The Auditorium and the Central Library of Semnan University were designed in 2007 and span an area of 14,000 square meters. The project contains a series of lecture and educational halls, a multi-purpose central auditorium, and a library that was constructed and developed in different phases. The avant-garde architecture is inspired by traditional Iranian motifs, particularly evident in the intricate openings and ribbons applied on the facade which adorn the building, reflect the rich cultural and artistic heritage of Iran, and allow the use of natural light. The fa?ade is designed as an integrated part of the building’s architecture and structure.
The complex contains two separate volumes: a library and an auditorium which are connected through a corridor and create a space that allows ample natural light to enter the building. The architecture of a building contains a diversity of voids that create unique spatial experiences, encourage social interaction, and provide collective spaces for students and the community. The openings are more than just windows. They are irregular triangular openings that bring natural light into the building and lead to natural ventilation. The turquoise color (Persian Blue) used in this project is inspired by Iranian traditional art and evokes a familiar feeling in users.
The building has been designed with consideration for its function and location amidst the surrounding mountains which rise from the ground and merge with the interior and inviting visitors to explore inside the building. The continuous surfaces on the floor, wall, and ceiling of the project blur the boundaries between interior and exterior, resulting in a cohesive and dynamic design. The staircase as part of the building’s structure offers stunning views of the university campus. This project has been envisioned as a place where people can come together and exchange information, particularly within the context of the university setting.
The building consists of a 1000-seat central auditorium, two 200- and 150-seat training halls, a meeting room, a central library, a university documentation center, facilities, and a café.
建筑师:New Wave Architecture
面积:14000 m2
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