土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 中国传统意境的现代演绎,泸州·森腾·峰云街广场艺术装置


发布于:2023-12-07 09:42:07 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

01 诗 意

—— 《念奴娇 ·中秋对月》 [明] 文征明
Osmanthus growing on the branches looks like floating jade, The full moon brightens the whole sky. The night is cool and clean.The wind blows through the eyebrows and bones, people feel like staying in the crystal palace. Looking over at the sky, dragons flying and buildings towering like scenery, there is a rapturous atmosphere of playing and singing with great joy. Looking at the ground covered by frost, a picture of me flying across rosy clouds comes into mind.
—— Nian Nu Jiaod·Watching the Moon at the Mid-autumn Festival [Ming Dynasty]Zhengming Wen
枝头的桂花像垂着的块块白玉,圆月映照了整个苍穹,夜色明净而凉爽。凉风拂动着眉梢和身躯,人仿佛在水晶宫殿里一样。遥看天际,龙翻偃舞,宫殿如画,缥缈的奏乐声沸腾喧哗。白霜 洒满大地,我想要乘着缤纷的云朵腾空而起。
Osmanthus growing on the branches looks like floating jade, The full moon brightens the whole sky. The night is cool and clean.The wind blows through the eyebrows and bones, people feel like staying in the crystal palace. Looking over at the sky, dragons flying and buildings towering like scenery, there is a rapturous atmosphere of playing and singing with great joy. Looking at the ground covered by frost, a picture of me flying across rosy clouds comes into mind.

02 初识

本案位于泸州市江阳新城核心自然区. 在业主自然、生态、理想家的概念上,我们以市花桂花为主题引用明代大家文征明《念奴娇·中秋对月》以想象丰富奇特的诗词,充满浪漫主义色彩的意境设计了这个4000平的公园式主题广场,在这个开放的空间里我们融合了人文美学、互动艺术、休憩娱乐等功能,我们希望通过公共空间与社区情感的连接用场域艺术疗愈当代人快节奏的都市压力,用公共艺术解锁社区活力。.
This case is located at the core natural area of Jiangyang New City, Luzhou. In consistency with the homeowners’ concepts of nature, ecology, and idealism, we have designed this 4000 square meters park style theme plaza based on an introduction of the city flower, osmanthus, as the theme. The design takes in the famous poem by the great poet Zhengming Wen written in the Ming Dynasty poet Nian Nujiao · Watching the Moon at the Mid-autumn Festival, which is filled with rich and unique imagination and romanticism. We have integrated in this open space humanistic aesthetics, interactive art, leisure and entertainment functions and so on. We hope to use field art to release pressure of contemporary people due to the fast-paced life in the city, unlocking community vitality through the connection between public spaces and community emotions.


03 意 象

The white flower petal sculpture represents a spiritual symbol on the ground. Standing inside, the accessibility of relatives and spaces makes people integrating with the place. The regular mist spraying effects create a refreshing and ethereal visual atmosphere, which seems more dreamy with the shiny colorful lights at night, just like being in a crystal palace in a fairyland.


04 连 接
White petals are scattered throughout the venue, forming various interesting shapes as well providing different functions.
There are seats and non-powered devices available for rest in the venue, which can slow down people's life and connect them with the community emotions while resting, enabling people to enjoy a comfortable life in the space and enhance the sense of identity towards community culture.
Outdoor places with undulating terrain provide a space for children to freely climb and play without being confined by fixed patterns and directions. The undulating terrain allows for running, seating, and a coordinated physical arena.


We have designed spaces that encourage children to explore outdoor spaces and community squares, providing spaces that can make parents assured, and can allow children to unleash their natural instincts unaccompanied, build confidence, and even create a sense of pride in their surroundings.


A good spatial design is the connection among people and that between people and places. This design contains not only a reflection of physical space and aesthetics, but also a recognition of regional culture and inner emotions.

尺    寸:4000m2
撰    文:何昊

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项目名称:重庆私人花园 设计团队:犁墨设计 施工团队:犁墨营造 设计时间:2022年7月-2022年10月 施工时间:2022年10月-2023年5月   营造花园,其实是一个营造梦的过程。梦的前半部分关乎业主,经历也好,性格也罢,杂糅组合形成一个梦幻的概念,谓之“造梦”;后半部分则称为“筑梦”,是实施者对主人梦境的抽丝剥茧,把它带到现实里来。


经验值 +10