土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 森林之下的时光秘境,南宁中海·湖上景明


发布于:2023-09-15 11:08:15 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

"树林阴翳,鸣声上下,游人去而禽鸟乐也。"正如欧阳修在《醉翁亭记》所写的那样,自然、山林、花香、鸟语 ... 是我们对于心灵归宿最终的追求。当我们困守于灰色的城市藩篱,是否还记得生活本该处处新绿 ......

"The woods are overcast, the sound of the sound is up and down, and the tourists go and the bird music." As Ouyang Xiu wrote in "Drunk Man Pavilion", natural, forests, flower fragrance, bird language ... is the final of the hearts of the soul. Pursue. When we are trapped in the gray urban barriers, do we still remember that life is newly green everywhere ...
南宁中海湖上景明,位于南宁市城市重点发展主轴核心五象湖板块,项目地块 270°无遮挡看湖,稀缺的湖景资源与城市的森林气质成为场地最大特色亮点。设计延续建筑超尺度线条感,于森林复刻酒店调性,打造“自然感、酒店感、艺术化、度假化”的森林酒店居住体验。
Jingming, Zhonghai Lake, Nanning, is located in the core of the key axis of the main development of Nanning in Nanning. The project plot is 270 ° unobstructed to watch the lake. The scarce lake view resources and the city's forest temperament have become the biggest highlights of the venue. The design continues the sense of lines of the building, and the tone of the hotel in the forest re -engraved the hotel, creating a "natural sense, hotel sense, artistic, vacation" forest hotel living experience.
The design and the site conditions are closely integrated, and a large number of overhead layers have provided a variety of use scenarios for living and life. Axis, private social garden axis connects the activity segment of the entire park, maximize the quality of no wind and rain, social network without wind and rain neighbors, and no wind and rain all -year -old sports and leisure experience.


The entrance etiquette gate area, through simple mirror water scenery and ultra -dimensional linear water curtain curtain, echo the smooth and simple arc and linear language of the overall building, to create a recognizable space interface, and enhance the venue and the sense of domain. The fusion of black and champagne gold emphasizes the atmosphere of fashion and luxurious hotel -style home.



The height difference itself is large, and the multi -layer height difference space is used to create a multi -level linkage three -dimensional garden. The three -story open -air roof combines the functions of community leisure clubs to create a borderless pool. Clean and transparent landscape vision treatment, introduce natural lake scenery outside the venue, makes people instantly separate from the complexity of the city and enters an elegant and luxurious micro -leave atmosphere.


于礼仪归家轴线上,引入 " 森林境 " 概念,镜面水景中茂林耸立,水光熠熠,树影斑驳,营造出自然森系的归家场景。园亭卡座结合热带风情组合植物,打造邻里交流的社交礼仪花园,让生活方式渗入更多对自然的渴望。

On the axis of the etiquette, the concept of "forest realm" was introduced. The mirror water scenery was towering, the water was shining, and the shadow was mottled, creating a natural forest home scene. The garden pavilion card combines tropical style combination plants to create a social etiquette garden that communicates with neighborhoods, so that lifestyle penetrates more desire for nature.


森林环抱 自然静音的社交花园。




Continuing the trend of building streamlines, we combined the overhead layer to build a leisure and guest green hall. The luxurious golden and calm black collision out of the low -key and exquisite hotel atmosphere without losing ritual sense. In the waterfront forest, the elegant life scene of the tea party friends will start here.

  出的绿意,是私享自然的隐喻。 对自然的探寻,对自由的写意,迸发出灵感与诗意。  



The intersecting green space inside and outside allows natural breathing to penetrate into every corner. The cold background color of the stone and the warm wooden furniture atmosphere at the atmosphere of the stone furniture. In the afternoon of the leisure time, when the sun is sprinkled quietly, the poetic is in daily life, and life and art and nature are natural.

雅奢 | 独特的气质建立

Elegant and good color matching, luxurious but not gorgeous noble manifestation  

松 | 张弛有度的空间平衡


Order, hard and hard matching, high integration of space and natural environment



In the end, we applied these values to all details during the design process Create a holiday -style beautiful life scene Follow the natural light and shadow, lengthen the leisure time, and go to the journey in the walking trip ...


项目名称: 南宁中海·湖上景明

项目地址: 南宁


业主单位 中海宏洋南宁公司

景观设计: 深圳市派澜景观规划设计有限公司


建筑设计: 梁黄顾建筑设计(深圳)有限公司


竣工时间 : 2023.6

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绿城桂语朝阳 | 万物生长之间,觅一处静谧时光

推荐语:城市山林之境,只在此时此地 物之美者 招摇之桂 凤凰鸣矣,于彼高岗 梧桐生矣,于彼朝阳 写在前面 “物之美者,招摇之桂。”桂花,自古就深受中国人的喜爱,被视为传统名花,喻吉祥之意,是美好事物的象征。面向东方迎朝阳。“凤凰鸣矣,于彼高岗;梧桐生矣,于彼朝阳。”凤凰栖于间,寓意光明吉祥。


经验值 +10