土木在线论坛 \ 装配式建筑 \ 项目案例 \ 越南 | 极简主义

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发布于:2024-03-12 09:53:12 来自:装配式建筑/项目案例 [复制转发]

The investor is a young couple with little kids, who used to live in an apartment where there was a lack of space for green areas and natural light.    
Therefore, when coming to our design team, the homeowner's desire is to put the highest priority on the life quality.    
The living area is not necessarily too large but has ample space for a garden to get closer to nature every day.    
Also, there should be a playground for th-e little kids.    
At the same time, the living area overcomes the stuffiness of the apartment, ensuring that the functional spaces must receive natural sunlight and wind.    
The house has the main facade facing the East.    
Thus, the design must meet the following criteria: functionality, aesthetics, reducing the amount of heat shining directly into the house, and especially overcoming the regional climate issues such as scorching sun and heavy rain.    
The ground floor is designed as flexible communication spaces arranged under the wide eaves.    
The large balcony above plays the role of a large linoleum to block the sun and rain.    
The house is accessed by the large cushioned halls, avoiding direct sunlight and bringing a relaxing space for the family every evening.    
The two-layer covering wall system is arranged in the East and West directions, containing a thick wall layer and a sliding glass door layer.    
An open space between these two wall layers is reserved for tree planting and air circulation.    
This solution not only avoids harsh sunlight but also helps good wind convection.    
Furthermore, it provides the family with the necessary privacy.    
Minimalism and detail orientation are the mottoes of our team.          
The facade of the building has its own features from the solid flat surface of square concrete blocks to the soft interwoven glass and green trees.    
All the spaces inside the interior are designed to capture natural light outside, combined with the simple and uniform materials that stand out on the green of the leaves.    

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什么是装配式装修 装配式装修,又称工业化装修。 根据住建部2017年颁布的《装配式混凝土建筑技术标准》和《装配式钢结构建筑技术标准》,该技术是指采用干式工法、将工厂生产的内装部品在现场进行组合安装的装修方式,主要具备三个特点: 1、干式工法装配: 规避传统装修中使用砂浆找平、粘结等湿法作业,改为采用锚栓、支托、结构粘胶等方式实现支撑与连接构造。


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