土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 云朵 | 成都·万华麓湖生态城·玥港软装

云朵 | 成都·万华麓湖生态城·玥港软装

发布于:2024-05-13 13:32:13 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

项目介绍  Projects
○ 项目位于成都双流区,是一个拥有绝佳自然环境的水岸社区,园区用艺术手创造出与自然相契合的生态空间场地。自然艺术是贯穿始终的造园主题。
The park uses artistic hands to create an ecological space site in harmony with nature. The art of nature is the theme of the gardening throughout.
○ 玥港,仿佛生长在自然间,楼宇隐蔽于高大的水杉林间,林下花境恣意生长,我们希望能通过景观软装,保留这份自然松驰的场地气质,进而提供一个更加温暖治愈的空间场所。
○ 软装以[云朵]为灵感,用柔润的设计语言,呈现出平缓舒展的流线造型;用简单干净的色调,在浓郁的绿色中安静存在;愿这一处处充满拥抱感与接纳感的休憩空间,赋予使用者更平和的心境,在现代都市节奏中依然能够慢享生活。
Soft furnishings is the behavioral needs of Yueyue Harbor, as if growing from nature, the building is hidden in the tall sequoia forest, the flowers grow freely under the forest, we hope that through the soft furnishings of the landscape, to retain the natural relaxation of the site temperament, and then to provide a warmer and more healing place in the space.
We hope that this resting space full of embracing and acceptance will give users a more peaceful state of mind, so that they can still enjoy a slow life in the modern urban rhythm.


座椅 | 与云相拥
Seats Embracing the Clouds
○ 本系列位于楼栋前的消防登高面,软装的布置让宅前场地成为了休闲花园,家的延伸。
○ 用平缓顺畅的曲线,塑造温润饱满的造型;白米色调搭配,让色彩赋予使用者安宁的心境;家具整体温和松驰,宽大进深与柔软抱枕,可以让人完全放松的卧坐其中。
This series is located in front of the building on the fire landing surface, the soft furnishings are arranged so that the site in front of the mansion becomes a leisure garden, an extension of the home.
The gentle and smooth curves are used to create a warm and full shape; the white-beige color scheme allows the color to give the user a peaceful state of mind; the furniture is gentle and loose, and the wide depth and soft pillows allow people to lie down and sit in complete relaxation.

○ 座椅茶几均选用圆润的造型语言,以呼应主题;圆球与花苞形态的抱枕,为家具增加了一丝活泼气息;在治愈系的自然氛围中,午后慵懒斜靠,仿佛与云朵相拥。
Seat coffee table are selected rounded modeling language to echo the theme; ball and bud form of pillows, for the furniture to add a touch of lively atmosphere; in the natural atmosphere of the healing system, the afternoon lazy leaning, as if embracing with the clouds.

▲ Seat details

○ 底座、茶几选配304不锈钢木纹转印,相较于传统柚木更长久使用,维护力度低;进口户外皮质面料,能够更好的体现品质感,贴合海绵的回弹,既塑形又能提升坐感。
Base, coffee table optional 304 stainless steel wood grain transfer, compared to traditional teak more long-lasting use, low maintenance; imported outdoor leather fabrics, can better reflect the sense of quality, fit sponge rebound, both molding and can enhance the sitting feeling.

▲ Seat details

座椅 | 躺望云端
Seats Lay back and look at the clouds
○ 园区主环路侧有几处林下场地,为日常散步的随时停留提供场所;这里是远望儿童场地视线上最好的陪伴;也是难得的独处与放松空间。
There are several wooded sites on the side of the park's main loop road, providing a place to stop at any time for daily walks; the best company on the sightline of the children's site from a distance; and a rare space for solitude and relaxation.
In a lying posture, you can completely surrender yourself to nature, raise your eyes to see the trees and the sky, the breeze on your face, seemingly in the clouds.

○ 弧形长沙发突破出常规做法,采用扪皮工艺,并精控造型细节,弧线倒角等特点强调设计感;结构躺椅为304不锈钢骨架外覆皮质坐垫,形态简练提升艺术气息。
Curved long sofa breaks out of the conventional practice, using leather craft, and fine control of modeling details, arc chamfering and other features to emphasize the sense of design;
Structural chaise lounge is 304 stainless steel skeleton covered with leather cushion, the form is concise to enhance the artistic flavor.

▲ Seat details

座椅 | 自在云间
Seats at ease in the clouds
○ 这是一组泛功能化的部品装置,突破了常规桌椅的边界界定,在符合人体工学尺度前提下,高低进退中布置为复合多样的空间组合关系;为不同年龄身高条件、不同功能需求的使用者提供更灵活的选择。
○ 浮动的云朵轮廓,以自由流畅的形态蔓延向密林边界,使空间视觉更具张力;粉与白的深浅渐变,呈现出更加丰富的视觉层次。
This is a set of pan-functionalized parts of the installation, breaking through the conventional definition of the boundaries of the table and chairs, in line with the ergonomic scale premise, the height of the arrangement for the composite and diverse spatial combination of relationships; for different age and height conditions, different functional needs of users to provide more flexible choices.
Floating cloud contours spread to the boundary of the dense forest in a free and smooth form, making the space more visually tense; the gradual change of shades of pink and white presents a richer visual hierarchy.

○ 采用不锈钢烤漆 坐墩采用皮革,不用的自由曲率,高低叠加,适应不用年龄段使用的坐具,桌面,在形态和功能上营造出丰富的层次感。
The use of stainless steel baking varnish piers using leather, do not use the free curvature, high and low superposition, to adapt to not use the age of the use of seating, desktop, in the form and function to create a rich sense of hierarchy

▲ Seat details

座椅 | 柔云有骨
Seats Soft Clouds with Bones Series
○ 一个有趣的独立花园,一组有趣的造型家具;静态的家具可以传递出动态的美;柔润的曲线却能呈现骨骼感。
An interesting freestanding garden with an interesting set of stylized furniture; static furniture can convey dynamic beauty; soft curves but skeletal.

○ 立体形态流畅细腻,质感金属漆在阳光下呈现流光溢彩的视觉效果,镜面茶几倒映着环境,随走随变,是闲时不经意发现的小确幸。
The three-dimensional form is smooth and delicate, and the textured metallic paint presents a flowing visual effect in the sunlight. Mirror coffee table reflects the environment, change as you go, is a small fortune found in the leisure time without thinking.

▲ Seat details

○ 软装是行为需求的载体,也是自然与生活之间的链接;我们努力还原材料质感与寓意表达之间的平衡,力求营造实用与艺术相融的现代生活场景。
Soft furnishings are the carrier of behavioral needs, but also the link between nature and life; we strive to return the balance between raw material texture and symbolic expression, and strive to create a practical and artistic blend of modern life scenes.





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雅奢之序,细节之美 | 合肥华润置地·望雲

崇尚时髦、富丽堂皇的酒店理念已经属于过去 当下的奢华,应该是融入本地文化、街区特征的 那种自然而然的雍容气度     华润置地华东大区首座望雲产品价值——为城市高端客群而作,打造圈层专属符号,温润与雅致相互调和,是否可以引导居住场景的迭代?JTL遵循东方融合的设计哲学,以融合现代雅奢的精致生活为主导方向,并作为项目的风格定调。


经验值 +10