? Iwan Baan
大型排练室和Cantor画廊 ? Iwan Baan
? Iwan Baan
? Brett Beyer
? Iwan Baan
▲悬空楼梯和“蜂巢”三层空间 ? Brett Beyer
和媒体实验室 ? Iwan Baan
▲墙壁采用定制混凝土扩散板 ? Iwan Baan
▲演播剧场 ? Iwan Baan
▲可以看到“蜂巢”的媒体实验室 ? Brett Beyer
▲媒体实验室 ? Iwan Baan
▲从Cantor艺术画廊望向“蜂巢” ? Brett Beyer
▲大排练室和俯瞰城市的露天平台 ? Iwan Baan
▲布景车间 ? Brett Beyer
▲布景车间 ? Iwan Baan
? Iwan Baan
▲主公共入口:望向Cantor艺术画廊 ? Brett Beyer
Location: Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Owner: College of the Holy Cross
Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Design Architect
Perry Dean Rogers, Executive Architect
Construction Cost: $110 Million
2014: Diller Scofidio + Renfro is selected to design Prior Performing Arts Center.
2019: Construction begins on site.
2020: Structure tops out.
2022: The PAC will be in active use as of the start of the Fall 2022 semester. An official dedication celebration will be held in December.
Design Team
Design Architect: Diller Scofidio + Renfro, (Partner-in-Charge: Charles Renfro)
Executive Architect: Perry Dean Rogers
Contractor: Dimeo Construction
Acoustics & Audio/Visual: Jaffe Holden
Civil Engineer: Nitsch Engineering
Code Consultant: Code Red Consultants
Cost Estimator: Dharam Consulting
Foodservice Consultant: Colburn & Guyette
Geotechnical: Haley Aldrich
Hardware Specifications: Campbell-McCabe, Inc.
IT/Security: Shen Milson & Wilke
Landscape Architect: Olin
Lighting: Tillotson Design Associates
MEP/FP Engineer: Altieri Sebor Wieber
Specifications: Construction Specifications, Inc.
Structural Engineer: Robert Silman Associates
Sustainability: Transsolar
Theater Planning: Fisher Dachs Associates, Inc.
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为音乐而生,为冰球而建 - 瑞银体育馆? POPULOUS 瑞银体育馆为冰球迷们提供了堪称范本的观赛视线,完全遵从了橡树园集团和纽约岛民队的愿景,即创造一座为冰球量身打造的空间,而不是一座仅仅符合赛事基本需求的场馆。POPULOUS通过战略性地设计座席碗,使其更接近冰面,不仅为岛民队球迷创造了冰球特有的视线,产生了一种亲密的体验,而且使观众感觉他们仿佛就在冰面之上。
经验值 +10
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只看楼主 我来说两句抢沙发