土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 居住建筑设计 \ 办公建筑:被改造成公寓住宅


发布于:2024-01-22 14:04:22 来自:建筑设计/居住建筑设计 [复制转发]

建筑和外墙的新功能。位于哈勒姆的前福陆办公楼于 1972 年设计,当时的设计理念是它可以容纳未来的任何功能,使其易于销售。事实证明,这种前瞻性思维是一项可持续的投资,我们现在正在从中获益。
这座建筑规模宏大,占地面积 80 x 37 米,天花板高达 3.6 米。当时,开放式的结构加上宽大的蘑菇柱和跨度,是小型办公隔间的理想选择,而外墙的重复柱结构则给人一种封闭感。现在,建筑已被拆除,隔间被阁楼公寓取代。这一转变彻底改变了内部和外立面的功能:从工作到生活,从封闭到开放,从一览无余到视野开阔。

A new function for the building and the fa?ade. The former Fluor office building in Haarlem was designed in 1972 with the idea that it could accommodate any future function, making it easily marketable. This forward-thinking proved to be a sustainable investment that we are now reaping the benefits of. The building boasts an outsized scale, with a footprint of 80 by 37 meters and ceilings reaching 3.6 meters high. Back then, the open structure with expansive mushroom columns and spans was ideal for small office cubicles, while the repeating column structure in the fa?ade offered a sense of enclosure. Now, the building has been stripped, with the cubicles replaced by loft apartments. This transformation completely altered the function of the interior and the fa?ade: from work to living, from enclosure to openness, and from overview to wide view.


Instead of adapting the building for through apartments surrounding an inner courtyard, the decision was made to add extra space to the apartments. This choice saved the need for a second thermal skin and allocated more budget for a high-quality fa?ade. In times of high demand for living space, we carefully chose to retain the floor area. With the additional space, the loft apartments were sold below market value, providing future residents with more space, freedom in layout, and reduced costs.


卡斯科阁楼:创造性和灵活性的空间。该建筑已被改造成一座住宅楼,拥有宽敞的阁楼公寓。在 96 个阁楼中,有 30 个是完全卡斯科式的,可以自由改装。厨房、浴室和卧室可以随意摆放。
Elephant 与未来的住户一起设计了布局。这就造就了 30 套独一无二的阁楼公寓,完全符合住户多变的居住偏好。没有两个阁楼是完全相同的。有了这么大的空间,不仅在室内设计和布局方面,而且在使用方面,都有无限的可能性。在这里,生活、工作和娱乐可以并存--没有界限,只有自由。

Casco Lofts: Space for creativity and flexibility. The structure has been transformed into a residential building featuring spacious loft apartments. Among the 96 lofts, 30 are fully casco and freely adaptable. Provisions have been made to place the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom at any location. Together with the future residents, Elephant designed the layout. This has resulted in 30 unique loft apartments perfectly tailored to the versatile living preference of the residents. No two lofts are identical. With so much space, the possibilities are endless: not only in terms of interior design and layout but also in their usage. Living, working, and playing can coexist within the building - there are no boundaries, only freedom.


We wanted the surplus of space in the existing building to be experienced within the interior of the loft apartments. For this purpose, we stripped the building down to its core while leaving the structure intact. The columns remain unobstructed by room dividing walls or layout, standing as structural ornaments showcased within the apartment. In the lofts, you may encounter the mushroom columns sporadically in the living room, bedroom, or bathroom. By placing the new fa?ade outside the existing construction, the fa?ade columns are left exposed, preserving the traces of the original building.

实用的新外墙 新的凸窗外墙不仅实用,而且对于宽敞的阁楼公寓来说也是必不可少的。从地板延伸至天花板的大型玻璃窗将充足的日光引入居住空间,并且可以轻松地完全打开。阁楼的功能类似于敞篷车。在一楼,窗台向内折叠,以提供遮蔽并创造室外空间。从一楼开始,外墙逐渐向外折叠,为公寓增加了额外的空间,并扩大了室内的视野。对称和不对称的窗台使布局更加灵活多变,而外部则呈现出透明和反射的交织效果。

A functional new fa?ade. The new bay window fa?ade is not only functional but also essential for the spacious loft apartments. Large glass bays, stretching from floor to ceiling, bring ample daylight deep into the living space and can be easily fully opened. The lofts function like convertibles. On the ground floor, the bay windows fold inward for shelter and create outdoor space. From the first floor, the fa?ade gradually folds further outward, adding extra space to the apartment and broadening the view from within. Symmetrical and asymmetrical bays contribute to the versatility of the layout, while the exterior plays with an interplay of transparency and reflection.

分散式入口。由于新增了 4 个分散式入口,现在每层楼都有 8 套独特的转角阁楼公寓可供选择。每套转角公寓都是双向的,并设有私人入口,为住户提供了独享感和私密性。中央大厅可从大楼的四面八方进入。大楼共有 8 个入口,营造了一个充满活力和动感的环境。此外,每个入口都可以通向一个公共屋顶花园,住户可以在这里聚会,享受共享的户外空间。

Decentralized entrances. With the addition of 4 new decentralized entrances, there are now 8 exceptional corner loft apartments available on each floor. Each corner apartment is dual-oriented and has a private entrance, providing residents with a sense of exclusivity and privacy. The central hall is accessible from all sides of the building. With a total of 8 entrances, the building contributes to a vibrant and dynamic environment. Additionally, each entrance provides access to a communal rooftop garden, where residents can gather and enjoy a shared outdoor space.







面积:18000 m2


摄影:Crispijn van Sas, Marcel van der Burg

  • yj蓝天
    yj蓝天 沙发


    2024-02-11 09:36:11

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