土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑方案设计 \ 市井旧城中生长而筑的知识舞台


发布于:2024-03-14 10:43:14 来自:建筑设计/建筑方案设计 [复制转发]

“水岸绿洲,船步汀兰”, 由Aedas执行董事胡庆峰带领团队,携手深圳和华国际工程与设计有限公司打造的  深圳罗湖船步街片区城市更新   (点击了解项目详情) 正如火如荼地进行,其中,一所全新的九年一贯制罗湖船步街片区城市更新滨河实验学校随之应运而生。 与该片区城市更新理念一脉相承,团队在城市水岸绿洲中创新性营造一所现代化多彩校园,为罗湖乃至深圳打造一片文化聚集示范地。

Designed by Aedas Executive Director Kelvin Hu andShenzhen WOWA International Engineering and Design Co., Ltd, the urban renewalat Chuanbu Street in Shenzhen is well underway. The renewal welcomes anintegrated primary and junior high school, a vibrant and contemporary campus inthe urban waterfront oasis, which establishes a cultural landmark for Luohu andShenzhen.


Campus adorned by thenature

根据规划,深圳市罗湖船步街片区城市更新将打造集住宅、办公、商业零售、学校教育等多种业态功能于一体的现代化宜居枢纽城居,人才港湾。 作为片区更新的重要组成部分,该学校项目周边配套资源丰富成熟,临靠罗湖火车站,接壤罗湖口岸,北有深圳万象城,南有未来医疗城。 但由于地块边界不规则且紧邻城市次干路,加之周边高层住宅区围绕,日照条件极为苛刻,给场地布局带来了很大挑战。  

The renewal of Luohu Chuanbu Street in Shenzhenaims to create a modern, livable hub integrating various functions includingresidential, commercial, retail and educational facilities. The campus benefitsfrom its prime location neighbouring the infrastructural development includingLuohu Railway Station, Luohu Port, Shenzhen MixC City and Future Medical City.


Site Context


Irregular plot

设计充分考虑场地条件,将行政办公和教师宿舍分别放置在场地东北和西北侧,以此提高土地利用率;东侧集中布局教学楼,充分满足学生日常日照需求。操场设置在周边高层住宅和教学区域之间,形成城市界面缓冲区域,一定程度缓解高密度城市中的视觉压迫感。 同时,设计打破运动场所刻板印象,以环形跑道串联起整个教学活动区域,营造开放、自由、共融的校园氛围。  

In light of the insufficientsunlight caused by the high-rise residential clusters, efficient layoutplanning is adopted to optimise the landuse. The administrative offices and teacherdormitories are placed on the northeast and northwest sides. The teachingbuildings are located on the east side to maximise sunlight. The playgroundserves as a buffer between high-rise residential and teaching areas, reducingvisual pressure from the surrounding high-rise massing. A circular runningtrack connects the campus, fostering an open and inclusive atmosphere.


An integrated campus


‘The closed-loop system, whichconnects multiple areas with a circular running track, allows for intensive interactionbetween learning and living environments. This spatial structure greatlyreduces the hierarchical distinction of different functional layouts within thecampus. It not only supports diverse teaching activities but also facilitatesinteraction among students and connection with nature.’ Kelvinshares.


E fficie nt layout to create a multi-dimensional campus

区别于单一、封闭的传统教学空间,团队将建筑体量溶解于环境,为学生在自然中开辟一片学习天地。 教学楼整体呈U字形布局,面向城市开敞,寓意“海纳百川的知识殿堂”,设计为其注入大量廊道、平台、转角大楼梯等非正式公共交流场所 ,方便学生课余活动时间于此结识、嬉戏、跨年级交流互动,在时间和空间中体验成长和知识升级的成就感。  

Thedesign creates a learning sanctuary for students within nature. The overallU-shaped layout of the teaching buildings opens up towards the city, symbolisinga campus filled with knowledge. Abundant corridors, platforms, and cornerstaircases have been incorporated into the design which allow students tosocialise, play, and engage in cross-grade interactions. Students canexperience a sense of achievement in personal growth and knowledge advancementwithin the campus.


Informal communication venue s promote ideas exchange

同时, 团队深耕本土文化,融合传统岭南骑楼风格,在教学楼底层打造户外遮阳长廊,其上各层均设计有屋面挑檐和架空空间, 促进南北通风、景观联动和自然采光 ,呼应了岭南湿热气候和特色 。建筑整体色彩丰富,绿植环绕,远远望去,宛若从自然中生长而出,极大提高了学校辨识度。  

Thedesign deeply embraces local culture and integrates the traditional Lingnanarcade style. On the ground floor of the teaching buildings, an outdoorsunshade corridor has been constructed, while each level features roof eavesand elevated spaces, promoting natural ventilation, landscape integration anddaylighting, thus reflecting the characteristics of the Lingnan region's hotand humid climate. The overall architecture boasts a rich color palette and issurrounded by greenery, giving the impression of organic growth from nature.This design significantly enhances the campus's visual identity and recognitionfrom a distance.


Staggered layered design echoes the Lingnan  climate

被教学楼环抱其中的非正式教学共享空间,成为了学生日常自由探索求知的天堂。 设计再现对建筑的美学诉求,通过自由灵活、风格迥异的单体组合,以及缤纷的色彩搭配,打破校园建筑的沉闷感,向城市展现其丰富的活动区域 ,艺术、科学、音乐等跨学科在这里融合碰撞,营造无边界的学习环境,全方面激发学生潜能,彰显文化建筑气质。  

Theinformal shared learning spaces nestled within the embrace of the teachingbuildings have become a paradise for students to freely explore and seekknowledge. The design embodies the aesthetic aspirations of the architecture byemploying a combination of flexible individual structures with distinctivestyles, as well as a vibrant color palette. This breaks away from the dullnessoften associated with campus buildings and showcases the rich activity areas tothe city. Here, the integration of art, science, and music create aboundaryless learning environment that fully unleashes students' potential andhighlights the cultural and architectural essence.


Wis dom Link opened to city


‘Educationalbuildings are no longer just carriers of teaching needs; they should alsoencompass diverse and integrated developmental functions, creating asustainable growth environment where students can explore and enrich, as wellas fostering innovative thinking and fulfilling their values.’ Kelvinconcludes.  

位置: 中国深圳

业主: 深圳市罗湖人才安居有限公司

设计及项目建筑师: Aeda s、深圳和华国际工程与设计有限公司联合体

建筑面积: 87,997 平方米

竣工年份: 进行中

Aedas主要设计人: 胡庆峰,执行董事

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建筑设计讲究 和谐 美 包括 建筑本身 以及环境 但偏偏有的设计 主打一个“ 四不像 ” 今天小吧就带大家一起 感受那些让人无法理解的拼接风建筑      


经验值 +10