如果说办公空间承载着一家企业的动能与创造力,那么作为第三空间出现的企业图书馆,则构成了思想堡垒与文化属地。由KiKi建筑设计事务所为知名企业「贝壳」打造的Homelinker图书馆,即传达了这样的理念。它自然而静谧,同时开放共享,充满积极的力量,如同贝壳生物的斐波那契螺旋线,以圆融且笃定的轨迹,筑造包容的精神空间。 If the office space carries the energy and creativity of an enterprise, then the unique library, which appears as the third space, constitutes the ideological and cultural part. The Homelinker Library, created by KiKi ARCHi for the well-known enterprise Beike, conveys this philosophy. It is natural and quiet, at the same time open and shared, full of positive power, like the Fibonacci spiral of shell creatures, with a rounded and determined trajectory, to create an inclusive spiritual space. 整个图书馆的设计过程从场地筛选开始,共计8层的的办公楼,每一层都存在不同的观景视角,在仰望、俯视与远眺中,KiKi建筑设计事务所最终将图书馆选址设立在2层临窗的独立区域。 这个附带弧形玻璃窗的200㎡空间,最打动人的地方,是窗外郁郁葱葱的树景。 树冠的高度,恰好形成天然的绿色屏障,为室内带来宁静、安定的气息,枝叶繁茂的景象,也喻意着精神滋养下的不断生长。 The library design process begins with site selection. Each of the eight floors of the office building has a different view angle. KiKi ARCHi finally sets the library in a separate area on the second floor with a big, curved glass window. The most impressive scene in this 200㎡ space is the green tree scenery outside the window. The height of the tree crown forms a natural green barrier, bringing peace and stability to the inner, and the scene of lush leaves also means continuous growth under spiritual nourishment. 图书馆的入口,位于一层大阶梯的顶端,没有刻意强化进入的仪式感,而是以白色圆弧为元素,轻盈巧妙的“溢出”于空间。 与它衔接的,是贝壳创始人左晖曾收藏的艺术画作《我的梦想》,带着纯粹、率真的表达,回应企业创立之初的原点与心境。 独特的入口以“流动”的形态,与办公楼主环境的科技感相融合,与此同时,蜿蜒的动线也即将向内展开。 The library entrance is at the top of a large staircase, which does not deliberately strengthen the sense of entering the ceremony but takes the white arc element as one sign ‘overflowed’ into the space to express the light and ingenious atmosphere. Meanwhile, the art painting ‘My Dream’ was collected by Hui Zuo, the founder of Beike, with a pure and frank expression, responding to the origin and state of mind at the beginning of the establishment of the enterprise. This white entrance is integrated with the technological style of the office building environment, while the winding movement line is about to unfold inward. 白色铝格栅回廊,提供了序列感的穿行体验,角落里,由杨茂源创作的《无限生长》雕塑作品,展现着“珍珠贝”的原色与“玛尼堆”的美好祝愿。 在循环阵列的交替下,人们抵达图书馆中心展示区——创始人手稿陈列墙。 它由两面弧形隔断组成,半封闭的圆形空间,让动线暂停,通透的设计手法,制造出时空的对话。 思想于此碰撞、汇合,再借由无数的窗格发散出去,更新对事物的认知与理解。 Enter the library, the white aluminum grating corridor provides a sense of a serial walking experience, and the sculpture created by artist Maoyuan Yang is placed in the corner, showing the primary color of the pearl shell and the good wishes of Marnyi Stone. With a circle of artistic atmosphere, visitors will arrive at the central exhibition area of the library, the display wall of the founder’s manuscripts. This semi-closed circular space consists of two curved partitions, providing a space for staying and thinking. The partitions use a transparent design style to create a dialogue of time and space, allow the thoughts to collide and converge here, and then spread out through countless panes, inspiring a new understanding of things. 动线的末端,是临窗阅读区与休憩区。 书架、卡座与书桌全部采用弧形方式呈现,如同一个螺旋的腔体,包裹住知识的内核,同时赋予足够的呼吸感,拓宽“思”的维度。 原木色材质的应用,将白色空间拉回至更真实、理性的状态,也与窗外的树景形成呼应。 在一层层的叠加与释放中,Homelinker图书馆完成了与“人”的多元交流,纪念着初创之心,更启发着未来探索之路。 The end of the moving line is the reading area beside the window. The bookshelf, booth seat, and desk are all presented in an arc way, like a spiral cavity, enclosing the core of knowledge, while giving enough breath to broaden the dimension of thinking. The design of the original wood material pulls the white space back to a more natural and rational state and echoes the tree scenery outside the window as well. In layers of superposition and release, Homelinker Library has completed multiple exchanges with people, space, and thought. It commemorates the start-up heart and inspires the road to future exploration. 项目名称:Homelinker 图书馆 项目业主:贝壳 项目位置:北京,中国 项目类型:图书馆 设计公司:KiKi建筑设计事务所 主持设计师:关佳彦 设计团队:穐吉彩加,王天苹 项目面积:200㎡ 设计周期:2022.03.01 – 2022.05.20 施工周期:2022.07.01 – 2022.11.30 材料与品牌:吊顶-铝板 / 地面-地胶 / 环保乳胶漆 摄影:锐景摄影 Project Name:Homelinker Library Client:Beike Project Location:Beijing, China Element:Library Design Firm:KiKi ARCHi Director:Yoshihiko Seki Design Team:Saika Akiyoshi, Tianping Wang Area:200㎡ Design Period:2022.03.01 – 2022.05.20 Construction Period:2022.07.01 – 2022.11.30 Material & Brands:PVC sheet / Aluminum plate / Latex paint Photography:Ruijing Photo Beijing
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