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雨林奇境:印尼 乌拉曼豪华生态度假村

发布于:2023-11-21 09:53:21 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

  Ulaman Eco-Luxury Resort

位于巴厘岛塔巴南的 Kaba-Kaba,这一令人叹为观止的 生态度假村 二期工程包含了许多关键设施,这些设施将整个综合体统一起来。乌拉曼一期工程曾受到媒体和公众的高度评价,并获得了多项国际设计奖项和报道,其中最著名的是备受赞誉的联合国教科文组织凡尔赛可持续建筑奖。

Located in Kaba-Kaba, Tabanan, Bali, the breathtaking second phase of this eco-resort incorporates a number of key facilities that unify the entire complex. Phase 1 of Ulaman was extremely well received by the media and the public and has obtained multiple international design features and awards, most notably the highly acclaimed UNESCO Prix-Versailles award for Sustainable Architecture.

建筑延续了一期工程中所使用的夯土、竹子、天然石材和再生木材等材料,还新增了复合 SIP 面板等关键元素,这些可以在许多屋顶结构和水疗温泉建筑中看到。这座有机建筑由一系列圆顶和起伏的绿色屋顶组成,将建筑与周围生态融为一体。由于极低的碳足迹, 这些面板使用 已回收和可回收的EPS以及土基纤维增强聚合物抹灰,使其变得坚固、轻便且具有高绝缘性。  
Continuing from phase one with a palette of materials such as rammed earth, bamboo, natural stone, and recycled timbers, new key elements such as composite SIP panels have also been incorporated. These can be seen in a number of roof structures and the spa building. This organic building comprises a series of domes with an undulating green roof that merges the building with the surrounding ecology. With an extremely low carbon footprint, these panels use recycled and recyclable EPS with earth-based, fiber-reinforced polymer renders which allow these panels to be strong, lightweight, and with high insulation.  
The new Lotus restaurant area contains a series of geometric pods that work like mini holistic cathedrals. These sit over an auspicious junction of waterfalls, one of which has been newly created from a lake that has been reintroduced into the center of the site. This lake which was once cut off for agricultural reasons has been brought back to life and essentially a micro-ecosystem has been revived, thus introducing light and ambiance to the site. This lake also functions as a reservoir to power the hydroelectric turbines.  


These are complemented by solar panels located in a parking area. A number of rooms have also been added, some perched over the lake and some are raised into the tree canopies at 9m in height. These luxury units are highly insulated from heat and sound, with generous space within and far-reaching views. Other facilities include a gym, a yoga pavilion, a naturalized pool, and a small conference room.

总之,乌拉曼豪华生态度假村二期在可持续技术和材料的凝聚和独特组合方面都具有开创性意义,另外对其周边的生态系统的保护和复苏也堪称典范。该项目也是一个证明,表明了当客户和建筑设计团队以共同目标联合,创造可持续的智能设计解决方案时一起不断 突破其可能的界限, 可以实现的成果。

In conclusion Ulaman Phase 2 is groundbreaking in its cohesive and unique combination of sustainable technologies and materials. In addition, the preservation and revival of the surrounding ecosystem is nothing short of exemplary. Ulaman is a statement and testimony to what can be achieved when the client and architectural design team work together with a common goal to push the boundaries of what is possible to create sustainable intelligent design solutions.





项目名称:乌拉曼豪华生态度假村 Ulaman Eco-Luxury Resort
项目地点: 印度尼西亚

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大连半山社区公园是在城市有机更新与居住空间组织关系中的一次探索与景观设计实践。受业主委托,   通过对荒废城市一隅的再创作,以情境再现的设计形式,重新激发场地活力,更好地服务于周边居民。   项目加强了住区与社区公园的联系,在有限的城市空间中拉近人与自然的距离,通过绿化景观与空间营造使自然环境成为可感知、可互动的对象。


经验值 +10