土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 虚实统一、混沌有序 | 成都·天府中医药博物馆

虚实统一、混沌有序 | 成都·天府中医药博物馆

发布于:2024-04-07 10:51:07 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计






—— 《道德经》
夕阳下的湖岸博物馆   TCM Museum at Sunset

‖ 项目背景 Project Background   
In March 2020, led by Lu Yun, MUDA-Architects designed the Museum of Tianfu Traditional Chinese Medicine for Pengzhou City. Being the northern transportation hub of Chengdu, Pengzhou possesses abundant resources of medicinal herbs, it has drawn more than 90 pharmaceutical companies as the largest ligusticum striatum industry standardization production demonstration base. In response to the national strategy of revitalizing traditional Chinese medicine, in 2019, Tianfu Traditional Chinese Medicine City was officially established based on the Pengzhou Industrial Park in Sichuan.

鸟瞰 Aerial View  
自然,建筑与人和谐共荣 Nature, Architecture, and Humanity Harmoniously Thrive Together

The 13,000 square meter TCM museum, which is in the heart of TCM City, is close to Huitong Lake to the east and the third ring road to the west. Taking advantage of the location, the TCM Museum aims to construct a spiritual emblem for the region, create a synthesis of culture and ecology, reinvigorate and disseminate traditional Chinese medicine knowledge, and respond to the Park City development in a broader context.

落日余晖中的博物馆 TCM Museum at Sunset

‖ 设计理念 Design Concept   
Chinese traditional medicine has undergone a long course of development  with a complete theoretical system, emphasizing the holistic view of "unity of nature and humanity" and the dialectical treatment. Traditional Chinese medicine stresses the harmony and correspondence between humans and nature, believing that humanity is a component of the entire nature that is constituted by ‘Yin’ and ‘Yang’ in dualism: mutually antagonistic yet interdependent, and constantly undergo regular movement and change.

设计概念 Design Concept  
Our ancestors thought of Yin and Yang as being perpetually complementing and interdependent in a dynamic situation, and they used the Taiji diagram to vividly depict such a viewpoint: the complementary nature of all things, which is the root of generation and change, and a form of mutual transformation, relative unity, and harmonious beauty.

场地鸟瞰_Aerial View of Site
相辅相成的建筑与景观Complementary Architecture and Landscape

MUDA-Architects draws inspiration from traditional Chinese medicine philosophy, starting from the concept of "wholeness and dialectics," and impregnated the concept of Yin-Yang theory to bring forth the design into a void-solid combination of spaces generated by the conceived architecture and landscape. The scheme captures the essence of traditional Chinese medicine and harmoniously incorporates its underlying, antiquated philosophy into the design of architecture, landscape, and nature from a large-scale perspective, as well as material design, interior spaces, and human from a micro level. 

清晨薄雾中的博物馆_The Museum in the Morning Mist
建筑与水域相融 The Integration of Architecture with Waterscape

‖ 建筑-虚实统一   Architecture: Solid and Void  
俯瞰整个中医药博物馆,圆形建筑主体与场地水域景观结合,形如太极。建筑为实,景观为虚;陆地为阳,水域为阴,阴阳虚实被圆形环道紧密串联并围合其中。流动的水与行走的人,为静态的建筑增添动势与生机,动静结合,天人合一。天,地,人, 在此相辅相融,诠释了MUDA慕达建筑对自然万物和谐统一的理解。
The circular walkway encloses the museum's main structure and the surrounding waterscape, which resemble the form of Taiji. The substantial structures with the vacuous landscape, and the‘positive’earth with the‘negative ’water, are ways that the principle of Yin and Yang is expressed. Yin and yang, solidity and void, are closely linked and enclosed by a circular ring road.  Walking people and flowing water bring the still architecture energy and propulsion, fusing motion and stillness to bring together people and the environment. Heaven, earth, and humanity blend here, interpreting MUDA Architecture's understanding of the harmonious unity of nature and all things.

环道与行人为建筑增添动势与生机The Circulatory Pathways and Pedestrians Infuse Dynamism and Vitality into the Architecture
Yin & Yang is enclosed within the circular pathway

The museum's main entrance is situated on the west fa?ade, and a landscaped plaza connects it to the major city street. Curved perforated aluminum panels are mostly used on the entrance's west fa?ade to enhance the urban cityscape and to shield the western sun to lower energy consumption. The east fa?ade of the building, which faces the lake, has a double-curved glass curtain wall that break the boundaries between architecture and landscape.

通往博物馆的道旁景色 The Scenery Along the Pathway Leading to the Museum
与建筑相容的景观Landscape Design Compatible with the Architecture

‖ 室内-混沌有序   Interior:Yin within Yang  
The structure is 22.4 meters at its highest point, constitutes of  three stories above ground and one underground level. The majority of the public areas, including the entrance hall, lecture hall, interactive exhibition area, coffee,and catering area, are located on the ground floor. The primary display area, which is organized into TCM exhibitions, science and technology exhibitions, and TCM workshops, is set on the second and third floors. Parking area and utilities are on the underground floor. Additionally, the underground area combines with the exterior sunken plaza to provide interactive and commercial spaces, offering a flexible range of recreation activities to the public.

灵活的下沉广场互动空间Flexible Sunken Plaza Interactive Space
下沉广场 the Sunken Plaza
倒映在建筑里面上的山水长卷The Landscape Scroll Reflected on Building Facade

Multi-level curved platform in the three-storey entrance hall enriches the interior space and providing various possibilities for later exhibitions. Skylights and transparent glass curtain walls introduce sunlight and ecological landscape into the interior, allowing visitors to interact with nature from different perspectives on each floor. The winding and flowing curves of the architectural concept are carried into the interior space, continuing the design motif. The many components of the room are organically interwoven together to create order within chaos,  Yin within Yang.

东立面通透的玻璃幕墙East Facade with Transparent Glass Curtain Wall
建筑框景Architectural Framing
双曲面玻璃幕墙Double-curved Glass Curtain Wall

‖ 景观-混元一气  Landscape: Order within Chaos  
The TCM Museum is the focal point of the overall landscape design. The architectural body, the undulating landscape area, the water islands, the waterscape, and the public plaza enclosed by the circular walkway, all components of the complex constitute the fifth fa?ade of the TCM city, simulate a gigantic Taiji diagram in continuous motion. The entire complex driving the surrounding environment with its dymism, combines Yin and Yang, and transforms chaos into deliberate order.

总平面图_Master Plan
流线型的景观绿地Streamlined Landscape Greenery
建筑与景观和水域的虚实相间The Interplay of Void and Solid Between Architecture,Landscape, and Water

The movement of the hybrid energy was transformed into undulating green space and curving waterscape, which is constantly rotating around the main building structure. The design of the landscape impregnated both the laws of the nature and the foundation of life, heaven, earth, and human beings are integrated into one, coinciding with the holistic, yin-yang, and balance concepts in traditional Chinese medicine. 

粼粼微波中的建筑倒影和环形步道The building and circular pathway reflected in the glistening ripples
起伏的绿地景观环绕着建筑Undulating green landscape surrounds the building
阶梯、景观、和水中岛屿组成的户外剧场The outdoor theater composed of stairs, landscape, and islands

the entrance of the landscape and circuit walkway is separated from the museum entrance and it offers 24/7 access for the public, thus providing a true public space for urban population. Among them, there are four main landscape systems: A plant system where different seasonal herbs are planted in designated areas for herbal knowledge education; a spatial system that creates undulating terrain and stretches of green space to create an immersive natural atmosphere; a pedestrian system that links multiple walking routes to provide a comfortable and oxygen-rich journey; an artistic living system that implants various types of art forms to reserve more flexible and variable art spaces. With its participatory, interactive and open atmosphere, the museum also acts as a public platform that accommodates exhibition, education, social interaction and experience of nature. Standing comfortably in its surroundings, one can achieve internal and external harmony.

空间的虚与实_The Interplay of Void and Solid in Space
贯穿建筑的环形步道_Circular Pathway Running Through the Building
24/7面向市民开放的广场和步道空间A plaza and pathway space open to the public 24/7

‖ 结语  The End    
As a landmark building of Tianfu Traditional Chinese Medicine City, the Tianfu Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is the spiritual fortress of the entire park, bearing the heavy history of traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, and also the expectation of the future inheritance and development of Chinese medicine. The design, according to MUDA-Architects, is an effort to blend architecture, nature, the city, and traditional culture as well as a chance to speculate about traditional Chinese philosophy and contemporary architecture design. This design is a fusion of architecture, nature, urban cities, and traditional culture, as well as an opportunity for MUDA-Architects to reflect on traditional Chinese philosophy and contemporary architecture design.

建筑、自然、城市与传统文化的融合The integration of architecture, nature, urban elements, and traditional culture
宁静矗立湖畔的中医药博物馆The Chinese Medicine Museum nestled by the lakeside
夕阳余晖下的柔和金属光泽The gentle metallic luster under the sunset glow
夕阳下的湖岸博物馆_Museum at Sunset
一层平面图_First Floor Plan 
二层平面图_Second Floor Plan 
三层平面图_Third Floor Plan 
负一层平面图_B1 Floor Plan 
西立面_West Facade
东立面_East Facade
北立面_North Facade
南立面_South Facade
剖面图 Sectional Elevation 



项目地点:中国 成都彭州

建筑面积:  13,245平方米


主持建筑师: 卢昀







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