土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 装饰造价 \ “守正创新”:徐州城市名片文庙商业街前世今生


发布于:2023-12-21 10:32:21 来自:装修设计/装饰造价 [复制转发]


Xuzhou Confucian Temple Historical and Cultural District is located in Xuzhou Pengcheng Square business district, next to Xuzhou's commercial landmarks: Suning Shopping Center, Golden Eagle International Shopping Center, and will jointly form Xuzhou's commercial "The Three Musketeers" in the future.

彭城广场商圈自上世纪 70 年代就以成为徐州市商贸中心,是徐州古老的、最繁华的市级商业中心区。这里商家云集,名店众多,有“十字金街”之地位,是迄今为止徐州市最为繁华的钻石商圈地带。

The Pengcheng Square business district has been the commercial and trade center of Xuzhou since the 1970s. It is the oldest and most prosperous city-level commercial center in Xuzhou. It is the most prosperous diamond business district in Xuzhou so far.

徐州文庙项目于 2020 年进行修建,由于商业运营要求,需要进行全面升级,于 2022 年立项“徐州文庙特色商业街区升级改造”,由 洽澜建筑 担纲设计。

The Xuzhou Confucian Temple project built in 2020. Due to commercial operation requirements, it needs to be fully upgraded. In 2022, the project "Upgrading and Renovation of Xuzhou Confucian Temple Characteristic Commercial Block" are designed by  FKL ASSOCIATES LLC .


This project is rooted in Xuzhou, with Hongxue Lane - Pengcheng Road - Yundong First Street - Taishan Road as the axis, running through the city center, with the vision of "building the north-south historical and cultural axis (historical context) of Xuzhou, strung together the ancient city's thousand-year memory". 


Breaking the traditional closed business form, combining with the ancient buildings of the Confucian Temple to create a new open commercial area of about 44,000 square meters, bringing Xuzhou a new fashion shopping and leisure experience in a low-density form, and building a new Xuzhou living place.


引入中国古典 街、坊、巷、院礼序布局 及院落空间,让更多人感受到用现代建筑语言诠释传统后所产生的文化归属感。

By using the reference of Chinese classical streets, squares, alleys, courtyard layouts and courtyard spaces, increasing people can feel the sense of cultural belonging after interpreting traditions with modern architectural language.

1.1 三 大规划优化 思路|Three Major Planning Optimization Ideas


Analyze the current traffic flow line, sort out the business logic, control scale and spatial sequence, form a circular moving line, and improve the business atmosphere.

1.2   尺度梳理 | Scale Combing

通过分析现有场地尺度,FKL结合“街、巷、院”尺度,以传统重院递进的设计手法,虚实交映,动静分区,将庭院成为建筑群的“窗口”,形成 以院落为主线的商业动线空间, 同时注入不同主题立体化庭院,使其具有灵性的同时与建筑融为一体,在第五立面的小尺度处理上尊重城市肌理。

By analyzing the scale of the existing site, FKL combines the style of "street, alley, and courtyard", uses the traditional progressive design method of emphasizing courtyards, combines the virtual and the real, and dividing the dynamic and static. The courtyard becomes the "window" of the building complex, forming a courtyard with commercial moving line space of the courtyard. 

At the same time, three-dimensional courtyards with different themes are injected to make them spiritual and integrated with the building, the small-scale treatment of the fifth fa?ade respects the urban texture.

1.3   平面优化 | Plan Optimization


Follow the existing plane layout, avoid large-scale demolition and modification, column network structure system adjustment and other design methods, take advantage of the situation, adapt measures to local conditions, control costs, and improve the overall use efficiency. In the design, the requirements of the format are provided according to the business plan, the overall consideration of the business plane division and the sorting out of the business lines, and the appropriate adjustment of the space nodes to create a comfortable shopping experience.


2.1   设计概念 | Design Concept

未来的徐州文庙街区是一个能平衡传统风貌和当代精神的多元化产物。用一种“有机更新”的方法,让街区既保持最初建造时的智慧的同时,又可见建筑空间场景的再生设计。生活在那里,既有城市生活,又有充实业态的街区  , 绝 不是只有复古的空壳形象。保留原有基础结构及屋面结构,结合立面升级改造设计赋予建筑新的活力。

The upcoming Xuzhou Confucian Temple Block is a diversified product that can balance the traditional style and the contemporary spirit. With an "organic renewal" method, the block not only maintains the wisdom of the original construction, but also shows the regeneration design of the architectural space scene. Life, there are blocks with full business formats, rather than blindly retro empty shell images. Retaining the original basic and roof structure, combining with the facade upgrade and renovation design, gives the building new vitality.

原有商业建筑拆解示意| Dismantling of the Original Commercial Building

△商业建筑升级示意|Commercial Building Upgrades:

2.2   优化策略 | Optimization Strategy

对于目的标识、店招、 LED  屏幕、开窗开门等内容,结合不同的商业热度,采取不同的立面优化策略:

In terms of different commercial heat, like, target signs, store signs, LED screens, windows and doors, etc., FKL use different facade optimization strategies to design:

A. 研究周边商业情况,基于紧邻“文庙”,沿用传统造型,结合现代材料,以保证建筑的传承与创新;

A. Study the surrounding business situation, based on the proximity to the "Confucian Temple", continue to use traditional shapes and combine modern materials to ensure the inheritance and innovation of architecture;
B.   强调商业街入口,局部采用玻璃幕墙或者异性结构,提高商业颜值,增加商业氛围  ;
B. Emphasize the entrance of the commercial street, partially adopt glass curtain wall or heterosexual structure, improve the commercial appearance and increase the commercial atmosphere;
C.   黉学巷两侧为商业(庙街区、彭城一号),商业热度高。根据商业运营的需求,需要保证较好的建筑形象及通透性、展示性;
C. It is a high commercial heat because the two sides of Hongxue Lane are popular commercial  area (Miaojie Street, No. 1 Pengcheng). According to the needs of commercial operation, it is necessary to ensure a great architectural image, transparency and display;
D.   文庙一侧,商业热度相对较低,可适当保留实体墙面;
D. On the side of the Confucian Temple, the commercial heat is relatively low, and the solid wall can be properly reserved;
E.   为满足基本的商业功能需求,重新规划梳理了整个项目。

E. To meet the basic business function requirements, the entire project has been re-planned and sorted out.

2.3   立面效果 | Facade Effect

鼓楼区,作为街区南侧主要出入口,“文庙”中轴制式建筑的庄重感和仪式感,通过建筑形体的对称性来实现,同时南侧正对苏宁广场。为了更好地处理“文庙 - 苏宁”、“古 - 今”的时空衔接,采用现代中式的立面手法,增加作为商业建筑的通透感和展示型。

Gulou District, as the main entrance and exit on the south side of the block, the sense of solemnity and ceremony of the central axis of the "Confucian Temple" is realized through the symmetry of the building, and the south side faces Suning Square. To better handle the time-space connection of "Confucian Temple-Suning" and "Ancient-Modern", modern Chinese-style fa?ade techniques are adopted to increase the transparency and display type of a commercial building.


The temple block, as the main entrance of the north block, faces the important node of the central square, retains the original design of the original sloping roof pavilion, and replaces all other building facade materials with modern materials such as metal and glass. 


The Gulou District faces the central square on the north side. While maintaining the original stacked planning structure, the corners are interspersed with glass blocks, which echoes the design of the entrance of the temple block, forming a sense of integrity in terms of architectural design and space enclosure. 

2.4   新旧对比 | Comparison of Old and New


Problem 1: In the existing buildings, the commercial facades are solid walls, and the facade design adopts local traditional architectural practices, which is not conducive to the display of modern business and the corresponding property requirements.


Strategy 1: Upgrading the facade, by increasing the glass area, the overall commercial transparency and display effect will be improved. 


Strategy 2: The terracotta roof is replaced with a metal roof, and overhangs are added to make the building appear lighter and more modern.


Problem 2: The existing building, with its overall grey tone and exposed structure on the second floor, looks heavy.


Strategy 1: Upgrading the interior, using a combination of elements such as metal and transparent glass to eliminate the heavy feeli ng of the building. 


Strategy 2: The second-story glass roof will be changed to a roof that can be accessed to increase the business area and enhance the commercial value.


Problem 3: Existing buildings, the facade form is too traditional to meet the needs of commercial operations.


Strategy: Upgrading the facade, combining the design of the facade, roof, corridor and the overall design of the platform space on the second floor to create a courtyard space.

团队陪同相关领导现场勘查|FKL accompanies relevant leaders to conduct on-site inspections 

团队陪同相关领导现场勘查|FKL accompanies relevant leaders to conduct on-site inspections 


FKL 基于对徐州地域文化与历史文脉的理解,结合商业需求,将原有文庙街区升级为一个集生活,休闲,娱乐,旅游的特色街区。为徐州这座历史悠久而迷人的城市,在核心地带提供一处极具地域特色的低密度商业,期待项目能够尽快落成与大家见面。

Based on the understanding of Xuzhou's regional culture and historical context, FKL has upgraded the original Confucian Temple block into a characteristic block integrating life, leisure, entertainment and tourism in combination with commercial needs. To provide a low-density business with regional characteristics in the core area of Xuzhou, a city with a long and charming history. Looking forward to seeing the project completed as soon as possible.

总建筑面积:约 45,000

  • tumux_84025
    tumux_84025 沙发
    2023-12-21 11:02:21

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