土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑方案设计 \ 简约现代:国外医院大楼设计


发布于:2024-04-26 15:39:26 来自:建筑设计/建筑方案设计 [复制转发]

2007 年,Champalimaud 基金会倡议在里斯本塔霍河畔一处美丽的地方建立癌症研究中心。该中心由印度著名建筑师查尔斯-科雷亚(Charles Correa)设计。十四年后,当基金会决定在癌症研究中心旁边建造一所治疗胰腺癌的医院时,查尔斯-科雷亚已经去世。他们找到了来自孟买的建筑师萨钦-阿格希卡尔(Sachin Agshikar),后者曾与科雷亚密切合作长达 18 年,并在研究中心担任过他的助手。阿格希卡尔受聘负责整体建筑的概念设计,美国的 HDR 公司负责内部规划,葡萄牙的 Joao Nuno Laranjo 担任当地建筑师。
In the year 2007, the Champalimaud Foundation took the initiative to build the Cancer Research Centre on a beautiful site in Lisbon along the River Tagus. It was designed by noted Indian architect Charles Correa. By the time the Foundation decided to build a hospital for the cure of pancreatic cancer next to the Cancer Research Centre fourteen years later, Charles Correa had passed away. They approached architect Sachin Agshikar from Mumbai, who had worked closely with Correa for eighteen years and served as his associate at the Research Centre. Agshikar was hired to conceptualize the overall building design alongside the US-based firm HDR for the internal planning, and Joao Nuno Laranjo from Portugal as the local architect.

与原研究中心 40,000平方米的占地面积相比,新占地面积极小,只有 13,680 平方米。新医院必须在功能上与其前身保持一致,因为原医院的一些设施是共用的。在建筑师看来,新建筑的设计必须与原有建筑完美融合,这主要是因为当人们驾车行驶在林荫大道上时,会将它们视为一个整体。此外,保持低矮的规模也很重要,因为与科雷亚的研究中心相比,医院面向大道的立面要长得多。如果楼层再高一些,新建筑就会显得过于压抑。
Compared to the 40,000 square meter plot on which the original research center was built, the new plot was extremely small, measuring merely 13,680 square meters. The new hospital had to functionally relate to its predecessor because some of the facilities in the original one were to be shared. It seemed imperative to the architect that this new building be designed to blend seamlessly with the existing building mainly because they would be seen together as a single complex as one drove down the avenue. It was also important to maintain a low scale as the hospital had a much longer fa?ade facing the avenue compared to Correa’s research center. A floor higher would have made the new building overpowering.

由于研究中心的建筑以弧形立面为主,因此新医院大楼的正面也采用了缓缓弯曲的石墙,长达172米。石墙的一侧有椭圆形的切口,另一侧则有一个很深的切口,部分露出了外面绿树成荫的庭院。椭圆形是有意识地与研究中心一些最引人注目的姿态相呼应,以确保建筑的连续性。从 0 米高处通往 3.5 米高大厅的车道被巧妙地隐藏在景观小丘和矮墙后面。穿过旋转门,就进入了一个大面积采用玻璃的双层挑高空间,自然光线充沛,为带着希望来到这里的病人营造了一种极为积极的感觉。
Since the buildings in the Research Center were characterized by a visually-dominant curved facade, the front of the new hospital building also has a gently curved stone wall, 172 meters long. The wall is punctured with oval-shaped cutouts on one side and a deep cut on the other side, partly revealing the pergola-shaded courtyards beyond. The oval shape was a conscious echo of some of the most dramatic gestures from the Research Center to ensure architectural continuity. The driveway rising from the 0m level to the 3.5m lobby level is cleverly hidden behind a landscaped mound and a low wall. One passes through the revolving doors to enter a largely glazed double-height space that is flooded with natural light, creating an extremely positive feeling for the patients who came here with a sense of hope.

设计还注重自然元素,营造宁静的环境。尽管这里拥有得天独厚的海滨地块,但遗憾的是,水景被邻近地产上的建筑挡住了。建筑师并没有试图将建筑加高以适应水景,而是 "决定将海洋引入建筑内部"。庭院中的大型水体以及俯瞰水体的房间和走廊就是为此而有意识设计的。静水的景象和从墙壁上隐蔽的水口流出的潺潺水声对坐在这里的病人有舒缓的作用。水位与地面高度一致,并缓缓消失在地板上的细缝中。
The design also focuses on natural elements to generate a peaceful environment. Despite the privilege of being an oceanfront site, the view of the water was unfortunately blocked by the building on the adjacent property. Instead of trying to make the building taller to accord water views, the architect “decided to bring the ocean inside the building.” The large waterbody within the courtyard with the rooms and corridors overlooking it was a conscious design device to this end. The sight of still water and the sound of water cascading from a concealed spout in the wall have a soothing effect on patients sitting in the space. The water level matches with the floor level and gently disappears into a fine slot within the flooring.

The reception lobby, the waiting areas, the cafeteria, and the research labs are placed around these water bodies. Considering Lisbon’s beautiful weather, the outdoor space next to the water creates a beautiful environment for the patients and their relatives to sit in. Similarly, the scientists can also step out of their labs intermittently and sit below a tree while taking a break. The shifting shadows of the pergola cast on the curved stone-clad wall create visual interest throughout the day, and these courtyards are also visible from the patient rooms placed one floor above. Escalators and lifts take one up to the second level overlooking the main lobby. The operation rooms on this floor are circular in shape with glass on one side.

Being in a hospital can be daunting, both physically and emotionally. A patient’s emotional state can play an important role in their recovery. And the emotional state of the relatives who accompany these patients can also not be underestimated. This elegant building has given prime importance to these factors beyond fulfilling its functional requirements. Here, architecture will work together with medicine and research as agencies of hope and healing.








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