土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 承载悲伤和失落,台湾·永恒山骨灰安置所


发布于:2023-11-21 09:35:21 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]


Funerals and grief are full of emotions. We often face the cemetery, the last place we say farewell to our family with fear. What kind of architecture will be able to drive away the fear, bear the emptiness of emotion and memory, and at the same time be a space for us to settle down and recollect the past? We need a carrier for grief and loss, it does not mean what we left behind after we passed, but it meant what kind of space encourages us to face our past.


In this cemetery, it needs to carry 70,000 past, which means it needs to contain 70,000 irreparable regrets.


The stacking of slanted walls constructs a vision of being surrounded by mountains. Placing incense, candles, and flowers on the “mountainside”, creates a wall and a chance for us to be lost in our thought. Wall being slanted and facing the sky, registering the rays of the sun, accompany us to confront fear. The skylight in the middle of the heavy concrete structure gently lays down light and hope in the courtyard.


Wall is an element that constructs distance. In this case, by tilting the walls at a different angle creates a visual of it gradually leaving the griever. These walls create a distance of departure, instead of separation. A rectangular entryway invites unpredictable climate, and slanted walls introduce wind from different directions. As the cemetery is located in Hsinchu, Wind City. The design and construction method, of this wind tower, tells stories and memories of the city.


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植物与动物虽然无法言语,但是却是与大自然最亲近的关系,就算是科技发达的现在,我们还是没有办法阻挡大自然的突袭,而在风水学中植物和动物都有灵性,植物中属树木最具灵性。 因此像在家中栽树就需要多注意了。那么院子里最旺宅的树是什么?庭院风水有何禁忌? 院子里最旺宅的树是什么 银杏树 银杏树作为一种古老的植物,凭借着生长寿命长被人们敬仰,很多庙宇、寺庙都会栽种银杏树,游客会在树枝上系红带祈福。在自家院子前栽银杏树,寓意着一家人长寿安康,银杏进宅会拥有很多的财富。


经验值 +10