土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 解决季节性干旱的印度海绵花园


发布于:2023-11-22 09:05:22 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]



Maintaining sustainable prosperity of ecosystems in arid areas


Pune, India is the location of the Lupin Bean Research Park, known for its extremely dry climate and strong monsoons. The land is in a semi-arid state, with little rainfall in one season and excessive rainfall in the other. The changes in precipitation have led to unfavorable conditions for the development of ecosystems.


Lupin Research Park项目总览

Lupin Research Park Project Overview


Lupin Research Park总平面图

Lupin Research Park Plan view


The wisdom of Indian farmers has taught us that using stepped grading technology can help slow down and retain water, prevent soil erosion on existing sloping terrain, and achieve efficient agricultural practices, enabling the entire project to continue to thrive in extreme climates.



Stepped rainwater collection strategy


In addition to thoughtful planning, the Lupin Bean Research Park also provides an ecologically friendly environment and microclimate, inviting employees to gather outdoors all day to relax and relax in green plants.



Employee relaxation and leisure space


Main entrance staircase and rainwater garden corridor

建筑的主入口为一条主要通道,从大台阶的一侧开始,穿过并倾斜形成山形,以协调道路和建筑一楼之间巨大的高差。它有助于减少径流和水土流失,同时为残疾人提供 1:12 的坡道。

The main entrance of Luping is a main passage that starts from one side of the large steps, passes through and tilts to form a mountain shape, coordinating the huge height difference between the road and the first floor of the building. It helps to reduce runoff and soil erosion, while providing 1:12 slopes for people with disabilities. 




Building entrance ramp


The local forests and contrasting shrubs are planted through some steps to soften the hard landscape elements. The single variety terrace provides a clean visual effect while maintaining subtropical forest conditions by planting local silver oak trees.



Combining steps with planting beds


Due to sustainable water resource management, this area has become a naturally moist rainwater garden throughout the year, with dense trees planted along the site boundary, creating a forest like background. Employees can cross winding paths and gather under wooden huts to enjoy time in the lush and peaceful nature.




Employees resting in nature


A public terrace space that promotes interaction with nature


There is a large green lawn in front of the auditorium, and the outdoor pond, blooming grass, and outdoor theater terrace together form a cooling space. The soft violet flowers bloom on the blue jacaranda trees around the area, creating a pleasant color contrast with the lush green plants.



Open outdoor lawn


The terrace provides a clever transition from the building to the entrance of the site, the circular theater connects different ground levels to form a functional space, and the green lawn ends with a series of unique and stunning retaining walls.



Continuous retaining wall


The farm terrace consists of long public tables, and a garden filled with trees and edible shrubs invites people to gather here. This area reflects the agricultural texture, blurs the boundaries between the interior and exterior, and promotes interaction between employees and nature.



Farm terrace


Pocket seats are distributed among the trees, surrounded by a pond. Due to the interactive fountains and water features, this place can provide a cool and soothing atmosphere, and adjustable interactive sprinklers can also vary according to various situations.



Landscape combining ponds and plants

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