土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 建筑方案设计 \ 重庆两江协同创新区十一期孵化加速器


发布于:2023-12-19 11:22:19 来自:建筑设计/建筑方案设计 [复制转发]


Creating a biophilic mixed-use hub in Chongqing



The joint venture of ARTS Group and Aedas wins the design competition of Chongqing Liangjiang Collaborative Innovation Zone Phase 11, delivering a collaborative incubator for innovative and green industries.

▲全智慧绿色协同交互园区Collaborative office parks 


Covering 300,000 sq km of the Innovation Zone, the project is comprised of 7 functional plots including manufacturing, education, research and living clusters. It enjoys abundant landscape resources and is fragmented into 5 zones by the existing road, resulting in undulated plots with height difference ranging 10-40m.

▲“云谷叠翠”的规划理念A planning concept of ‘green valleys’ 


The planning gives coherence to the jagged topology and connects the plots through the concept of ‘green valleys’, creating courtyards and gardens that incorporates retail, community centre and exhibition hall. The courtyards are well-connected with the lakesides, pedestrian pavements and wetland park. The project seamlessly integrates with the nature, to provide a biophilic mixed-use hub.

▲概念生成Massing generation 

‘The project serves as an incubator with a mix of hotel, retail and community centre. It is slated to provide a multi-dimensional hub that emphases on collaboration and innovation.’ Aedas Executive Director Yaochun Wen says.

▲创新孵化器鸟瞰图Aerial view of the site 

Emerging from the terrain to create an urban oasis

The design preserves the landscape features and maximises the view by optimising the tower orientation. The layout adopts high flexibility to cater with different office needs. Using the vertical metal fins and ceramic panels, the fa?ade reflects the surrounding greenery and integrates with the nature.
▲“和而不同”的建筑立面Building facade 

In the east, the start-up clusters and hotel are designed in a cascading form, bluring the exterior-interior boundary and building a closer connection with the nature.

▲利用景观与地景建筑营造门户广场Create an entrance plaza 

Offering collaborative space at courtyard

To provide abundant greenery to each office building, the development consists of individual gardens for each plot, as well as a communal courtyard to enjoy the surrounding landscape and collaborative working ambience.

▲创新孵化器共享内庭广场Courtyard that encourages collaboration for R&D offices 

The indoor and semi-outdoor space create a communal area, complemented with efficient vertical circulation. The design encourages interaction and communication, and stimulates creativity for the innovative industries.

▲半室外开放共享平台Semi-open communal space 

Integration with the surrounding landscape

The design aims to create a green innovation zone that optimises the use of natural resources. The R&D offices consist of inter-connected rooftop garden, which links the terraced landscape and viewing deck, as well as retail, office and community centre to create a biophilic environment.
▲创新孵化器共享互联的屋顶花园Rooftop garden that encourages collaboration for start-up companies
▲环境舒适的酒店广场Hotel plaza with a people-centric environment 

Energy-efficient measures are adopted to create a low-carbon development through using effective cladding, reuseable energy, low energy applicances, AI and data mining.

▲在建工地site in progress
▲在建工地site in progress
▲在建工地site in progress 

‘The design delivers an efficient and green workplace, stitched with landscaped gardens and public spaces in the innovation zone as a cradle to communicate, create and innovate.’ Yaochun says.    

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