土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 模糊艺术与日常的边界 | 广州·UNTitled CAFE毋名咖啡

模糊艺术与日常的边界 | 广州·UNTitled CAFE毋名咖啡

发布于:2024-05-13 13:29:13 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

UNTitled CAFE毋名咖啡新店坐落在广州美术学院昌岗校区的美术馆一角。绽白的咖啡角为挂满时间痕迹的美术馆带来新的意思。
The Untitled CAFE new shop is located in a corner of the art museum on the Changgang campus of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. The all white coffee corner brings new vitality to the art museum covered in time marks.

UNTitled CAFE毋名咖啡是由一群于广州美术学院毕业的学生在2017年而创立的,他们把生活艺术设计美学的理念融入到自定义式的精品咖啡中,旨在模糊艺术与日常的边界的同时,为大众带来多样的品牌理解与多元的空间体验;这也扩大了品牌对场景的选择尺度。
Untitled CAFE was founded in 2017 by a group of students who graduated from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. They integrated the concept of life art design aesthetics into customized coffee, aiming to blur the boundary between art and daily life while bringing diverse brand understanding and spatial experiences to the public; This also expands the brand's selection criteria for scenarios.


01 尊重境况
Adapt to the situation  
The location of the store is under the dense forest behind the school art museum. The design choices are integrated into the current environment, using flexible design techniques to connect the coffee shop with the art museum. This not only enriches the sensory experience of the art museum, but also makes the outdoor space more fully utilized.

02 满足运营
Meet operational  
The brand's operational needs for this store need to take into account the consumer groups inside and outside the art museum, which inevitably creates an attachment relationship that requires links. At the same time, it also creates a wider range of brand output for coffee stores, allowing the public to experience diverse aesthetics in the atmosphere of art and coffee blending.


03 搭建文化型交流体验场域
Cultural Experience Field  
通过对UNTitled CAFE毋名咖啡的品牌剖析,新门店落地的形态与基调是可供大众无限创想的。利落的造型与简朴的材质相辅相成,在不打扰周遭的同时也凸显出品牌自身Untitled的个性。
Through the brand analysis of Untitled CAFE, the form of new store landing is open to unlimited creativity for the public. The neat design and simple materials complement each other, highlighting the brand's own Untitled personality while not disturbing the surroundings.

Try to create a different inspiration in simplicity. The design embeds the store in a sharp and irregular art gallery with smooth arcs, attempting to break through the sharpness of the current architecture. The sharp sloping roof design creates a subtle relationship between the curved store and the art museum.


Coffee, art, all seasons,appeal to all.


UNTitled CAFE毋名咖啡品牌以友好的状态融入到艺术气息浓郁的美院里,让校内外的受众群体都能够在一杯咖啡中接受艺术的熏陶,在美学环境中感受咖啡的热情。
Untitled CAFE integrates into the artistic atmosphere of the art institute in a friendly manner, allowing audiences both on and off campus to receive artistic influence in a cup of coffee and feel the passion of coffee in an aesthetic environment.



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时间从远古流向未来,山川积压,泉涌流时,生命延续。蓬勃的生命力如同大地有力的呼吸,将一切浸润其中。     从土地的属性出发,生命力的表达不应只局限于自然孕育与文化传承的传统思路,而是紧跟时代变化的眼界与包容。景观设计选择去符号化,用现代设计语言表达东方意境。


经验值 +10