / sunken lounge area

▼室外包厢,Outdoor private rooms


Through the design, the designer has created an unconventional dining environment for Montauk's customers. Combined with the current state of people's lives, a unique living aesthetic is presented to customers, allowing them to enjoy the outdoors, feel nature and be part of nature in a limited space. At the same time, let their every dining experience is equivalent to a photosynthesis, drawing nutrients from the food and from the environment created. People and space become one with each other and return to nature.

▼小景/细部,Small scenes/fine details


▼轴测图,axonometric drawing

项目名称:梦桃文创 濮院店

项目类型:休闲娱乐 餐厅 餐吧 咖啡厅










材料:植物 水磨石 实木 旧化涂料 石材

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  KEEPPATCHING 我们希望用点滴努力 无限更新 明日生活方式 ——ifanr WutopiaLab受数字潮牌爱范儿(ifanr)委托在广州TIT创意园中创作了——未来社HOUSE于2022年9月落成开放。这个以「光塔」为枢纽,以「糖」为隐喻的垂直微型社交综合体是甲方爱范儿联合WutopiaLab以一次开放的设计实验方式进行的,以一次名为KeepPatching的城市社区和生活方式更新活动,它是一个探索咖啡,酒吧,展览,剧场及观光等灵活场景于一体的社区试验场。它也是WutopiaLab自2015年推行的城市微空间复兴计划的第一个广州样板。


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