土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 混凝土结构 \ 酒店设计:砖石和混凝土结构


发布于:2024-05-14 10:52:14 来自:建筑结构/混凝土结构 [复制转发]

Arrive East Austin Hotel拥有 83 间客房和一个多功能平台,平台上设有两家餐厅、三家酒吧、一家咖啡店、可出租的街边零售空间和停车场。业主/设计团队试图质疑既定的反公共酒店的陈规陋习--宏伟的入口...... “酒店 ”餐厅......空旷的大堂。相反,设计团队选择将酒店的特征降到最低,创造出的东西与其说是一家酒店,不如说是一系列面向公众的餐饮场所,而这些场所的上方恰好是酒店客房。

The Arrive East Austin Hotel comprises eighty-three rooms and a multi-use podium housing two restaurants, three bars, a coffee shop, leasable street-side retail space, and parking. The owner/design team sought to question established anti-public hotel tropes -- the grand entry… the “hotel” restaurant… the empty lobby. Instead, the team chose to minimize the hotel identity and create something that is not so much a hotel with supporting amenities beneath than a collection of public-oriented food and beverage establishments that happen to have hotel rooms above.


While it is a statement structure, street-level restaurants claim the pedestrian identity. Above, the undulating facade serves as a dynamic response to one of the more form-directive requirements of Austin’s street-side guidelines. But there is a programmatic function to these flourishes as the apparently shifting floor plates create balconies and covered porches for the hotel occupants. In the same way, the design employs the cantilevered building itself to create a code-required sidewalk cover.

ARRIVE 是在奥斯汀东区快速城市化的背景下开业的,但这里有一种社区精神在起作用。它是一座大型建筑,但却是一座充满活力、经久耐用的建筑,它拥抱公众。

ARRIVE opened amidst rapid gentrification in East Austin, but there was a community ethos at play. It is a large structure, but it is a dynamic and durable building that embraces the public.

2015 年,Arrive 酒店集团还是一家新公司,在棕榈泉只有一家酒店(刚开业不久)。但它有雄心壮志,要创建一个几乎没有品牌的连锁酒店,在当地的繁华街区开展业务。它对东奥斯汀很感兴趣。

In 2015, the Arrive Hotel Group was a new operation with a single (recently opened) hotel in Palm Springs. But it had ambitions to create an almost brandless hotel chain working within robust local neighborhoods. And it was interested in East Austin.

与此同时,奥斯汀也在努力解决该地区的城市化问题。作为部分解决方案,市政府选择沿东六街--一条直通市中心的大动脉--进行密集开发,同时保留南北两侧街区的住宅特色。这项新颁布的交通导向型走廊法令无意中造成的后果是,第六大街迅速变成了一个峡谷,60 英尺的街道边缘都是廉价的多户住宅建筑。

Concurrently, Austin was grappling with the gentrification of the area. As a partial solution, the city had opted to densify development along East Sixth Street – a direct artery into downtown – while preserving the residential character of the neighborhoods to the North and South. The unintended consequence of this newly minted transit-oriented corridor ordinance was that Sixth Street rapidly became a canyon between 60’ street edges of inexpensively built multi-family construction.


In opposition to the new construction along Sixth, the design team looked to the building and material typologies that existed in the surrounding warehouses, as well as the masonry and concrete construction, found at Huston Tillotson University (a historically Black university that overlooks the hotel). The masonry-infilled concrete structure evokes the neighborhood history without resorting to mimesis. A semi-outdoor restaurant reuses the pre-existing masonry structure (now physically attached to the principal hotel by way of the kitchens) further tying the complex back to its original East Austin roots.

对于 Arrive 来说,它所希望的步行环境首先是公共餐饮和零售场所,其次才是住宿设施。它想要的是一个几乎能压制其酒店身份的建筑--它想要的是一个公共设施。

For its part, Arrive desired a pedestrian environment that spoke to public food, beverage, and retail establishments first and to lodging second. It wanted a building that almost suppressed its identity as a hotel – it wanted a public amenity.

对附近居民的长期影响还有待观察。不幸的是,Covid 19 和德克萨斯州二月的严寒使 Arrive 的运营一度中断,但现在已基本恢复正常。虽然可以说东奥斯汀并不真正需要一个面积达 77,000 平方英尺的酒店项目,但项目团队还是努力建造了一个可以作为路标的建筑,告诉其他人这个街区很重要,值得建造雄心勃勃、经久耐用的建筑。

The long-term impact on the neighborhood remains to be seen. Unfortunately, Covid 19 and the bitter February Texas freeze derailed Arrive’s operations for a beat, but those are largely back in full swing. While it can be argued that East Austin did not truly need a 77,000 sqf hotel development, the project team worked to produce a structure that might serve as a signpost to others that this neighborhood is important and worthy of ambitious and durable architecture.



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