土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 居住建筑设计 \ 英国住宅公寓:曲线阳台的立面设计


发布于:2023-11-06 14:52:06 来自:建筑设计/居住建筑设计 [复制转发]

CZWG的Hoola London 多功能项目位于伦敦皇家维多利亚码头的潮汐盆地路。这座高雅的 23 层和 24 层塔楼共有 360 套单间、一居室、两居室和三居室公寓,是高纬环球在通过高效设计优化建筑占地面积的同时创造出引人注目的建筑的光辉典范。

CZWG’s mixed-use Hoola London scheme is located on Tidal Basin Road, Royal Victoria Docks in London. The elegant 23- and 24-story towers, which comprise 360 studio, one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments, are a shining example of CZWG’s ability to create striking architecture while optimizing the building's footprint through efficient design.


The beautiful towers possess a sense of movement created by the gentle curves of the continuous balconies. These balconies vary in width in a pattern that alternates from floor to floor, producing a ripple effect and visually linking the buildings to the nearby water and limiting balcony overshadowing.


The disposition of glazed areas within the apartments was carefully calculated to maximize daylight and views. This also minimizes artificial lighting and unnecessary heating and cooling systems. The Western Tower offers further residential amenities in the form of a lounge and gym, while the Eastern Tower is fitted with business facilities and a commercial unit that links to the adjacent Royal Docks.

通过一项创新的能源共享协议,利用邻近的伦敦 ExCeL 展览中心热电联产厂的多余热量,Hoola London 的碳排放量大幅减少,从而消除了现场供应的必要性。ExCeL 为该项目提供所有必要的余热和热水需求,并大大降低了维护成本。因此,Hoola 项目建成后被公认为伦敦最具可持续性的住宅开发项目之一。

Carbon emissions at Hoola London are dramatically reduced by an innovative energy-sharing agreement using the excess heat from the CHP plant of the adjacent ExCeL London exhibition center, thus eliminating the necessity of on-site provisions. The ExCeL provides all the necessary residual heating and hot water requirements for the scheme and significantly reduces maintenance costs. As a result, Hoola was recognized as one of the most sustainable housing developments in the capital when built.

该项目位于一条弯曲的支路所形成的 "孤岛 "上,通过建造一座人工山丘将其与大陆重新连接起来。通过提高地平面高度,并将方案的 "前门 "从潮汐盆地路的下层移至上层,在原本无法进入的基础设施上开辟了新的临街面。新的人行道、人行横道和公交车站完成了这一改造。

Situated on an ‘island’ site defined by a curving slip road, the scheme was reconnected to the mainland by the creation of an artificial hill. By raising the ground plane level and shifting the ‘front door’ of the scheme from the lower to the upper Tidal Basin Road, new street frontage was created on an otherwise inaccessible piece of infrastructure. This transformation was completed with new pavements, pedestrian crossings, and a bus stop.


The scheme’s landscaped garden offers communal space in the middle of the two towers and a level transition device between the lower and upper Tidal Basin Road. The garden also serves to screen from view car parking and cycle spaces, refuse stores, and building plants.

在整个设计和规划过程中都进行了广泛的咨询,包括与当地社区一起举办公众展览。纽汉姆市市长罗宾-威尔士(Robin Wales)爵士在谈到 Hoola 计划时如是说:"该项目在创新设计和绿色环保方面都处于领先地位。历史悠久的皇家码头的复兴即将到来,这也是该地区作为伦敦商业和居住中心的新时代的开始"。

Extensive consultation was undertaken throughout the design and planning process, including a public exhibition with the local community. Sir Robin Wales, Mayor of Newham, said of the Hoola scheme: “This development is leading the way both in its innovative design and green credentials. The regeneration of the historic Royal Docks is coming and this is the start of the area’s new era as a business and residential heart for London.”


建筑师:CZWG Architects



摄影:Jack Hobhouse

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泰国 Dusit D2 Hua Hin Hotel

Dusit D2酒店位于泰国家庭度假的热门省份之一华欣。鉴于该项目场地不毗邻海滩,并且周围设有商店和公寓,所以设计的首要考虑是提高空间的私密度,并打造如画的专属风景线,以弥补海滨地区的不足,面积9800㎡。 设计旨在打造一个建筑群内的封闭空间,形成一个隔绝外部干扰的中央私人庭院,同时为家庭成员创造环抱着绿色景观的活动空间。接待大厅设置在前面,既能营造一个热情的迎宾环境,又能过滤掉外界的嘈杂。


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