土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 日本大型商业综合体:26万㎡的总面积,240米长的外墙,双层的穿孔铝板立面


发布于:2024-01-05 09:46:05 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

通过设计连接城市公共空间和建筑的多层街道,打造宜居城市。大阪梅田双子塔南区是一个总建筑面积约 26 万平方米的大型城市综合体,由百货商场、办公楼和会议厅组成,地下 3 层,地上 38 层,是一个跨越城市街区的综合开发项目。


Creating a pleasant city to walk in by designing multilayer streets that connect urban public spaces and architecture. Osaka Umeda Twin Towers South is an expansive urban complex with a total floor area of approximately 260,000 ㎡, consisting of a department store, offices, and conference halls, with 3 basement levels and 38 above-ground floors, in an integrated development across the city blocks. This project is a dynamic urban renewal initiative led by the vitality of a private company, centering the complex to create a comfortable city environment by improving the surrounding public facilities and maintaining them for the future.

该项目位于大阪地区的门户--大阪站前,御堂筋大道的起点。虽然大阪/梅田站前地区与七个火车站相连,并由地下人行道网络连接,每天有 240 万人次通过,但以汽车为导向的发展和各地区的独立发展导致地面缺乏活动。为了打造大阪梅田的关键起点,让地面上的活力蓬勃发展,我们设计了跨越公私边界的多层街道,面积约 33,000 平方米,将城市与建筑连接起来。

The site is located in front of Osaka Station, the gateway to the Osaka area, at the starting point of Midosuji Boulevard. Although the area in front of Osaka/Umeda station is connected to seven train stations and linked by an underground pedestrian network that carries 2.4 million people per day, the car-oriented development and the independent development of each area have resulted in a lack of activity on the ground level. To create a key starting point for Osaka Umeda, where energy thrives on the aboveground level, multi-layered streets were designed across the public-private boundary, spanning approximately 33,000 ㎡, connecting the city and the architecture.

通过振兴地下步行区,鼓励人流向地面移动,为人们的活动提供了 "循环 "和 "选择",加强了与周边地区的区域联系,增强了梅田作为大阪重要城市枢纽的吸引力。

By revitalizing the underground pedestrian area and encouraging the flow of people to move up to the ground level it gives "circulation" and "choice" to the people’s activity, strengthens the areal connection with the surrounding area, and enhances the attractiveness of Umeda as a vital urban hub within Osaka.

240 米长的正面外墙为城市带来了活力。百货商场的外墙长 240 米,高 44 米,双层闪亮的穿孔铝板经三维折叠后安装成棋盘格状,形成了新颖的城市景观。为了确保结构强度,这些铝板被像 "折纸 "一样弯曲,墙面呈现出精细的三维形状。


A 240m-long frontage facade brings liveliness to the city. The department store's facade, which is 240m long and 44m high, forms a novel urban landscape with a double skin of shiny perforated aluminum panels that were three-dimensionally folded and installed in a checkerboard pattern. The largest aluminum panels obtainable in Japan were bent like "origami" to ensure structural strength, and the wall surface has a finely detailed three-dimensional shape. These aluminum panels were combined with a biodiversity greenery wall to create an urban landscape full of life, together with sidewalk plantings and a rooftop garden. The central part of the facade facing the intersection is open to the community through an atrium and terrace, creating a facade that allows the building to share its liveliness with the town. The individually controlled lighting incorporated into the panels produces a dynamic illumination, adding a sophisticated nightscape.

办公大楼为梅田创造了既环保又舒适的新城市景观。这座 190 米高的办公大楼外墙由垂直和水平翅片组成,其安装角度和高度均根据模拟结果进行了优化。这种创新方法每年可减少约 50%的太阳辐射热量。600 毫米深的垂直翅片安装在距离铝制窗扇 500 毫米的地方,既能提供舒适的观景空间,又具有很高的环保性能。

水平翅片和垂直翅片形成的遮阳效果,以及连续垂直阳台形成的狭缝式分割,增强了与办公楼周围环境的和谐,并创造了 Ekimae 的新城市景观。城市之树 "表现了城市大树拔地而起、直插云霄的形象。

Office tower creates a new urban landscape in Umeda that is both eco-friendly and comfortable. The facade of the 190m-high office tower is composed of vertical and horizontal fins with optimized mounting angles and heights based on simulations. This innovative approach yields an impressive annual reduction rate of around 50% in solar heat gain. The 600 mm-deep vertical fins are installed 500 mm away from the aluminum sashes to provide both a comfortable space with a view and high environmental performance. The shading created by the horizontal and vertical fins and the slit-like segmentation created by the continuous vertical balconies enhance the harmony with the office tower's surroundings and create a new urban landscape of Ekimae. City city, expressing the image of a large urban tree rising from the earth and extending into the sky.

通过多维绿地营造丰富的绿色城市环境和景观。该项目包括约 700 平方米的垂直墙面绿化、1300 平方米的屋顶花园和 1 公里长的人行道绿化。绿化无缝地从人行道延伸到低层墙壁,再延伸到屋顶花园,超越了公共领域和私人领域之间的界限。

这种方法形成了一个有层次的自然绿地,大大提升了梅田中心区的环境吸引力。多层绿地由梅田附近的 99 种本地植被组成,这些植被都是淀川和六甲山系的原生植物。


Creating a rich green urban environment and landscape through multi-dimensional green spaces. This project includes approximately 700㎡ vertical wall greenery, a 1,300㎡ rooftop garden, and 1km of sidewalk greenery. The greenery seamlessly extends from sidewalks to the lower floors' walls, then onward to the rooftop garden, beyond the boundary between public and private domains. This approach forms a layered expanse of natural greenery that significantly enhances central Umeda’s environmental attractiveness. The multilayer of green spaces is composed of a total of 99 native species of vegetation in the Umeda vicinity, which are indigenous to the Yodogawa River and the Rokko mountain systems. Additionally, nourishing plants and nectar sources were strategically incorporated along the flight paths of birds and butterflies, aiming to attract and preserve urban biodiversity in the rooftop garden. The sidewalks with ginkgo trees, the symbol of Midosuji, were extended to create a landscape suitable for the starting point of Midosuji, a pedestrian-oriented sidewalk.



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还记得你上一次荡秋千是什么时候吗? 当我第一次荡这个秋千时,瞬间不自知地笑出了声,是开心还是害怕,可能都有。 进山 一整块航母用的钢板,一刀两段,一圆融,一锋利,一为三,一为四。他俩相互支撑着彼此重新站立起来,像一块时而坚固时而纤弱的巨石舞台,两个孩子间的游戏--荡秋千,被奇观化了,而且周边的硬地和公路,提示着风险,只有江景友好,这创造了一种紧张感。推秋千的人,荡秋千的人,都在众目睽睽下完成体验,从静好到浪漫,从松弛到放肆,自顾自随性展示。


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