土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑方案设计 \ 杭州钱江双塔新地标:望廷


发布于:2024-04-24 13:24:24 来自:建筑设计/建筑方案设计 [复制转发]

冬隐春显之际,由Aedas执行董事李巍、全球设计董事韦业启(Ken Wai)共领团队,在钱江核心地块打造的全新门户地标望廷顺利交付。作为该区域的重点项目,它不仅与中央商务区隔江呼应,同时与毗邻的运动场馆区达成共建互联,形成集商务、文化、商业、于一体的微缩新城。
Aedas Executive Director Wei Li and Global Design Principal Ken Wai jointly led the team to create a mixed-use gateway in Hangzhou Qianjiang adjacent to the Central Business District and the sports amenities. It integrates commercial, cultural, retail and residential programs to accommodate the rapid urban development.

▲挺拔有力的双塔形象Powerful form of twin towers
▲绿水环绕的周边环境Surrounded by Qianjiang 

Located at the heart of Hangzhou Ring Road, the project is conveniently accessible with double metro lines, well-developed transport system and surrounding key developments including Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. The design comprises of a twin tower complex integrating office and residential functions within a narrow site. Aedas Executive Director Wei Li added, “It is a design of human scale that creates a smooth transition between indoor and outdoor spaces, presents the best spatial experience, forming a live-work environment with an efficient layout planning.”

▲寓意“佳偶天合”的双塔人视角Connecting with the urban fabric
▲错落有秩的建筑体块Jagged architectural form 

Inspired by the lotus of West Lake, the sleek architectural form tapered on refuge floors to create a lotus rootlike metaphor which is of good implied meaning in local culture. The massing of the twin towers is symmetrical, offering a distinctive form from the nearby boxy towers. The lotus inspiration is further extended to the skirted entrance canopy, softening the linear architectural form that fronts the major roads.

▲荷叶舒卷的落客雨棚Lotus root-like fa?ade
▲雨棚细节Details of the canopy
▲从上至下延续的建筑形态Unified architectural form 

The fa?ade concept is derived from the ripples of the lotus lake as a merging of nature and architecture. The bronze fa?ade, uses aluminum and glass panels, glitters distinctively under different angles of sunlight. The vivid and neat appearance create a futuristic image for the towers.

▲独特的古铜色建筑立面Unique bronze fa?ade
▲体量包裹的丰富立面变化Vibrant architectural form 

The architectural cores are optimised on a limited plot by minimising the elevator zones, as to create more functional spaces and to maximise the view from the twin towers. Individual elevators are designed to separate the office and residential areas, strengthening the boundary of public and private spaces. The design has adopted an interactive circulation to enhance the live-work harmony.

▲被充分利用的地块Fully utilisation of the plot
▲共享与私密的动线平衡A optimisation between public and private spaces 

Aedas Global Design Principal Ken Wai said, “We have created a sustainable design with flexible layout by taking the urban characteristics into consideration. The design is inspired by the local culture and history, creating a placemaking landmark for the city.”    

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