▲建筑外观 ?Sergio Pirrone
▲鸟瞰 ? Sergio Pirrone
▲道路视角 ? Sergio Pirrone
▲建筑立面 ? Sergio Pirrone
▲立面通风示意 ? Ramos Castellano Arquitectos
? Sergio Pirrone
▲一系列“筒盖”可以像百叶一般旋转 ? Sergio Pirrone
▲展览空间 ? Sergio Pirrone
▲公共区域 ? Sergio Pirrone
▲图书馆 ? Sergio Pirrone
▲住宿区 ? Sergio Pirrone
? Ramos Castellano Arquitectos
? Ramos Castellano Arquitectos
▲夜间立面近景 ? Sergio Pirrone
▲夜间鸟瞰 ? Sergio Pirrone
? Ramos Castellano Arquitectos
? Ramos Castellano Arquitectos
? Ramos Castellano Arquitectos
▲剖面图1 ? Ramos Castellano Arquitectos
▲剖面图2 ? Ramos Castellano Arquitectos
▲细部剖面图1 ? Ramos Castellano Arquitectos
name: Centro Nacional Arte Artesanato e Design, CNAD
location: Mindelo, Sao Vicente Island,
Country: Cabo Verde
Client: Ministerio da Cultura e industrias creativas, Governo de Cabo Verde
Project of new building, restoration of the old house, exteriors: Ramos Castellano arquitectos
Architects: Eloisa Ramos, Moreno Castellano
Design team: Zico Lopes, Bruno Kenny, Edoardo Meneghin, Marvin Delgado, Danil Silva, Marco dos Anjos
Engineers: Ilidio Alexandre, Daniele Salvadorini, Francesco Bini, Denise Martins e Ricardo Martins, Luis Delgado
Consultants: Shrikar Bhave, Linda Lam, Ti Nene’, Giulia La Ganga, Concetta Cavallaro
Interior design of the new building: Ramos Castellano arquitectos
Architects: Eloisa Ramos, Moreno Castellano
Design team: Bruno Kenny, Edoardo Meneghin
Expositions and Branding: CNAD design team
Paintings and textiles: Alex Da Silva, Bela Duarte, Manuel Figueira, Joao Fortes
Project year: 2015
Old House Area: 375m2
Pátio =381m2
New Building=1069m2
total surface: 1265 sqm total
exhibition surface: 811 sqm
number of recycled barrel caps: 2532
public opening: july, 2022
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11万平大学校园的“有机更新” - 南京南师大紫金校区整体改造项目? 吴清山 DUTS杜兹设计的设计师对现有建筑进行了大量的观察,记录与分析,从建筑改造,室内场景到园区业态都进行了多维度的思考,在尊重原校区内在肌理和秩序的基础上,最后选择了“有机微更新”的改造策略。
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