鹿儿岛县金谷市新建了一所可容纳 90 名儿童的托儿所。在鹿儿岛县金谷市,2 万多年前火山爆发产生的火成碎屑流沉积形成了广阔的白洲高原。数百年来,人们长期呵护着这片富饶的自然景观,基于这一历史和景观的显著特征,这座建筑融入了高原独有的品质。
A new nursery with a capacity of 90 children is built in Kanoya City, Kagoshima Prefecture. In Kanoya City, a pyroclastic flow from an eruption more than 20,000 years ago was deposited and formed the vast plateau of Shirasu. Based on the history that the nature-rich landscape has long been taken care of over centuries and the distinguishing characteristics of the landscape, this building incorporates such quality that the plateau uniquely offers.
最显著的特点是,建筑建在高地上。建筑的外围像护城河一样被挖开,形成了一个动态的游戏区。护城河的斜坡会诱发 “攀爬”、“下降 ”和 “滚动 ”等上下运动。借助攀爬网、攀岩、堆砌的小山、滑索、沙坑和倾斜的沼泽地,这些身体的操作和运动激发了儿童的好奇心,鼓励他们自发地、创造性地发明游戏。
The most distinct feature is that the building is built on a plateau. The periphery of the building is dug around like a moat, creating a dynamic play area. The slopes from the moat induce up-and-down movements such as "climbing," "descending," and "rolling.” Such operations and movements of the body stimulate children's curiosity and encourage the spontaneous and creative invention of play with the help of climbing nets, rock climbing, a built-up hill, a zip line, a sand pit, and a sloped swamp.
受白洲高原的启发,室内餐厅的墙面故意做得凹凸不平,以便儿童攀爬和互动。图画书角利用入口处旁边的狭窄空间,设计成让孩子们可以爬上书架的位置。这样一来,孩子们的好奇心就会被激发出来,“自己找书、取书 ”的动作也会变得充满童趣。
Inspired by the Shirasu Plateau, the surface of the wall in the indoor dining hall is intentionally made uneven so that children can climb and interact with it. The picture book corner, which utilizes the narrow space next to the entrance, is designed to allow children to climb up the bookshelves. In so doing, their curiosity is peaked with an element of playfulness to the children's movement of "finding and retrieving books by themselves".
By incorporating the features of the Shirasu Plateau, such as the difference in levels and unevenness, into various parts of the building, even a one-story building, which typically lacks vertical transition, initiates up-and-down movement, thereby maximizing the amount of exercise and curiosity within children.
建筑师:HIBINOSEKKEI, Youji no Shiro
面积:2081 m2
摄影:Studio BAUHAUS
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只看楼主 我来说两句 抢板凳鹿儿岛县金谷市新建了一所可容纳 90 名儿童的托儿所。在鹿儿岛县金谷市,2 万多年前火山爆发产生的火成碎屑流沉积形成了广阔的白洲高原。数百年来,人们长期呵护着这片富饶的自然景观,基于这一历史和景观的显著特征,这座建筑融入了高原独有的品质。
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