土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 可持续设计的典范:MVRDV 完成深圳妇儿大厦改造焕新

可持续设计的典范:MVRDV 完成深圳妇儿大厦改造焕新

发布于:2023-09-28 14:16:28 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

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深圳妇女儿童大厦的改造已经竣工,MVRDV将这座老旧的存量建筑改造成一座充满活力、色彩缤纷的摩天大楼,内设多种妇女儿童公共服务设施及酒店、餐饮等配套:这座综合功能的高层建筑囊括了儿童探索馆、图画书博物馆、婴幼儿托育、妇儿剧场、妇女展馆、家庭服务以及相关配套设施。   建筑以其色彩绚烂的外观,为深圳福田区带来耳目一新的地标。   更重要的是,这座 100 米高的改造项 目为深圳正在兴起的“适应性再利用”城市更新风潮树立了重要的典范。

Construction on the MVRDV-designed Shenzhen Women & Children’s Centre is complete, transforming an old mixed-use tower into a vibrant and colourful skyscraper hosting a hotel and a wide range of facilities for the welfare of women and children: a library, an auditorium, a children’s theatre and “discovery hall”, as well as therapy rooms and offices for staff. With its colourful fa?ade, the building is a refreshing presence in Shenzhen’s Futian district; more importantly, at 100 metres tall, the building sets an important precedent for repurposing buildings in a city that is soon to see a “great wave of adaptive reuse”.

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塔楼始建于 1994 年,彼时正逢深圳第一轮迅猛发展的时期,随着时代的发展和妇女儿童家庭需求的变化,塔楼外立面的环境效率日益落后于现代标准,内部的功能结构设计也难以满足新的需求,更有部分设施出现了老旧破损的情况。2019年,响应中国对 2030 年前实现碳达峰和 2060 年前实现碳中和的目标和承诺,妇儿大厦启动改造,   成为2022 年国家发改委盘活存量资产、扩大有效投资的24个典型示范案例之一。
The tower was originally completed in 1994, forming part of Shenzhen’s first period of explosive growth. The rushed approach to its original design was immediately clear: due to persistent fire safety concerns, the commercial units in the plinth were not opened until 2002, and the tower itself remained empty indefinitely. With the changing needs of the building’s users, it fell short of environmental requirements, and by 2019 it was clear that the building was no longer fit for purpose. Owing to China’s commitment to achieving carbon peaking (2030) and carbon neutrality (2060), the building was selected as one of 24 model examples of revitalisation by the National Development and Reform Commission.

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为了解决建筑本身的问题,MVRDV 采用全面的改造方案,重复利用建筑原有的结构,与拆除和重建相比,更具有可持续的价值。基于这一方案,建筑被赋予了新的立面系统:   彩色的网格框架为立面增加了近一米的深度,提供额外的遮阳、减少热量增益,内侧还设置了可打开的面板,实现了自然通风,提高使用者的舒适度,减少对空调的依赖。
To rectify the building’s problems, MVRDV designed a comprehensive transformation that would allow the building’s structure to be reused – a far more sustainable approach than demolishing and rebuilding. The most visible element of this transformation is the new fa?ade: a grid of multi-coloured exterior frames increases the depth of the fa?ade to a full metre. These frames provide extra shading to reduce thermal heat gain, and also incorporate openable panels on the inside that allow for natural ventilation – thus increasing occupants’ comfort and reducing the building’s reliance on air conditioning.

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除了立面,MVRDV 还改变了原有建筑的多个元素。在建筑中增设大型无障碍露台,人们可以休憩或开展沙龙活动。原本用作停车场的庭院改造成了完全开放的公共空间,使环境更加友好,地铁的入口也从沿街区域移至大楼内部,强化了建筑与公共交通网络的联系,鼓励更加可持续的出行方式。   原有建筑包含约 24,000 立方米的混凝土,MVRDV 的改造保留了近 80%,重复利用所减少的碳排放相当于11,800 趟从阿姆斯特丹飞深圳的航班所产生的碳排放量。   MVRDV 还对原有的平面进行梳理和规整,创建了更加简单、高效的平面布局。
The design also transforms multiple elements of the building. The tower crown provides cover for a large accessible terrace offering a 360-degree panorama of the neighbourhood below. The courtyard, which was originally used for car parking, has been converted into a public space with a food court. The entrance to the city’s metro, which previously cluttered the pavement outside, has been moved inside the building to better connect it to public transit networks and reinforce the transition away from car-dependence. The transformation of the building was achieved while retaining 80% of the 24,000m3 of concrete that was originally in the structure, a reuse resulting in a carbon saving equivalent to 11,800 flights from Amsterdam to Shenzhen. Small additions to the structure were also made, filling in some of the original design’s awkward geometry to create simple, efficient floorplans.

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MVRDV 创始合伙人 Jacob van Rijs 表示:   “深圳妇女儿童大厦可以成为深圳的一个开创性项目。随着城市的快速发展,现在有很多建筑在设计之初并没有真正考虑到较长的使用寿命。这在未来可能会导致大规模的拆除,或者,更加理想的状况下,会引发一波适应性再利用的浪潮。这个项目证明,即便是不够合理或者已经落后的结构,也能够进行重复使用,这样可以节省大量的混凝土,并减少数百万吨的碳排放。”
“The Shenzhen Women and Children’s Centre could be a pioneering project for Shenzhen”, says MVRDV founding partner Jacob van Rijs. “With the city’s fast-paced growth, many existing buildings were not really designed to have a long lifespan. That is a recipe for either an epidemic of demolition or, ideally, a great wave of adaptive reuse. Showing that even the most inadequate of these structures can be reused could save a crazy amount of concrete going to landfill – and eliminate millions of tonnes of carbon emissions that would have been created replacing that concrete.”

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The colours of the fa?ade – yellow, orange, pink, and green – help to communicate the building’s layout. The multicoloured plinth clearly advertises its function as a service centre for mothers and their children; on the tower, which hosts the hotel, these colours give way to a more neutral white. On the ground floor, the four primary entrances to the complex are each highlighted by a concentration of a different colour, making the building easy to navigate and welcoming to visitors.

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  • c20混凝土
    c20混凝土 沙发


    2023-09-28 17:23:28

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