土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑方案设计 \ 极简现代:特色多层办公建筑


发布于:2024-02-01 10:55:01 来自:建筑设计/建筑方案设计 [复制转发]

保留 2001 年建成的现有建筑,并将其改造成现代办公楼--这就是开发商 EDGE 交给工作室 PRO 的任务。该项目与众不同之处在于,建筑工作室还负责了最初的设计。由于设计质量极高,对建筑进行再利用也就顺理成章了。经过新的调整,EDGE 体育场又一次为未来做好了准备。2020 年秋天,Loyens & Loeff 搬出了二十年前由工作室 PRO 设计的 Forum 办公大楼。

To preserve an existing building from 2001, which at the time was already sustainable, and transform it into a contemporary office - that was the assignment atelier PRO was given by developer EDGE. What made the project exceptional was that the architectural studio had also been responsible for the original design. This was of such a high quality that it was a logical step to reuse the building. With the new adjustments, EDGE Stadium is now - once again - ready for the future. In the fall of 2020, Loyens & Loeff moved out of the Forum office complex, which was designed by atelier PRO twenty years ago.

这座独具特色的建筑当时已经在可持续发展方面取得了进步,如今已被改造成多租户的 EDGE 体育馆大楼。改造的结果是为各类公司和小型企业提供了一个现代化的、鼓舞人心的工作环境;一个有意识的组合,促进了互动和创新。
EDGE Stadium 是一个健康绿色的办公场所,采用天然材料,植被茂盛,空气质量高,屋顶露台宽阔。它毗邻奥林匹克体育场和 Zuidas 区,无论从商业角度还是从城市角度来看,都非常有趣。

The distinctive building, already progressive in terms of sustainability at the time, has now been transformed into the multi-tenant EDGE Stadium building. The result of the transformation is a modern and inspiring working environment for various companies and small businesses; a deliberate mix, which promotes interaction and innovation. EDGE Stadium is a healthy and green office, with natural materials, lush planting, high air quality and a wide roof terrace. Its location, near the Olympic Stadium and the Zuidas, is interesting both from a business and an urban perspective.

Atelier PRO 和 EDGE 具有相同的价值观:着眼未来,建造更好的建筑。这意味着不建造新建筑,而是重新利用现有建筑,使其更具可持续性。这也意味着要设计一个现代、健康和创新的工作环境。设计的质量不仅在于美观,还在于植物、社交空间和便利设施以及空气质量等方面;智能技术措施发挥着重要的辅助作用。
为此,该建筑的设备已进行了更新,以适应当今的要求;2001 年安装了蓄热系统,用于供暖和制冷--这在当时是独一无二的--如今的设计就是以此为基础的。

Atelier PRO and EDGE share the same values: to build better, with an eye to the future. This means not to build new buildings, but rather to reuse and make existing buildings more sustainable. It also means designing a contemporary, healthy, and innovative work environment. The quality of a design lies not just in the aesthetics, but also in aspects like the planting, in social spaces and amenities, and in the air quality; smart technological measures play an important supporting role. For this reason, the building's installations have been renewed and adapted to today's requirements; a thermal storage system was installed in 2001 for heating and cooling - for those days unique - and today’s design is based on this.

中庭的玻璃屋顶得以保留,所有木质窗框和横梁都得到了重新利用。在可持续发展方面,该建筑采用了最高标准--英国建筑性能评估体系(BREEAM)卓越级和 WELL 核心与外壳金级。
该建筑也是荷兰第一座获得 R2S(Ready2Services)认证的两星建筑;该标签用于衡量建筑的 "智能连接性",即通过智能技术实现的性能。由于该建筑已经满足了大量要求,因此现有设计中的许多元素都可以重复使用和升级。

The central atrium with its glass roof was retained, and all wooden window frames and beams were reused. When it comes to sustainability, the highest standards - BREEAM Excellent and WELL Core & Shell Gold - have been adhered to. The building is also the first R2S (Ready2Services)-certified building with two stars in the Netherlands; this label is used to measure a building's "smart connectivity," or performance through smart technology. Because the building already met a great number of requirements, many elements from the existing design could be reused and upgraded.


The complex consists of two long office wings, which were widened and topped up with an additional floor; the central volumes were also enlarged, adding a total of around 10,000 m2 to the existing floor area of 19,000 m2. The central atrium has been expanded with a wooden roof structure and given a new appearance; it has been redesigned as a lush green space where users can meet, acting as the heart of the building. New, attractive stairwells invite people to meet and move around.

中庭作为建筑的核心,是改造的驱动力之一,但同时也有其自身的空间特质。Atelier PRO 希望保留这种特质,同时增加光线和自然感。
为此,我们在墙壁上安装了浅色橡木隔音板,并增加了木质外墙和窗框。中庭后部的亭子被拆除、扩建并换上了新的外墙;前部的心形铜包钢亭子被纳入了新的设计中,现在已成为中庭的亮点。EDGE 体育馆顺应了不断变化的工作和可持续发展理念,已被改造成一个可供人们聚会、咨询、活动和发挥创意的场所。

The atrium, as the heart of the building, is one of the drivers of the transformation, but also had an existing spatial quality of its own. Atelier PRO wanted to preserve this quality, and at the same time add a sense of light and naturalness. This was achieved by fitting the walls with light-colored acoustic slats of oak and by adding wooden facades and window frames. The pavilion in the rear of the atrium was dismantled, extended and given a new facade; the heart-shaped, copper-clad pavilion at the front was incorporated in the new design and now serves as the eye-catcher of the atrium. EDGE Stadium responds to changing ideas about work and sustainability and has been transformed into a place where people can meet, consult, move and get creative.




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