土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 公装设计 \ 上海李宁中心总部办公


发布于:2024-04-28 14:32:28 来自:装修设计/公装设计 [复制转发]

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Shanghai  LI-NING Center

项目为上海 李宁 中心, 暨李宁集团长三角区域总部,建筑面积约2.2万平方米,集文化、运动、时尚元素为一体。为李宁集团的人才引进、储备和发展,提供更多资源和空间。设计旨在满足产品研发、企业形象和产品展示、品牌发布等场景需求,同时为企业提供面向未来的“灵活办公”的解决方案。

The LI-NING Center in Shanghai stands as the Greater Shanghai Regional Headquarters for the LI-NING Group. Encompassing approximately 22,000 square meters, the building seamlessly integrates cultural, sporting, and fashion elements. It offers ample resources and space for talent introduction, reserve, and development within the LI-NING Group. The design is tailored to cater to the requirements of product research and development, corporate image enhancement, product exhibitions, and brand launches, all while providing forward-thinking "flexible office" solutions for enterprises.

? 张大齐    Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 张大齐        Photo by Daqi Zhang

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生命之塔 ? 冠军之路

Tower of Life ? Road of Champion

冠军之路,源自创新的第一步。行动不止于赛场,更在每个挑战中展现。“创新(Innnovation)、探索(Exploration)和可持续性(Sustainability)” 这三者共同构成了品牌发展的良性循环 。设计团队把品牌视觉语言抽象化转译后应用到空间的设计语言中,通过对空间形态的把控,打造一个激发团队创造力、鼓励沟通与协作、关注员工发展的复合型空间,赋能品牌的可持续发展。  
The Road of Champion commences with the first stride in innovation. Actions extend beyond the sports field and are displayed in every challenge. "Innovation, Exploration, and Sustainability" together form a virtuous cycle for brand development. The design team adeptly translates the brand's visual language into spatial design, creating a complex space that sparks team creativity, encourages communication and collaboration, and focuses on employee development to empower the brand's sustainable development.    


创新激发了品牌的活力和创造力,不断地探索与积累,推动品牌可持续性发展。基于此形成清晰和具备未来拓展性的楼层分布逻辑:12 层为品牌接待中心;6-11层为开放办公,其中11层为产品研发中心;4-5 层作为共享功能空间,分别为大选样层和会议中心。

Innovation sparks vitality and creativity within the brand, continuously driving exploration and accumulation, thus propelling sustainable brand development. Based on this, a clear and forward-thinking floor distribution logic is established: floor 12 serves as the reception center; floors 6-11 are designated for open offices, with floor 11 specifically allocated for product research and development; floors 4-5 are shared functional spaces, comprising a showroom and a conference center respectively.    


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12F ? Facing the Future

品牌接待中心,不仅是一个办公场所,也是一个展示品牌文化的场域,通过空间的构建传递品牌的价值,强化品牌的内核。 巨型弧形LED屏,配合独特的品牌文化展墙,让访客在充分感受与体验中,形成与品牌之间的互动与情感链接,全面展示企业的核心实力。

Beyond being merely a workspace, the brand reception center serves as a canvas for exhibiting brand culture. Through spatial construction, it conveys the brand's values and strengthens the brand's core. A giant curved LED screen, in conjunction with a unique brand culture exhibition wall, allows visitors to fully feel and experience, creating an interactive and emotional connection with the brand and fully displaying the enterprise's core strength.    

? 张大齐        Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 张大齐        Photo by Daqi Zhang

会客厅,配备了开放式饮品台和备餐区, 流线造型的 铝板天花结合灯光的设计,形成流动的空间态势。在这里可以举办新品发布、小型分享会等活动,也可以是企业内部的聚会场所。

The lounge area is equipped with an open beverage counter and a food preparation area. The streamlined aluminum ceiling design, combined with lighting, creates a dynamic spatial atmosphere. It can host events such as product launches and small seminars, and also serves as a gathering space for internal corporate events.

? 张大齐        Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 张大齐        Photo by Daqi Zhang


The conference room is equipped with full-house smart control. The large lighting membrane on the ceiling can adjust brightness and color temperature according to different meeting environments, all controlled by smart automation.

? 张大齐        Photo by Daqi Zhang

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11F ? Creating the New


Customized mobile storage cabinets and display units adorn the workstation areas, catering to the unique needs of designers. These units not only house magazines, books, and brand merchandise but also serve as showcases for a diverse array of captivating art pieces and gadgets, infusing the office environment with brand identity and individual character.    

? 海太欧林    Photo by ONLEAD

? 海太欧林        Photo by ONLEAD

? 张大齐        Photo by Daqi Zhang


The walls of the core column, combined with the surrounding relaxation facilities, create a creative workspace. This area caters to informal interactions among designers, providing space for reading, brainstorming, and other collaborative activities, fostering a relaxed and free atmosphere conducive to sparking inspiration.

? 海太欧林    Photo by ONLEAD

? 张大齐    Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 张大齐    Photo by Daqi Zhang

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6-10F ? Focusing On


The entrance reception area utilizes spatial depth to create a sense of ceremony, guiding visitors into the space. 

? 张大齐    Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 张大齐        Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 张大齐        Photo by Daqi Zhang

基于上海的日照角度,确定了从核心筒向外3.3+2+8的布局方式,设置足够多的存储空间与展示空间,同时确保每个工位的自然通风与采光。 运用BIM技术对风口、灯具、弱电系统终端设备进行模拟建造,以达到保证办公区舒适尺度。

Based on Shanghai's sunlight angles, a layout of 3.3+2+8 is determined from the core to the exterior, providing ample storage and display space while ensuring natural ventilation and lighting for each workstation. BIM technology is used to simulate construction for air vents, lighting fixtures, and low-voltage terminal equipments to ensure a comfortable scale for the office area.    

? 张大齐        Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 海太欧林    Photo by ONLEAD

独立办公桌解决日常工作;茶水区与同事就着咖啡闲聊或是独享片刻静谧;或是凹 龛讨论区内2-3人小组头脑风暴;亦或是在会议室或者开放讨论区内对各项事务讨论解决;

The individual office desks provide a dedicated space for daily tasks, while the tea area allows colleagues to chat or enjoy a moment of tranquility alone. The discussion area within alcoves accommodates brainstorming sessions for small groups of 2-3 people. Alternatively, discussions and problem-solving can take place in the meeting rooms or open discussion areas.

? 张大齐    Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 张大齐    Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 张大齐    Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 张大齐    Photo by Daqi Zhang

利用走廊空间设置开放的讨论区与卡座洽谈区,灵活的工作场景满足使用者的多样性需求。 这样,一个包容且灵活多变办公空间脱颖而出。  

By utilizing corridor spaces for open discussions and meeting areas, the flexible workspace caters to a diverse range of needs. This inclusive and adaptable office space stands out as a solution for various working scenarios.

? 张大齐        Photo by Daqi Zhang
7F Clarks Canteen——波普风彩色马赛克拼花墙面,给整体简约风格增添了一抹活力,散发着迷人的魅力,诠释了自由与活力的精神。  

The 7F Clarks Canteen features a pop-art-style colorful mosaic wall, adding a touch of vitality to the overall minimalist design. It exudes charming allure, embodying the spirit of freedom and vibrancy.

? 张大齐        Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 张大齐        Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 张大齐    Photo by Daqi Zhang

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5F ? Sharing your Passion


The 5th-floor meeting center adopts an exposed triangular beam approach, strategically planning out east, west, and north meeting clusters with dual-channel layouts based on the structure, with the inner side for evacuation and the outer for quick work and rest passages. This layout offers a variety of meeting spaces for 1-30 individuals and a training space for 120 participants. A user-friendly electronic reservation system manages all meeting venues, fostering an ethos of openness, sharing, communication, and efficiency among corporate members.

? 张大齐    Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 张大齐    Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 张大齐    Photo by Daqi Zhang

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4F ? Finishing What you Started

镜面天花延伸空间的视觉高度,呈现出舒适、开阔、自由的空间感受。 露明的 清水混凝土倒三角形吊梁结构在镜面天花的倒映下,呈现出钻石的造型,使其在空间中备受瞩目,同时建筑结构的美感增强了具有先锋仪式的空间体验。

The mirrored ceiling extends the visual height of the space, imbuing the area with a sense of comfort, openness and freedom. Exposed concrete inverted triangular beams, reflected in the mirrored ceiling, create a visually captivating diamond pattern, accentuating the architectural beauty and contributing to a pioneering and ceremonial spatial experience.

? 张大齐    Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 张大齐        Photo by Daqi Zhang

? 张大齐        Photo by Daqi Zhang

项目信息   / Project Info

名称: 上海 李宁中心室内设计
地址: 上海市长宁区海粟文化广场
业主: 李宁集团

业主设计管理团队: 李宁渠道设计部

设计总承包: 上海盛创建筑装饰工程有限公司  

主创设计: COLORFULL 昱景设计
建筑面积: 约22,000㎡

设计周期: 2022-2023
设计指导: 赵宗阳、小野良介

设计团队: 曲宠、 谢皓翔、李晓烨、 张阿平、 管晨、赵英伦、张凡星、冀永斌、张翔、 庄宏玲、 川合丰、 孙秀云

摄影版权: 张大齐、 ONLEAD海太欧林

家具品牌: ONLEAD海太欧林、 HermanMiller赫曼米勒

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在中国台湾台北市信义区,由国际著名建筑师 伦佐·皮亚诺( Renzo Piano)及其工作室Renzo Piano Building Workshop (RPBW) 设计的富邦美术馆即将在2024年5月4日盛大开幕。作为RPBW在台湾的首个设计项目,相对大师以往的作品,这次的设计似乎更加 “平庸”,缺少了皮亚诺一贯的高技派设计标签。简单的体块穿插让整个建筑多了一分中国人的沉稳,少了一分意大利人的浪漫。


经验值 +10